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Thread: EastEnders Spoilers Week 40 (05 - 09 Oct)

  1. #11
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    Syd is not gone yet

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss delage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sindydoll View Post
    so the vandalising is related to the gay affair?
    someone sees Chryed sharing a passionate moment
    yes i know that so this vandalising is over that?
    westlife @ echo 18th march 2011 block 17
    westlife @ men 22nd march 2011 block C

  3. #13
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    Is Bradley really leaving for Canada or will he stay for Stacey's sake?

  4. #14
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    I am sure he is staying but I believe Syd will be leaving.

  5. #15
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    Is James the vandal or someone else?

  6. #16
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    ah yea sounds like James then not Janine

  7. #17
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    It looks to be one of EastEnders' emotional weeks of the year in a fortnight's time as Stacey (Lacey Turner) goes into complete meltdown.

    With Jean's (Gillian Wright) concern for her daughter heightening, she confronts Stacey about her behaviour and Stacey admits that she's been having visions in the form of her late father Brian, among other people. As it's the day that Bradley (Charlie Clements) and Syd (Nina Toussaint-White) are moving to Canada, Stacey asks Bradley if he has already left Walford, before admitting that he was the only person she ever loved.

    Convinced that Bradley now hates her, Stacey drops everything and bolts out of the door to see him. As she storms into Dot's (June Brown) house, Stacey launches into an apology for the way she's treated him and reveals that she still loves him. Syd tries to interject, but Stacey manically continues to talk and reveals to Bradley that she's been having visions of their daughter.

    Syd and Bradley's taxi turns up and when Syd insists that they leave, Stacey begs him to stay with her. Syd attempts to break off their conversation but Stacey insists that she has every right to talk to her husband. It's a heartbreaking moment, though, when Syd screams that they're no longer married.

    Bradley acknowledges Syd's claims as truthful, before heading for the door. Stacey once again begs her ex-husband to stay, but he tells her to go away and leave him alone.

    With that, a hysterical Stacey bolts across the Square...

    Scenes air 9th October

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  9. #18
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    UNSTABLE Stacey Branning declares her love for ex-hubby Bradley just as he’s about to leave for a new life in Canada.

    The babe, who is bipolar, bursts into Dot’s where she finds them waiting for their taxi.

    Shocked at Bradley’s decision to quit the Square with girlfriend Syd Chambers, she frantically apologises for all the hurt she’s caused him.

    She then declares her love for him and says nobody understands her like him.

    Syd tries to intervene but Stacey ignores her and begs Bradley to stay.

    Furious Syd again tries to throw her out – just as the taxi arrives. Running out of time, hysterical Stacey makes one last plea before Bradley snaps. He breaks down and tells her he never wants to see her again.

    But fans will be left wondering whether he can ever leave her.

    An EastEnders insider said: “Stacey is at home with her mum when she realises Bradley was the one person she truly loved. She then rushes to Dot’s house to confess her feelings and apologise for ruining their marriage.

    “Bradley does his best to stay calm but Syd has none of it. She can’t believe Stacey is trying to ruin his future.

    “In the end Bradley has no choice but to tell her to go.

    “As you can imagine she’s completely heartbroken and can’t deal with it.” You can catch all the drama on BBC1 a week on Friday.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to tammyy2j For This Useful Post:

    lizann (28-09-2009)

  11. #19
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    Detailed spoilers 05 - 09 Oct

    From Digital Spy[

    B]Syed tells Zainab that Masood's the bad boy[/B]
    Airs on Monday, October 5 2009 at 20:00 BST on BBC One

    As Syed attempts to paint over the 'Bad Boy' graffiti on the front door, Zainab panics him when she reveals that she knows who the bad boy of the family is - it's Tamwar and she'll be able to prove it before the day's out. Presuming the vandalism was for his benefit, Syed rushes to the café in search of Christian. Unable to find him, Syed receives a call from Zainab who's worrying about Tamwar's whereabouts. Syed soon finds Tamwar looking at his phone but when asked what he's looking at, he refuses to show his brother. Having found Tamwar, Syed tracks down Christian to his flat and expresses his concern that someone knows about their secret affair. Christian, however, tries to allay his fears.

    Returning home, Syed finds Zainab spying on Tamwar and when they barge into the room, they find Tamwar watching something on his laptop. With that, Zainab orders Syed to get Masood. With the family gathered, they discover what Tamwar's been doing - running an impressions website ( on which he mocks the locals, including Pat, Peggy, Patrick and Dot. When Masood points out that the impersonations don't make Tamwar a bad boy, Zainab's concern turns to her husband. Syed tries to talk to his father about the graffiti, but Masood's convinced that Syed's been a bad boy. After a trip to see Christian, Syed decides to clear the air with his father.

    On his arrival at Masala Queen, Syed overhears Masood arranging a trip to the cinema with Jane. Keen to evade any finger pointing, Syed returns home and tells Zainab that Masood's definitely the bad boy…

    Meanwhile, Jean finds a concerned Stacey watching Ryan's every move out of the window. Jean, however, assures her that he probably fancies her. An erratic Stacey then tries to help Ryan sell his stock on her old market stall. At that moment, Stacey sees a dark-haired little girl in the market. Stacey gives chase, but she disappears. With Bradley's help, Stacey manages to get her job back on the stall. All's going well until Stacey spots the little girl again and when she loses focus, a customer runs off without paying for their goods. Frustrated by Ryan's anger, Stacey tells him to stick his job, before running off home.

    Elsewhere, Jean assures Bradley that she'll tell Stacey about the divorce; Sam realises that she needs a job; Max receives a stash of bills and final demands and work's slow; Ronnie becomes frustrated by Sam's continual criticisms; Peggy gives Sam £100 and tells her that it's to last her all week; Max isn't happy to hear that Tanya suggests that they go see Bradley in Canada for Christmas without consulting him; and Sam silences Ronnie when she reveals her knowledge of her pregnancy plot.

    Zainab accuses Masood of having an affair
    Airs on Tuesday, October 6 2009 at 19:30 BST on BBC One

    A desperate Syd's trying to find someone to look after Sugar the dog while they're in Canada. Seeing her angst, Bradley promises to find Sugar a new home and resolves to tell Stacey about the divorce. Bradley goes to see Stacey but she's dismissive of his arrival and suggests that he go pack. She also offers to look after Sugar. While working on the stall, Stacey's erratic behaviour intensifies again and with that, she goes for him and claims that she'll soon have a big dog to protect her from him. Charlie's later concerned when Stacey mentions that she plans to look after Syd's dog when she and Bradley move to Canada. Bradley, meanwhile, arranges some 'bon voyage' drinks in The Vic, but Peggy's not keen on looking after the dog.

    Later, Bradley goes to Max and Tanya's house and asks Abi if she'll look after Sugar and she excitedly accepts. Max, however, isn't impressed. Bradley confronts his father, insisting that he's never been supportive of him and with that, Max relents. Soon after, Bradley breaks the news to an upset Stacey that she can't have Sugar. While Jean assures Bradley that she'll tell Stacey about the divorce, Stacey's rifling through Ryan's jacket in the launderette. When Archie walks in, he grabs her violently and says 'I'm going to tell 'em about you'. A shaken Stacey returns home and Jean's alarmed by her behaviour. Stacey sits on her bed mumbling 'he's going to kill me'…

    Meanwhile, Zainab and Masood attend the hospital for a baby scan, but Zainab's in a foul mood. On their return to the Square, Masood shows off the scan picture. A furious Zainab, convinced of the affair, exclaims that Masood and Jane are carrying on behind everyone's backs. Jane's gobsmacked by the accusation, while Masood's incredulous that his wife could think such a thing. Zainab goes on to reveal that Syed hears them arranging a trip to the cinema. An argument between Zainab and Masood ensues, before she has a heart-to-heart with Jane, who makes it clear that she and Masood are just good friends. Concerned that she and Masood don't do more as a couple, she apologises to him, but Masood questions their marriage - if they don't have trust, do they even have a relationship?

    Elsewhere, Archie watches a slightly disturbed Stacey in the café; Sam sees an advert for a dance contest; Ronnie asks Roxy why she told Peggy about her attempts to become pregnant; Peggy tells an incredulous Sam that she'll be buying only healthy food from now on in order to help Ronnie in her pregnancy plight; Sam manages to get Phil to agree to give Ricky his job back at the Arches; Bradley tells Syd that he's glad to be leaving Walford; and Ronnie tells Peggy that she thinks she's pregnant.

    Stacey's condition worsens
    Airs on Thursday, October 8 2009 at 19:30 BST on BBC One

    An anxious Stacey stares out of her bedroom window and sees the same young girl in the Square that she's been seeing all week and when their eyes meet, Stacey backs away from the window. Jean enters the room to give Stacey her pill and attempts to convince her to attend Bradley's leaving party. Stacey, however, insists that she doesn't care about his departure. With Jean out of the room, Stacey spits out the pill and places it with the rest in the back of her wedding album. When Tanya and the girls leave for the party, Max claims that he has better things to be doing. Later, Tanya returns and asks Max why he didn't want to go, prompting Max to admit his belief that he'll never be able to make it up to his son for his past mistakes. Tanya points out that Bradley will never forgive him if he doesn't say goodbye.

    Over at The Vic, Bradley's talking to his mother Rachel who's revelling in the fact that Max hasn't shown up to his own son's leaving drinks. It's not long before Tanya returns to the party with Max, who immediately takes Bradley to one side and profusely apologises for everything he's ever done to hurt him and admits that it'll be sad to see him leave. Max tells Bradley that he's never hurt him, but he reminds him about Stacey. At that moment, Bradley reveals that he wants to see Stacey for one last time. Meanwhile, Rachel and Tanya come to blows over Max in the toilet but Tanya gains the upper hand when she reminds her that everyone's moved on apart from her.

    Over at the Slaters', Stacey's sat watching the television with no lights on when the doorbell rings. Max shouts through the letterbox and a petrified Stacey cagily makes her way into the hall. With that, she quickly opens the door and drags Max inside, slams the door and frantically bolts it again. Stacey asks if he saw a little girl outside, but Max explains that he's there to ask if she'll see Bradley for one last time before he leaves for Canada. On hearing a strange noise, Stacey declines his suggestion, before pushing him out the door again. Max protests that Bradley loves her, but she seemingly doesn't care and secures the door again. Stacey gets ready and decides to go to The Vic anyway. A shadow of her former self, a hazed Stacey walks into the bar. Rachel starts talking to her but when she sees Bradley she says goodbye and good luck.

    Stacey sees Ryan, who asks for his belongings back but Stacey reveals that she knows he and Syd are trying to drug her. Hurrying away from Ryan, Stacey bumps into Archie and swiftly accuses him of trying to hurt Peggy in the same way he hurt Danielle. Stacey rushes to the toilets. Archie follows and on seeing him, Stacey smashes a glass and threatens to cut his face. Stacey darts past him back into the bar and cuts his hand on the way. Everyone stares at Stacey as she proclaims that Ryan and Syd are in league and attempting to drug her, before accusing Archie of trying to attack her. Jean tries to calm her daughter down, but Stacey claims that her mum's also working against her.

    Dropping the glass, Stacey rushes out of The Vic and Jean follows. Outside, Jean tries to calm her down and Stacey screams that she's not taken her medicine in weeks. Stacey runs home and threatens to leave if anyone tries to stop her. With that, Jean rushes to Dr Al for help…

    Elsewhere, a shock revelation stuns Ronnie to the core; and Roxy finds Sam with a leaflet that reads 'Wanted: Topless Models'.

    Stacey spirals out of control
    Airs on Friday, October 9 2009 at 20:00 BST on BBC One

    At the Slaters', Stacey's a woman on the edge as she shakes and cries hysterically. Frustrated by the flickering lights, Stacey switches off the electricity in the house and sits alone, begging 'please, please, leave me alone'. A devastated Jean, meanwhile, is at the surgery with Dr Al claiming that Stacey needs to be sectioned. Dr Al suggests that Jean be at home with Stacey while he arranges for a medical team to collect her. At The Vic, Bradley's consumed with thoughts of his ex-wife's deteriorating health, but everyone assures him that she'll be fine and suggests that he and Syd leave for Canada. Jean returns home to a pitch-black house to find Stacey crying in the living room.

    After Jean turns the lights on, the phone rings and Stacey urges her not to answer. She does, though, and Dr Al informs Jean that the medical team will be there within the hour. Having seen Stacey's increasingly volatile condition, Jean urges him to hurry them along, as Stacey's clearly unstable. Heading upstairs, Jean finds Stacey packing her belongings in her bedroom. She tries to assure her daughter that new medication will solve her problems and with that, Stacey reaches for her wedding album and reveals the pills she's been stashing for the last number of weeks. Stacey begins taking them one by one and Jean frantically tells her to stop, before dragging Stacey to the bathroom to be sick. Reaching breaking point, Jean slaps Stacey and demands that she listen.

    Stacey slumps over the toilet and regurgitates the pills. Jean hugs her daughter tightly, while Stacey explains that she wants to be with her illness on her own. Stacey reveals that she's been seeing people, including her late father Brian. With a photo of Bradley in hand, Stacey asks if he's left for his new life yet, before admitting that Bradley was the only person she ever loved – and believes that he now hates her. Deciding that she wants to see him, Stacey heads out to Dot's house. Barging inside, she finds Bradley and Syd readying themselves to leave for their new life in Canada. In desperation, Stacey frantically apologises and insists that she loves him. Syd tries to cut in but Stacey continues and admits to Bradley that she's been having visions of their daughter.

    At that moment, the taxi arrives to take Bradley and Stacey to the airport. While Stacey begs Bradley to stay and hear her out, Syd demands that Stacey let them leave. Stacey protests that nobody can stop her from talking to her husband, causing Syd to scream that she and Bradley are no longer married. Bradley's forced to agree and reveals that the final paperwork came through three weeks ago. Bradley tries to leave and when Stacey begs him to stay, he tells her to go away and leave him alone. Bolting home, Stacey runs in on Jean with Dr Al, the medical team, a psychiatrist and a policeman. Stacey instinctively grabs a lamp and throws it at the policeman.

    Running into the Square, the policeman tries to restrain Stacey. She spots Bradley across the street and shouts that she loves him. Witnessing the commotion, Bradley rushes over, but Syd says that they must leave. Seeing Stacey's turmoil, Bradley shouts at the police officers to stop hurting her. However, Syd drags Bradley away, while Stacey begs Jean not to let them take her away…

    Elsewhere, Ronnie deals with the aftermath of the shocking revelation.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    parkerman (29-09-2009), tammyy2j (29-09-2009)

  13. #20
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    Has Joel had a vasectomy?

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