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Thread: Corrie Spoilers 24th - 27th August

  1. #1
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    Cool Corrie Spoilers 24th - 27th August

    A shocked Gail (Helen Worth) takes photos of David’s injuries for the police. David (Jack P Shepherd) reckons it was Joe (Reece Dinsdale) who beat him up but Gail’s upset and doesn’t know what to think. Joe eventually arrives home, having spent the night in his van, and he’s shocked at the state of David, swearing to Gail he had nothing to do with it. Tina (Michelle Keegan) meanwhile is horrified at David’s injuries and asks him what time he was attacked, the nature of her questions make David realise that Tina thinks Jason was responsible and he’s furious. Tina confronts Jason but Jason swears he never even saw David last night. It is clear Tina doesn’t believe him and it isn’t long before the police turn up at No.11 and arrest Jason on suspicion of assault.

    Rita (Barbara Knox) tells Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) how Emily (Eileen Derbyshire) is going to miss him and urges him to stay in Weatherfield. This has given him food for thought and he announces to Emily and Rita he’s decided to stick around and is going to put an offer in on a flat in Victoria Court. Emily’s delighted.

    Gail and Joe have a heart to heart after the situation with David. They admit they still love each other and agree to give their relationship another go but can it work after everything they’ve been through?

    Jesse (John Thomson) tells Eileen (Sue Cleaver) his mother has thrown him out and he’d like to take her up on her offer. Eileen’s pleased but is not so sure what to think when Jesse arrives complete with a parrot called John!

    This episode is written by Daran Little and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is Neil Johnston.

    PI for the rest of the week.
    NB. Due to UEFA football the schedules have changed,

    Monday 24 August [2]

    All the old rivalry comes flooding back as Eileen (Sue Cleaver) and Gail (Helen Worth) row on the street whilst Jason is driven off in a police car. Tina’s furious and, sticking up for Jason (Ryan Thomas), tells Gail and Joe (Reece Dinsdale) how David (Jack P Shepherd)came round to the flat and threatened her. Later Jason’s released as there’s no evidence against him and Tina (Michelle Keegan) apologises for disbelieving him. David is gutted when Jason gets off scot free but he’s shocked when someone else confesses to the beating.

    Meanwhile things are looking up for Joe as he tells Gail he’s got a part-time job in a hardware job. Audrey’s (Sue Nicholls) unimpressed but Gail’s pleased he’s making an effort.

    Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) accompanies Emily (Eileen Derbyshire) to Ernest’s grave. Ramsay talks about his childhood and it’s clear Emily’s very smitten with him. Once home Ramsay and Emily invite Norris (Malcom Hebdon) to join them for a game of Scrabble. Norris agrees thinking that Ramsay will be leaving for Australia soon and neither Emily nor Ramsey let him in Ramsey’s change of heart!

    Ashley (Steven Arnold) tells Claire (Julia Haworth) how Roy (David Neilson) has donated the weekend in Paris which he won as a prize for the charity fete. Claire’s thrilled and tries to lure Ashley home on a promise but a guilty Ashley takes Graeme (Craig Gazey) home with him to avoid having to tell her about his cancelled vasectomy.

    Jesse’s (John Thomson) deeply concerned that John the parrot has taken an instant dislike to Eileen (Sue Cleaver). He tells Eileen that John is usually a very good judge of character – could this be the end of a beautiful relationship?

    This episode is written by Simon Crowther and produced by Kim Crowther, the director is Neil Johnston

    Thursday 27 August

    David (Jack P Shepherd) reluctantly admits to Gail (Helen Worth) that Jason (Ryan Thomas) wasn’t behind the attack but he doesn’t tell her that he knows who the real culprit was. David agrees with Gail that he ought to tell the police he doesn’t think it was Jason. There’s relief at the Grimshaws’ when Jason gets a call from the police telling him he’s in the clear.

    Meanwhile David gets a warning from his attacker - they’re quits now and he wants him to stay out of his way in future.

    Jesse (John Thomson) tells Eileen (Sue Cleaver) that John the parrot likes to listen to classical music at breakfast time. Eileen’s fast getting fed up with John and his likes and dislikes. Later when Eileen pops home for her lunch John the parrot flies out of his cage and attacks her. A ruffled Eileen tells Jesse that in future the bird stays locked up.

    Joe (Reece Dinsdale) finds Tina’s charm bracelet wedged between the floorboards in the flat. Tina’s pleased but wishes she hadn’t accused David of taking it.

    Ramsay (Andrew Sachs) shows Norris (Malcom Hedbon) the flat he’s buying in Victoria Court and suggests Norris should move in with him. Norris is horrified at the idea and tells him so. Ramsay begs Norris to forgive him and put their differences behind them but Norris is unyielding. He makes it clear that if Ramsay doesn’t leave then he will. Ramsay packs his bags and leaves for Australia. Emily’s (Eileen Derbyshire) tearful as she watches him go.

    Ashley (Steven Arnold) gives up his most treasured possession, his signed Ricky Hatton boxing gloves as the prize for the charity fete. Claire’s (Julia Haworth) touched not knowing guilt has motivated her husband’s generosity.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    crystalsea (11-08-2009)

  3. #2
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    So who beats up David? Is it one of the Windasses?

  4. #3
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    What about Gary's uncle?

  5. #4
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    I think its whoever he bought the drugs off for Joe
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  6. #5
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    He did not buy the drugs off anyone, he took half the bottle supplied by Graham.

    As for the beating, how about Todd, (Jason's brother), when he and Sarah were together, he caused nothing but trouble.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by heardki View Post
    He did not buy the drugs off anyone, he took half the bottle supplied by Graham.

    As for the beating, how about Todd, (Jason's brother), when he and Sarah were together, he caused nothing but trouble.
    Maybe then its Gary Windass. After all devil boy put him in prison
    Last edited by alan45; 22-08-2009 at 17:58.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  8. #7
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    From today's Daily Mirror:

    "I wish I knew who did this to you," Eileen declares [to David]. "Because I'd shake him by the hand."

    Step forward Gary Windass. He may have a cast-iron alibi of being locked up, but it was David who had him sent down and Gary made sure he got his revenge. "And if you've any sense," he warns the Bratt, "you won't rattle my cage in future..."

  9. #8
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    OMG do you think it was Gary is he out of Prison now?

  10. #9
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    Never would of guessed.

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