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Thread: Hollyoaks Spoilers 25-29 May

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    Hollyoaks Spoilers 25-29 May

    2566: Warren begins to lose control
    Airs on Monday, May 25 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Warren is livid as the tables turn and he becomes the victim of hate mail and prank phone calls. Branded a murderer, he decides that it's time to leave the village. Sasha and Spencer are perturbed as they watch Warren throw his stuff into bags ready to flee. In a bid to salvage the situation and demonstrate a united front, Sasha convinces Warren they should go to Il Gnosh as a family and show the villagers who's boss.

    As they set off through Hollyoaks, posters labelling Warren a murderer are everywhere, upsetting a confused Spencer. It's clear that their presence is most unwelcome in Il Gnosh, as Warren's lavish behaviour escalates out of hand.

    An intimidated Tony attempts to ask Warren to dine elsewhere, but his requests fall flat. Instead, he seeks backup from Calvin who's been getting closer to Carmel. It's a stare out between Calvin and Warren, as Warren proclaims that they have unfinished business. Warren shows just what an animal he is when he trashes his table in Il Gnosh before heading home. With his temper raging, it's not long before he takes it out on those closest to him, but who will he hurt? Sasha or Spencer?

    A loved up Hannah and Justin arrive back in the village in the early hours after a night out together. Hannah's excessive alcohol consumption results in her throwing up and Rhys is suspicious of why she's being sick. He believes she's relapsing and is quick to accuse her. Hannah protests, though, that it's the alcohol, but Rhys is determined to keep a close eye on her.

    Justin bumps into a drunk and irate Warren who tries to persuade him to re-think his proposal to burn down The Loft. Justin hastily closes the conversation, insisting that he wants nothing to do with his plans. An interfering Rhys, who witnessed Justin and Warren together, does his best to jeopardise Hannah and Justin's relationship by telling Hannah just how pally the pair seemed. Justin vows never to have anything to do with Warren again, but we see that Hannah's not as convinced as he is…

    Zak's still in the doghouse with Michaela after discovering that he shared a kiss with Zoe. Much to Michaela's surprise, Zak pulls off a grand romantic gesture, sweeping Michaela off her feet. Zak's elated that his girlfriend has forgiven him and is enjoying the attention she gives him in his TA uniform - until Zak gets a surprise visitor, who Michaela is quite taken by.

    2567: Warren threatens Justin
    Airs on Tuesday, May 26 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    The pressure's mounting for Warren as the hate campaign against him continues. When Calvin calls round to collect Spencer's belongings, he realises that that he's staying at the Valentines'. Warren seems unfazed until Calvin goads him into a reacting, before ordering Calvin out of the flat.

    Calvin begs Sasha to come home with him but she loves Warren and insists that they'll be fine so long as everyone leaves them to it but, left alone, she feels rejected when Warren dismisses her. Warren's anger builds when he sees the new graffiti outside The Loft branding him a murderer but Ash isn't put off by his mood and gives him another lower offer for the club.

    Warren's not about to let him take control of his business and doesn't take kindly to Sasha's interference. Pushed to the limit, Warren decides it's time to carry out his plan but he's furious when Justin cancels his calls and so goes to find him.

    On hearing that Warren's threatened Hannah, Justin goes to The Loft and warns him off but Justin's bravado soon disappears when Warren threatens his and Hannah's life if he doesn't help burn down The Loft…

    Hannah's frustrated that no-one believes her regarding her apparent relapse, so she asks Nancy to help her talk Ash round in order that he can tell her family that he planted the bag of food in her room. The girls confront Ash but he's not interested in helping - until Hannah causes a scene in the village, that is. Rhys is worried about his sister after seeing Justin in cahoots with Warren and insists that if she becomes ill again, it's all because of him.

    Josh still has his doubts about Justin's suitability until an angry Warren bursts into The Dog looking for him. The lads are shocked when they witness Warren threatening Hannah to get to Justin. Hannah's relieved when Ash arrives at the flat hoping that her family will finally believe that she's telling the truth, but she's devastated when he lies that he ha no idea what Hannah's talking about.

    A desperate Hannah pleads with Ash to tell the truth but she's left feeling completely isolated when her family are even more convinced than ever she's binge eating again.

    Michaela and Zak are looking forward to a lie in together until Zak's brother Caleb bursts in on them and orders Zak to get up and train. Zak's miffed as he's on a promise, but Michaela agrees it would be better for him to get up and get fit.

    Zak's exhausted after Caleb puts him through his paces but he's thrilled with himself after completing a five mile run. As they celebrate Hayley's birthday in the SU Bar, Caleb can't resist putting Zak down as he boasts about his own fitness regime and the boys attempt to outdo each other, much to Hayley's amusement.

    2569: Warren's stunned to see Clare
    Airs on Wednesday May 27 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    A dazed and confused Warren comes round to find himself blindfolded and tied to a chair. He assumes Calvin is responsible and shouts threats at his assailant. As his blindfold is removed, Warren is stunned to discover Clare is his attacker.

    Meanwhile, despite his relief that her sister's ended her relationship with Warren, Calvin attempts to comfort a distraught Sasha. He hates Warren even more for treating his sister so bad and so decides to head to The Loft, but is stopped in his tracks by Russ.

    In The Loft, Clare tells Warren it's Justin she's back for and demands that Warren call him to the club. Warren assumes she'll let him go once Justin arrives but Clare soon puts him straight by dousing The Loft with petrol. A frantic Warren manages to press call on his phone. Spencer's phone rings out but clicks to voicemail.

    Calvin arrives at The Loft and takes in the scene in front of him. Warren's relieved to be saved but Calvin is completely torn as to what to do - leaving Warren tied up would end all of his problems. He decides to do the right thing and grabs for his phone to call for help. Looking at a tied up Warren, Calvin suddenly changes his mind and leaves with Warren screaming for help.

    After arranging to leave with Justin, Hannah heads home to pack her bag as quick as possible but is interrupted by Rhys. He immediately knows that Hannah's up to something and seeing her bag, assumes she's going to stay with Justin. He refuses to let her leave, claiming that she's making a big mistake, but Hannah's defiant. She tries to explain to Rhys that her family are the ones driving her away by suffocating her and he surprisingly agrees to let her go.

    Hannah says goodbye and leaves an unsuspecting Rhys behind, not knowing that she plans to leave Hollyoaks. She heads to the council flat but a shifty-looking Ste tells her that Justin's out. It's not long before Hannah senses that something's wrong. She quizzes Ste on Justin's whereabouts but his attempts at lying fail and a furious Hannah knows that Justin has actually gone to see Warren.

    Expecting Russ to be in a bad mood, Nancy's still walking on eggshells. The morning gets off to a bad start when he returns from a meeting with his solicitor, which Nancy had forgotten about. He's been told that as he's not named on Max's birth certificate, he has got no rights. Leaving the flat, Russ stops a passing Calvin. The pair discuss about what's going on and Calvin quizzes Russ about Nancy. Unaware that she can hear, Russ tells Calvin that Nancy feels like the consolation prize.

    A lonely Darren desperately tries to make Cindy listen to his reasons for setting Jake up as Sean's murderer. However, she doesn't want to know and is unable to believe that even Darren would stoop so low. Darren drowns his sorrows at The Dog but his act of self-pity doesn't wash with Cindy and she tells him that he only has himself to blame. Very drunk, Darren heads off, telling Cindy he knows exactly who's to blame for what's happened and he plans on sorting it out once and for all.

    2568: Warren's knocked unconscious
    Airs on Thursday, May 28 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Sasha discovers a suitcase hidden in Warren's wardrobe with a one-way plane ticket inside. Confronting him, she demands to know his plans. Suddenly they're interrupted by a knock at the door and Louise's mum Yvonne Summers is stood there.

    Yvonne reveals that she's had an interesting conversation with Calvin about Warren killing Sean and then confessing to killing Louise. Aware of Sasha, Yvonne makes her feelings towards Warren's relationship with her clear and demands the truth from him. The pressure on a floundering Warren increases when Calvin and Frankie become involved, declaring that Warren's a murderer.

    Back at the flat, Sasha wears Warren down until he lashes out and admits the terrible truth about murdering Louise. Banished from the flat, Sasha's devastated when Warren cruelly tells her that she meant nothing to him and they're over.

    Calvin's furious to see Sasha flung out onto the street and vows to Carmel that it's time he sorted out Warren once and for all. Heading to the Loft to await Justin's arrival, Warren finds himself knocked unconscious. Coming to, he discovers that he's blindfolded and tied up with a mystery assailant on the loose…

    Hannah's comforted by Justin, but still wants answers about his involvement with Warren. Evading the whole truth, he appeases her but it's not as easy as he thought it would be to get Ste's help. When Hannah leaves, Ste wants answers about Warren and listens with mounting apprehension as Justin confesses the full extent of Warren's demands. Ste advises his friend to lie low or even disappear for a while - it would be madness to even consider his demands. Hannah's thrilled when she and Justin discuss moving away together, but unaware of the circumstances, she excitedly heads to The Dog to pack, before grabbing her passport…

    The Ashworths rally round Hannah in an attempt to make sure she eats, but she's tired of being mollycoddled and goes to see Justin. Returning home, Hannah's unaware that Ash has convinced everyone that her anorexia has reared its head. She later finds herself locked in The Dog until she admits she has a problem. Defending herself, Hannah's resolute when her family unite in attempting to force her to admit that she's relapsed, but thankfully, Josh is the only person who recognises her plea for freedom and unlocks the door.

    Frankie's determined to do something after receiving a phone call from Jake's solicitor telling her the police are refusing to reopen his case. Darren attempts to dissuade her from seeking out Warren, but she's adamant about Jake's innocence. Confronting a cornered Warren, Frankie's devastated when he confesses to paying Jake ten thousand pounds to take the blame for Sean's death, supposedly to pay off the loan shark, but instead Darren gambled it all away.

    Imploring Darren to tell the truth, her world collapses when he can't deny the allegation. Arriving to see his dad, Darren sees by the look on his face that Frankie's told him everything and although he pleads his case, Jack's finally had enough of Darren and banishes him for good.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (19-05-2009), tammyy2j (19-05-2009)

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    2570: The Loft is set ablaze
    Airs on Friday, May 29 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Calvin runs into Justin on his way out of The Loft. Justin's looking for Warren to go through with the fire but Calvin, fully aware of what Clare's about to do, convinces Justin to look elsewhere. Clare's starting to become anxious as to Justin's whereabouts.

    Warren tries his best to wind Clare up and convince her to get out while she can. However, she's determined to exact her revenge on them. Having supposedly missed Warren at The Loft, Justin goes to see Charlie to say his final goodbye, knowing that when he and Hannah run away together, he'll never see his son again.

    Realising that Hannah's gone to The Loft to find Justin, Ste frantically begins searching for Justin but can't find him anywhere. When he finally tracks him down, Ste tells him about Hannah's whereabouts and Justin takes off for the Loft as fast as he can go.

    Just as it seems that Justin won't show, someone's heard at the door. As the intruder walks through the door, Clare pounces and knocks them out. As Clare regains her footing, she quickly realises that it's Hannah who's been knocked unconscious.

    Seeing that her plan is falling to pieces, Clare decides to hedge her bets and start the fire anyway. She strikes a solitary match amidst the petrol-soaked furnishings.

    Just as she is about to drop it, she's knocked clean from her feet by a Hannah. However, in doing so, the match falls anyway and the fire quickly takes hold. Amidst the flames, Warren's still tied up when Justin bursts in. Through the flames and the smoke, Justin spots Hannah's body. He ignores Warren's plea to save him and when the floor falls through, all seems lost…

    Calvin returns home and tells Spencer that he couldn't find Warren, but asks to hear the message Warren left on Spencer's phone. It's Clare and Calvin begins to wonder if he can really leave Warren to die. Calvin goes back out into the village to see The Loft on fire and Ste tells him that Hannah and Justin are inside. Calvin can't believe what he's let happen. When Sasha realises that Warren may be inside, she's inconsolable and only Calvin can hold his sister back from certain death.

    Steph goes to see Darren to confront him about his confession regarding Jake. She can't believe what he's done and demands he set things straight. Darren struggles to deal with the shame and drinks away his guilt in The Dog. Rather than blaming himself, he sees Warren as the cause of his poor fortune and very vocally vows to exact his revenge.

    Nancy complains to Kris about the deteriorating state of her relationship with Russ and his almost-maddening obsession with rescuing Max from the McQueens. Kris suggests they head back to his and pick up where they left off when they broke up. Nancy's disgusted by the offer and storms off into the village.

    When Russ realises that the fire may spread to Nancy's flat, he rushes up to warn her, only to find her in bed with Kris. Despite being taken aback by what he sees, he manages to tell them to get out because of the fire, before leaving. Russ's mind is not made up - Max is now his only priority…

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (19-05-2009), pinkles14 (24-05-2009), sam23 (27-05-2009), sykegirl1 (19-05-2009), tammyy2j (19-05-2009)

  5. #3
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    The end is near for Warren - Why cant The Valentines and Rhys also get killed off

  6. #4
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    I forgot about Jake being in a mental institution for Sean's murder surely he will be let out know

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    I forgot about Jake being in a mental institution for Sean's murder surely he will be let out know
    The character of Jake is returning this year, so yes he does get out, because frankie now knows what Darren did to get money off Warren.

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