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    Ryan Dean (Neil McDermott)

    For months, EastEnders newcomer Neil McDermott has been named only as 'man' on the credits but his identity has now finally been revealed.

    Ladies and gentlemen - as most of the online community have already guessed, Ryan is indeed Whitney's half-brother.

    Until now, Whitney - played by Shona McGarty - has believed her male follower to be her knight in shining armour.

    We saw Ryan fend off Whitney's potential love interest Todd Taylor (Ashley Kumar) back in February and then at the beginning of last month, he rugby tackled Nick Cotton (John Altman) to the ground before the café exploded.

    However, in a fortnight's time, Whtiney's handsome stranger reveals his true identity to his half-sister.

    So what do we know about Ryan? Well, he's nine years older than Whitney and they both have the same mother in Debra Dean (Ruth Gemmell). Surprisingly for soap, Ryan has "something of a dark past" and when Whitney starts asking questions about his life, Ryan immediately clams up. He's a closed, moody character and quick-witted kind of a guy, but certainly won't back away from potential trouble.

    Ryan has an eye for the ladies, too. Anyone in particular, I hear you cry? Well, Ronnie Mitchell's (Samantha Womack) on the top of his proverbial 'to do' list...

    A thief by nature, Ryan apparently doesn't stay in the same place for too long. So will he be hanging around for a while in Walford? He's certainly there for something - and if it's not his sister, then what?

    Speaking of his role, McDermott said: "I was really excited when I joined EastEnders and it's great that the viewers will finally learn who Ryan is and what he's all about."

    Executive producer Diederick Santer added: "Neil is a charismatic young actor playing an intriguing and complex character. While incognito, he made a big impression on EastEnders viewers. Now they know who he actually is, I'm sure things will get even more exciting."

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    Dutchgirl (16-07-2009), matt1378 (18-07-2009), tammyy2j (10-07-2009)

  3. #2
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    SORRY WRONG LINK LOL, i didnt mean that i just joined lol

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    Hi Scottshmum, you can edit your posts by clicking the edit button on the bottom right of your posts next to quote.

    Why not hop over to the introductions forum and introduce yourself there?

  5. #4
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    So he is staying in Walford?

  6. #5
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    yeah looks like it.

  7. #6
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    Having first walked onto our screens in April, EastEnders' latest recruit, 28-year-old Neil McDermott, has remained mostly anonymous, save for being described as 'man' on the show's credits. At the end of last week, however, his character's identity was finally confirmed - his Walford counterpart's name is Ryan, the half-brother of Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty). Next week, Ryan returns to the Square in search of his mother Debra (Ruth Gemmell). What's he looking for? What's his story? And what makes him decide to stick around? We gave Neil a call to find out more.

    You've been thrown in at the deep end…
    "Yeah, majorly. I had a slow beginning with the odd episode here and there, which was helpful in settling in. Then I had a few weeks off, before coming back to do a few more episodes. Once I get started properly with the storylines, which I think is next week now, it's pretty much full-on. Ryan's storylines are really strong. It's good fun."

    How have you settled in?
    "I did my first day's work at the end of February and since then, I've been having to not tell anyone who I am and try and keep everything as secret as possible! Everyone here has been really welcoming and supportive. And now I'm meeting more of the cast as Ryan gets around the Square and interacts with more people."

    How did the part come about and how was the character described to you?
    "I got an audition through for EastEnders and they sent me a character description for Ryan. They didn't tell me at the time who he was at all! I went in and had a meeting with the producers about the character and read for it, which went well. I then got a recall, so I went back and we chatted more and then I was offered a part. As soon as I read the description and spoke to the producers about what they wanted to do with the character, I was very excited. Sometimes you just really want to get a part and for me, this was one of those occasions."

    Where's Ryan been? What's his back story?
    "They just described him as a bad boy character whose mother had given him away when he was young and didn't care for him. He grew up with an alcoholic father who died when he was about 12 and Ryan then went into foster homes, which he didn't like. He ended living on the streets a lot and got involved with the wrong crowd. He had to make his own way in life, which is why he's a very independent person. Sometimes he acts in dodgy ways to get what he needs, too. That was the general description of him."

    They've set you up as the new alpha male of the Square. What's it feel like taking the reigns as EastEnders' new 'hunk'?
    "I don't know about that! We'll see what happens… I don't really think about that in all honesty. It's something that scares me a little bit. I try and play the part as best as I can, but I guess I'll find out over the next few weeks if people think of me in that way or not. With the storylines in EastEnders at the moment, though, there are a few guys to follow! We've got Marc Elliott as Syed and Adam Croasell as Dr Al. Maybe it'll get shared around a bit?!"

    There's already been a parallel drawn between yourself and Rob Kazinksy's character Sean Slater - what's your take on that?
    "I can understand that. Sean was the older brother of Stacey and Ryan's the older brother of Whitney. In that case, the scenario's very similar, as is the relationship. Ryan has an eye for the ladies, too, and he has an aggression problem, which is similar. I'm not trying to copy what Rob's done, though, I'm just playing the part in the way I think he should be played. Sean was a very successful character, though, so it's not bad to be compared to someone who had such a good impact on the show.

    "The way I look at Ryan is that he's someone who has a really big heart but because of the life he's led, he's just built up so many barriers around him that he's scared of showing any emotion at all. That's where his aggression comes from - he doesn't want to get hurt. Sometimes I think that angry people are those that care most about things because they're sensitive to situations. So when someone hurts them, they react in a big way and become really irate. All Ryan needs is a good woman, some sort of mother or father figure, and a good psychiatrist and he'll be alright!"

    Why is Ryan looking for his mum Debra (Ruth Gemmell)?
    "Ryan was involved in a gang and he got himself in a lot of trouble and became a wanted man. They came to find him and he got into a ruck with one of the guys and he ended up in a situation where he had to defend himself. Ryan only attacked the other guy in self-defence, though. He was really scared and in a moment of panic ran to him mum - of all people - and asked her to hide the knife before he disappeared back into the night. Now he wants to get rid of the knife once and for all but she's been using it against him to get what she wanted."

    Does Ryan struggle with the fact that he has a sister in Whitney that cares about him?
    "He's never had unconditional love in his life. His mother doesn't love him and his dad didn't care for him, so he doesn't understand the concept. Whitney's offering that to him as his sister when she doesn't even know him. She's reaching out to him and he's taken aback a little. He starts to warm to it, though, and as the story progresses, they build this great brother-sister relationship."

    What's it like working with Shona?
    "It's great - Shona's fantastic and she's such a good little actress. We hit it off straight away. We've worked quite closely building up this sibling relationship on screen, so much so that I can't help but be like her brother off set, too! She's lovely and a very, very talented actress."

    Ryan has quite an air of mystery about him, doesn't he?
    "Yeah, he's very mysterious and he has lots of secrets that unfold as we go along. It's great for me to play as while we're going along, there's always something going on."

    Have you had any moment where you've had to pinch your self to check that it's real and that you are working on EastEnders?
    "Most people say that the first time you see June Brown as Dot walking towards you through the Square, you get a bit scared! A lot of the guys here have been doing it so long and I've grown up watching them on TV. I loved the Mitchell brothers when I was growing up, so it's really strange talking to Steve [McFadden] as an actor, rather than seeing him as Phil!"

    More from Neil McDermott on Ryan's arrival

    The question on everyone's lips over the last few months has been 'Who's the man following Whitney around in EastEnders?' Well, the wait is nearly over and next week's reveal episodes are ones not to be missed.

    Some already knew his name, some had already guessed his true identity. But only last week, however, was the truth about his connection to Whitney (Shona McGarty) finally revealed. Yep, Ryan - played by 28-year-old Neil McDermott - is Whitney's half-brother. He turns up in Walford in search of their mother Debra (Ruth Gemmell) because she has something he's looking for. A knife to be exact...

    Yesterday, I caught up with the man himself to find out more about the character, his first week of episodes and what's to come from Ryan over the next few weeks. Click here to read the main part of the interview. Read on, though, for the bonus bits!

    You have quite an intense first few scenes with Whitney and Debra…
    "He's got a lot on his mind, as has Debra and Whitney's going through a lot at the time, too. It makes for some passionate drama."

    There's one scene where Ryan and Debra are constantly talking over each other - how many times did it take to film that?
    "We had to do quite a few takes with that one! Ruth [Gemmell] - who plays Debra - is absolutely brilliant. We just worked really hard at that scene. We decided that Ryan and Debra were characters who wouldn't listen to each other very much and could therefore continue their own stream of consciousness without letting the other person interrupt them. That's what we went for anyway."

    Why didn't Ryan just tell Whitney who he was?
    "At the very beginning, he'd only just learned from Debra that he has a half-sister. He didn't know about her until that point, so he's turned up in Walford to find her. Obviously he's looking for Debra and he thinks that his mum's going to turn up to see Whitney. So in a way, he's using Whitney to get to their mother."

    What's happened in Ryan's past for him to have become involved in gangs?
    "I know that from a young age he just got involved with the wrong crowd. Ryan's not a really aggressive or violent man, but he's a thief. He ended up moving away from that, though. He'd love to live a normal life, but he's never had the opportunity to."

    Ryan reveals that his father's dead. Do you think he's really dead?
    "I think you have to take everything Ryan says with a punch of salt because he says what needs to be said at any time, so who knows… At the moment, I don't know anything more - as far as I'm concerned, his father's dead."

    Ryan mentions towards the end of his first week that he doesn't want his life being complicated with woman - do you think he's had a bad experience in his past?
    "Yeah, when we were discussing the backstory for Ryan, he said that he was once involved in a relationship with a girl and it ended up getting him in trouble."

    He's all ready to leave towards the end of the week, isn't he? Is it Ronnie that stops him?
    "I don't know if it's purely Ronnie. With Ryan, he starts to warm to Whitney throughout the week. At first, he wants to sort out the situation and get out because he actually thinks that he's a bad influence for Whitney and she should stay with what she already has. Whitney, however, actually wants him to be around and he starts to realise that. As he's walking out of Walford, he clocks eyes on Ronnie and there's an instant attraction. I don't know if he wants a relationship with her, but he certainly wants to speak to her."

    Didn't take the storyliners long to get you half-naked in a scene, did it?!
    "Have you seen that?! No, it didn't take them long at all! I opened up a script after not being here very long and I just thought 'ah ok… I need to get down to the gym', Everyone's a bit vain when they've got to take their clothes off on screen!"

    Will Ryan be involved in the trial?
    "I'm not sure, but if it happens I suspect so. Ryan doesn't actually know what's happened, but when he learns more about it, I can't imagine him not wanting to be involved, knowing the way he is."

    Will we be seeing Debra again?
    "I'd love to see Ruth [Gemmell] again. There was talk when she was around that she might come back, but that's a decision [for the powers that be]. I hope she comes back, though, she's fantastic."

    Where does the spark with Ronnie lead?
    "It's definitely lust at the beginning. Obviously Ronnie has a lot of her own issues that Ryan doesn't know anything about. So he's trying to get to know her a little bit but she has ulterior motives, shall we say…"

    You're put behind the bar at The Vic, too - you must be quite privileged to be behind the bar of one of Britain's most famous pubs!
    "Yeah, he gets a job at The Vic, which is how he gets to know Ronnie. He needs a job as he has no money and he wants to stay around, so after Whitney finds him a place to stay, he see the pub and tries to get a job. When he sees Ronnie's working there, he tries to kill two birds with one stone!"

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    Dutchgirl (16-07-2009), matt1378 (18-07-2009), tammyy2j (30-07-2009)

  9. #7
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    about time we had a bit of totty
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  10. #8
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    I'd like him to have some scenes with Phil. Maybe a two hander episode further down the line set in the Vic. Phil is back on the bottle and Ryan tries to make him see sense as it brings back memories of his alcoholic dad. It would be a perfect opportunity to explore a bit more of his past and his experiences with his father.

    I am really liking his scenes with Whitney at the moment and he does remind me a bit of Sean.

  11. #9
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    He reminds me of Liam from Corrie

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    He reminds me of Liam from Corrie
    he's fit too
    westlife @ echo 18th march 2011 block 17
    westlife @ men 22nd march 2011 block C

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