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Thread: Hollyoaks Spoilers 08-12 June

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    Hollyoaks Spoilers 08-12 June

    2576: Zak's lie is exposed
    Airs on Monday, June 8 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Sasha's mourning for Warren and in her grief, she seems hell-bent on alienating everyone around her. Michaela attempts to cheer up and offers to take her out. After some persuasion, a reluctant Sasha agrees. However, seeing the burnt-out carcass of The Loft only serves to bring back painful memories. Even worse, when the girls bump into Caleb, a tactless remark from him bristles her even more. He offers to buy her a drink to make up for his faux-pas.

    In The Dog, the sour mood continues. While Michaela's preoccupied by Zak's homecoming, Sasha deflects any offers of sympathy. As Zak returns, an over-excited Michaela probes him about the TA training camp. For a while, Zak keeps up the pretence, but under Caleb's interrogation, Zak's eventually forced to admit that he's actually been staying with a mate all weekend. This leaves Caleb disappointed and Michaela hurt. Nevertheless, Zak manages to reconcile with his girlfriend.

    Meanwhile, Sasha has been slowly becoming increasingly drunk and more obnoxious. Things come to a head when Zak and Michaela confront her, but she storms out. Sasha seems determined to keep Warren's memory alive, but she may end up pushing all her friends away in the process.

    Sarah's finding it difficult to adjust to having her new girlfriend Lydia around her dad Mike, but Lydia forms a plan for a bonding session. Mike walks in on Sarah and Lydia kissing and all partied feel awkward about the situation. The awkwardness, however, increases as Lydia teases Sarah playfully over her music collection and Mike doesn't know where to look. Lydia seems oblivious, but Sarah, sensing the atmosphere, makes her excuses and leaves, hiding away in her bedroom with her new girlfriend.

    Taking the initiative, Lydia later invites Mike to the SU for some bonding with her and Sarah, which puts father and daughter on the spot. In the end, Lydia's plan comes off a success as she and Mike discover a mutual taste in music. The fact that Mike's taking an interest in her girlfriend also brings Sarah closer to her dad. Lydia's thrilled with her work…

    Elsewhere, Cindy's worried about a missing Darren, while she finds herself in trouble with Tony for trying to contact him in work. However, she makes up an excuse about Holly but goes to find Darren instead. Meanwhile, Michaela accuses Tony for being the catalyst in Jacqui's recent runaway.

    When Cindy turns up at Darren's flat, he's in a mess, his guilt eating away at him for coming clean to the police. Convinced that everyone hates him, Cindy tries to pull him together, but worried by his behaviour, she disappears. Returning to Il Gnosh, she expresses her fears to a sympathetic Tony. She's concerned that she won't be able to look after her lover and when Darren turns up at Il Gnosh, she hides. Still stung by Michaela's accusations, Tony decides to make some amends by doing Darren a good turn. When he turns up at Darren's flat and offers him some work on a charity event, Darren's spirits are lifted again…

    2577: Zoe's plagiarism is uncovered
    Airs on Tuesday, June 9 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    On discovering that Tony has hired Darren, Cindy panics. She still doesn't know how to deal with him. However, by avoiding him, she only serves to heighten Darren's paranoia. It's not long before Darren's unhappy, as Tony shouts at im for misusing the espresso machine. However, a rash decision by Tony to place Darren in charge of advertising for the charity event really bolsters Darren's confidence.

    Tony begins to regret making the gesture, however, when the power goes to Darren's head. While Tony becomes more incensed, Cindy's glad to see Darren back to normal. She manages to persuade Tony not to fire Darren and they both share an untypically warm moment together…

    Feeling guilty for arguing with Sasha the previous day,, Michaela goes to apologise. Sasha doesn't answer the door and Michaela has to shout her apology through the letter box. Sasha, however, does decide that it's time to stop kidding herself about Warren.

    Still dressed in mourning black, she goes to meet Michaela at the SU bar. Both are in an apologetic mood. Sasha tells Michaela that she's just jealous of her and Zak and she also makes her peace with the fact that Warren probably did not really love her…

    When Ste tells Abi that Mike has offered to look after Lucas while he enrols on an HND, she panics. This may mean less time with Lucas for her and it's clear that she's becoming dangerously attached to Ste's baby. Before he can enrol, though, Ste has to get Tony to sponsor him.

    While Natty is supportive, Daniel does his best to sabotage the plan, causing chaos in Il Gnosh and landing the blame on Ste. However, to the alarm of Daniel and Abi, Tony agrees and it looks like Lucas will be spending more time with his granddad. While Ste's prospects are looking up, things are not working out as Daniel and Abi had planned. They both decide that the only solution is to start making life more difficult for the young father…

    Zoe is anxious to receive her acceptance letter from the Film School, while Archie suggests that she's just grouchy because there's a lack of romance in her life. When Natty appears, Archie teases his sister, trying to set her up with him. Later, while Archie is busy flirting with Charlotte, Zoe is surprised when Natty shows up again. Archie's charm falls flat, but Natty and Zoe are getting on well - that is until Adrian enters.

    The tension increases when Sarah also turns up with Lydia. Archie cannot help putting his foot in it, nearly revealing Zoe's past lesbian encounters in front of Natty. Adrian surprises Zoe by showing her film in the SU bar. She's horrified that her plagiarism is about to be exposed and asks Archie for his help.

    Archie attempts to switch off the film and deflect attention all fail and, realising it that the film is about her, Sarah storms out. Mortified, Sarah even lashes out at Lydia and cannot bring herself to go home to the father who she now knows almost abandoned her as a child…

    2578: It's the day of Tony's charity event
    Airs on Wednesday, June 10 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Sarah returns home after being out all night. Still upset with Mike, she probes her him in an attempt to get him to own up to the truth about her past. After dropping several subtle hints, she confronts him but he evades the issue.

    Denying that he said anything to Zoe, Mike wants to find out how she came to know about the family's past. Sarah, however, sees through Mike's attempts to run away from the real issue. She forces him to face up to her and demands an explanation.

    Backed into a corner, Mike is forced to admit that he did think about putting Sarah up for adoption when she was a baby. Nevertheless, father and daughter patch things up in the end. How Zoe managed to find out about the intended adoption remains a mystery until Mike realises that she's plagiarised a script that he wrote years ago...

    After a sleepless night, Ste's day spirals into chaos. His morning's a mess – he's late for work and he struggles to cope with Lucas. Abi turns up on cue and when she offers to lighten the burden for Ste by looking after Lucas, he's only too willing to oblige. She asks him not to let anyone know where she is, fobbing him off with an excuse about wanting to avoid work. Ste reluctantly agrees to keep quiet.

    Meanwhile, Daniel doesn't know where Abi is and she's ignoring his calls. He becomes suspicious and quizzes Ste as to her whereabouts. Unable to lie to his friend - who he regards so highly - Ste eventually confesses to a furious Daniel. Daniel tells Natty to go and get Abi, using blackmail to drive his point home.

    Knowing the power that Daniel has over them, Abi and Natty have to comply. Lucas is dumped on Ste, just as the pressure mounts at work. Daniel, however, is still livid with Abi, especially when Natty reveals that he overheard her calling herself Lucas's mummy. Daniel has to reign Abi in. Meanwhile, a guilty Natty tries to make up with Ste by offering him money…

    It's the day of Tony's charity event and Darren's unbearable arrogance brings him to boiling point. Cindy also becomes annoyed with Darren when he suggests that she isn't competent enough to look after Il Gnosh on her own.

    As the day goes on, Darren continues to put Tony's nose out of joint as he attempts to tell his boss how to run his own business. What's more, with Ste exhausted and only functioning at half steam, chaos ensues in the kitchens.
    When Darren has to step in and stop Ste from spilling boiling water all over one of the children, an argument breaks out between the pair.

    Aware that the shouting match may be putting off customers, Tony steps in to cool things down but ends up targeting Darren and dragging him outside for a severe tongue-lashing. Feeling victimised, Darren falls back into his old self-pity.

    Darren soon humiliated to discover that Tony and Cindy only hired him to keep him from killing himself. Snubbed, Darren walks away and to make things worse, it's clear that Cindy and Tony are becoming closer…

    2579: Zoe's degree is in jeopardy
    Airs on Thursday, June 11 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    When Zoe receives her acceptance letter from Bournemouth, she doesn't know how to take the news. Archie attempts to convince her that it's great news, but she still has to deal with her guilt for plagiarising Mike's script and abusing Sarah's trust.

    Archie tries to cheer her up with a drink at the SU bar but it's not long before a furious Mike turns up. He leaves, demanding that she confess to Adrian about the script's real author. Things take a turn for the worse when Sarah arrives and piles on the guilt. Feeling down, Natty offers Zoe a shoulder to cry on and the pair end up kissing.

    Things look up for Zoe when she bumps into Mike again and he seems less tense than earlier in the day. She assumes that he's overcome his anger but it's not long before her world comes crashing down around her. Adrian tracks her down and tells her that Mike has been to see him - she'll be failed and her place at Bournemouth is now in jeopardy…

    Sarah turns up at the radio station where Lydia is broadcasting a trial show. She attempts to apologise for stomping off yesterday, but things are still awkward between the couple. Lydia defends her girlfriend when Josh tells her a few scare stories about the Barnes clan, but as he leaves, it seems that she's not sure what to think.

    Sarah, meanwhile, is busy making friends with Charlotte, the new barmaid at the SU bar. Lydia walks in and is stunned so see that they're swapping numbers – and quickly reveals that Charlotte is her ex! Sarah manages to convince Lydia that the whole scene was innocent, but was Charlotte coming on to her?

    Abi's still spiking Ste with caffeine tablets and, totally exhausted, things begin to fall apart for him. First, he's late for work again but Abi and Daniel are forced to turn down babysitting duty. Ste, therefore, is forced to turn to Mike for help.

    Daniel meets Ste after work and finds him dead on his feet. Intent on plying him into an even worse state, he takes the young dad to the pub. Ste, however, doesn't need any encouragement to get completely plastered. Abi's still having second thoughts but Daniel is determined to make Ste look like an unfit father in front of Mike.

    When Ste turns up drunk on Mike's doorstep demanding Lucas, Daniel steps in and pretends to play the noble friend, offering to take him home. It seems that Ste is beginning to crack under the pressure…

    Tony and Cindy are getting on like a house on fire. When Holly manages the stay off school claiming to be unwell, Tony does his best to look after her. Cindy's clearly impressed and it doesn't go unnoticed by Holly, either. Seeing an opportunity, she invites herself and Cindy round to Tony's for dinner.

    At his flat, Tony continues to impress the girls with fine food and wine. Cindy realises that the whole scenario has been set up by Holly, but sat in Tony's posh flat drinking his expensive wine, she also sees an opportunity. Is Tony about to be taken for a ride?

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (02-06-2009), sykegirl1 (02-06-2009), tammyy2j (02-06-2009)

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    2580: Cindy has her eyes on Tony's money
    Airs on Friday, June 12 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Archie's worried about his sister Zoe when she stays out all night, but Kris and Sarah aren't very sympathetic. While Kris pops out for his last ever radio show, Sarah returns in to invite him along to Lydia's birthday party. She makes it perfectly clear at the same time that Archie is not welcome.

    When Zoe eventually returns with the hangover from hell, she's in no mood to be friendly. An ill-timed visit from her dad doesn't help matters, either. Mr Carpenter congratulates Zoe on her place at Bournemouth and he rewards her and Archie for their hard work by giving them each a cheque for £1000. The gift, however, only serves to prick Zoe's guilty conscience.

    She's unable to own up to her father that she's about to fail and when he catches her arguing with Mike about the stolen script, she makes up an excuse about him being jealous of her love life. Zoe decides that the only way forward is to speak to Adrian. However, when he makes an indecent proposal, she's faced with a dilemma. Sleep with Adrian to save her degree - or fail?

    Cindy maintains the charm offensive on Tony and begins to take advantage of him at work. When Cindy breezes into work late, making up a story about Holly keeping her up, Tony's ready to let her go home for the day. When she refuses to leave him in the lurch, though, he's impressed by her loyalty. Darren turns up at the restaurant hoping to patch things up with Cindy and he nearly succeeds.

    Meanwhile, Loretta, who is still pining over Dom, puts in a good word for Darren and persuades Cindy that money isn't everything. Cindy, however, has her sights firmly set on Tony's wallet and while he struggles to deal with his new-found crush, she's all too happy to milk the situation for all it - or he - is worth…

    Finding a dejected-looking Josh, Hayley decides to offer a helping hand. Josh is upset as he has no money to buy a decent birthday present for Lydia. Hayley, however, knows that you don't need wads of cash to come up with a good present. Raiding Zak's cupboards, she helps Josh make a cake for Lydia. The birthday girl is made up with her home-baked present and the icing on the cake is that Josh and Hayley forge a new friendship in the process…

    Sarah feels snubbed when she finds Lydia chatting happily with her ex-girlfriend Charlotte. It seems that Charlotte's trying to steal all the thunder, though, as she interrupts Sarah's present-giving ceremony.

    When Sarah hears about Lydia's new job at the radio station through Kris and Charlotte, she can't help but feel second-rate. What's more, when Charlotte turns up with the perfect present for Lydia, Sarah's neuroses reaches an all-time high.

    Lydia attempts to allay Sarah's fears, but is Sarah really as good a match for her as Charlotte was?

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (02-06-2009), LoobyLou84 (02-06-2009), sykegirl1 (02-06-2009), tammyy2j (02-06-2009)

  5. #3
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    poor Ste - is Amy coming back?

  6. #4
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    Is there something wrong with Amy in real life? Maybe it is her exam time?

  7. #5
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    With Both Warren and Justin gone not really too keen to watch since there is no hot male talent left

    But Cindy and Tony

  8. #6
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    Can anyone tell me if Russ gets baby Max thanks
    Thanks Jessie Wallace For My Fab Banner

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rach33 View Post
    Can anyone tell me if Russ gets baby Max thanks
    Russ left with baby Max that was his exit storyline

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