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Thread: Day 7 Offical Spoilers

  1. #11
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    8:00pm - 9:00pm

    President Taylor and Olivia emotionally reconcile their differences. The moment is interrupted as one of Juma's men pulls the President away. Jack and Buchanan form a plan. Jack opened canisters of CH-4 in the lockdown room just before surrendering. The room will soon be saturated with natural gas. A single spark from a single bullet will ignite it and take out enough of Juma's men so they can rescue the President. Jack plans to rush Juma's men shortly to try to get off the shot. The President demands that Juma release the hostages before she reads his statement. Instead, Juma shoots one of the hostages and threatens to kill the rest if she does not comply. She reads his statement on a live feed. The Vice President, watching from a secure location, orders that the feed be shut down, but it can't be. Larry calls, convinced that Juma is on a suicide mission, and again begs the VP to order that the FBI initiate a rescue. Yet the VP refuses, still convinced that Juma can be negotiated with.
    Buchanan tells Jack that Juma's not working alone. He overheard Juma talking on a SAT phone coordinating with somebody on the outside. He tells Jack to find out who it is and then dives for the lockdown door. He manages to get off the shot, triggering the CH-4 explosion. As Jack jumps into action, Larry orders his men to move in under his authority -- and over the VP's continued protests. In the melee, Aaron Pierce manages to spirit the President and Olivia away to safety. Juma's men are cut down, and after a tense standoff, Jack manages to kill Juma as well. Jack runs back to the lockdown room, only to find the body of Bill Buchanan, who was killed in the explosion.
    The FBI wants to move the President to Andrews Air Force base for her own safety, but she insists on staying at the White House. She and Olivia then cement their reconciliation. With Jack just sitting, stunned, near Bill's body, Renee tells him that the President is secure. She tries to comfort him but he is wracked with guilt. It was supposed to be Jack who set off the explosion. Jack then tells Renee and Larry that Juma wasn't working alone, and he begs Larry to let him speak to Ryan Burnett. He swears that he won't torture or touch Burnett in any way. He will only scare Burnett into talking. Instead, Larry has Jack placed back into custody, over Renee's objection that Jack's plan is a good one. Renee then passes on to Ethan Kanin the info that Juma wasn't working alone. She also tells him Jack's plan. Ethan calls Larry Moss and orders him to release Jack and implement his plan to question Burnett -- on Ethan's authority. The President won't be told.
    At Starkwood, Jonas Hodges is surprised but calm at the news that the President is still alive and that Juma is dead. He is still getting what he wanted out of his deal with Juma; the shipment will arrive in a couple of hours. Time to nail down a few targets.
    The President wants Olivia brought on to her staff as a Special Advisor. Ethan objects, because during the campaign, Olivia leaked damaging personal information about her opponent to the press and nearly cost the election. Olivia is a liability. President Taylor believes that Olivia has changed, and she asks Ethan to offer the job to her himself.
    Larry berates Renee for going behind his back to Ethan, and orders her to go back to HQ and turn in her badge. She is suspended indefinitely. Jack tells Larry that Walker's the best agent he's got, but Larry says he can't ignore her circumvention of his authority.
    At Starkwood, twelve targets are found along the eastern seaboard within 300 kilometers of "the base." The population density is high, causing a large kill ratio. Yet Hodges hopes he'll never have to find out. A memo is intercepted from the FBI regarding Jack's release to question Burnett. A man named Quinn is dispatched to Burnett's hospital to deal with the problem. As Jack and Larry arrive at the hospital, Quinn, disguised in scrubs, enters an old man's hospital room and smothers him to death. As duty nurses are distracted by this, Quinn downloads hospital information about Burnett's room and the schematics of the building. He then slips into an access hatch and draws a gun.
    Olivia visits Aaron Pierce in triage to thank him. Ethan finds her and offers her the Special Advisor job. Olivia is surprised, but takes the job, conceding that she overstepped her bounds during the campaign. She then angrily blames Ethan for allowing corruption right under his nose, calling him a failure and suggests that he should have already tendered his resignation. Ethan is offended, but Olivia swears she will find out who betrayed her mother and make sure they can never do it again.
    At the hospital, Jack is left alone with a just-reviving Burnett. Larry watches nearby via video feed. Burnett is terrified and is about to confess everything when suddenly, Larry's sound cuts out and the picture freezes. From above the room, Quinn opens a panel and drops in a canister of nerve gas, almost immediately immobilizing Jack and Burnett. As Jack watches, Quinn drops into the room and cuts Burnett's throat. He then smashes the room's electronic security lock and leaves through the roof. Jack revives moments later and, as Larry pounds on the door, Jack pursues Quinn.
    Quinn calls Starkwood to report his success. Jack has been framed for Burnett's death. Jack loses track of Quinn and instead focuses on escaping from the hospital. Larry breaks down the door to find Burnett dead and no Jack. Jack calls Larry to tell him that he is being set up. Larry says that, if he's innocent, they will sort it out. Jack knows that whoever did this wants Jack out of play. He urges Larry not to get distracted because this threat isn't over. Jack runs off into the night, a fugitive once more.

    No Not Bill Buchanan

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  2. #12
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    9:00pm - 10:00pm

    Jack steals a car from the hospital parking garage to make his escape. Meanwhile, Morris O'Brian has arrived at the FBI demanding to know where his wife is and he finds that Chloe has been arrested. Larry calls Janis to inform her Ryan Burnett is dead and Jack is the suspect. He has her put out an APB. Renee, in the process of filling out her suspension paperwork, overhears this and asks Janis what's going on. All Janis knows is that Burnett is dead and Jack has gone missing.
    Renee goes to her office -- and Jack calls, declaring his innocence. He took a surveillance DVD from the hospital and is viewing it on a laptop in the car. He emails her a frame-grab of Quinn and says that this is who killed Burnett. He is the only connection they've got to whoever else is still involved.
    Quinn calls Hodges and tells him that Jack got away. Hodges isn't concerned; his shipment from Juma will arrive within the hour. Once they deploy the weapons, it won't matter what Jack finds out. Hodges' number two, Greg Seaton, looks discomfited. Hodges insists that he gets no pleasure out of killing people. Even one death is tragic -- but they are fighting a war, and what they're doing is absolutely, fundamentally necessary. He tells Seaton to wake up their colleagues and tell them to assemble in one hour.
    Renee calls Jack back. She has identified Quinn as a former Black Ops combat vet who now works for Starkwood, which turns out to be a private paramilitary organization. Senator Mayer may know more because he had been investigating Starkwood. Jack will need to talk to him. As Renee looks up Mayer's current location, Larry enters. The conversation they have about Jack convinces Larry that she's been talking to him. He secretly has Janis access Renee's phone log and workstation. Renee is their best chance of catching Jack.
    President Taylor prepares to make a statement. Olivia advises her mother to not just reassure the nation, but to also claim victory and reaffirm that standing up to terrorism works. The President agrees. Ethan arrives and briefs them on what happened with Jack and Ryan Burnett. He also confesses his culpability in sanctioning Jack's plan.
    As Renee attempts to leave the FBI, she is stopped by Larry and a security team. He demands to know where Jack is. She refuses to talk, and insists that as soon as Jack has the evidence he needs, he will call. Larry has her arrested.
    Jack confronts Senator Mayer in his own home, holding him hostage. Mayer doesn't recognize Quinn. When he hears Jack's story, Mayer says that if Starkwood was connected to Juma or Sangala, he'd have known about it because he investigated Starkwood for six months. Jack insists on seeing his case files. Mayer asks whether Jack will turn himself in if the evidence isn't there. Jack just demands he open the files.
    As the President makes her statement on television, a news reporter asks Ethan for a statement about Jack Bauer being a suspect in the murder of Ryan Burnett. The reporter also wants to know about Ethan's involvement. Ethan won't comment. He realizes that Olivia leaked this to the press, and he confronts her about trying to hurt him while inflicting political damage on her mother. The President is on record as condemning torture as unacceptable under any circumstances. It will now look as if she's condoned exactly that.
    Janis has trouble decoding the information on Renee's computer and asks Morris for help. He does so, under the condition that Chloe gets full immunity with all charges expunged from her record. Larry agrees, with Janis as witness. In mere moments, Morris decrypts the files and finds that Jack's probable location is the home of Senator Mayer. Larry musters the SWAT teams to move in on Jack. Morris is reunited with Chloe -- who is upset that he helped the FBI catch Jack. Morris apologies, explaining that his child and marriage come first, but she's already done enough for Jack. He can prove he's telling the truth when he's taken into custody. Chloe, though, isn't sure the FBI will give Jack the chance.
    As Jack goes through Mayer's files, he talks with the Senator about regret and sacrifice. Jack finds a photo of Quinn at the scene of a car accident that killed a source inside Starkwood. The victim had been making wild, seemingly unsubstantiated accusations about Starkwood -- they blackmailed Pentagon officials, were involved in assassination plots and were seeking to acquire W.M.D.s, including a bioweapon. Jack says that is the connection: Juma tested a bioweapon on his own people. It was not pursued because Juma destroyed the evidence by firebombing his village before the U.N. team could get there. Starkwood may have wanted bioweapons to fight back against Mayer's attempts to shut them down, and Juma provided them with a safe haven to test those weapons. Suddenly, there's a voice claiming to be the police at Mayer's door. Jack is about to run, but Mayer convinces him that he can protect him and convince the FBI to listen. Mayer answers the door -- but it's not the FBI. It's Quinn, who shoots Mayer dead. Quinn attacks Jack, who is forced to flee. Quinn goes after him as the police begin to arrive. He leaps through a French window and lacerates his arm.
    Olivia meets with the President and Ethan in the Oval Office. She professes her innocence and insists she can verify that she's not the leak. The source at CNB news will guarantee that the leak didn't come from the White House. Olivia offered him exclusive time with the President in exchange for his killing the story. The President is impressed with her daughter's acumen. Ethan is chagrined, and apologies to Olivia.
    Quinn pursues Jack onto a construction site and enters a trailer. Suddenly, the trailer tips over. Jack has pushed it with a bulldozer. Quinn manages to escape the trailer, and he and Jack fight. Jack manages to get a hold of a screwdriver and impales Quinn, demanding to know when the weapons will arrive. With his dying breath, Quinn says that they're already here. Jack finds a text message on Quinn's cell phone that reads, "Port of Alexandria. Yard C. 2230."
    Larry and the Metro PD enter Mayer's house. Larry calls Janis and tells her that Jack has murdered the Senator. Orders are to now shoot Jack on sight. Meanwhile, Jack uses Quinn's phone to call Tony Almeida for help. Jack asks him to bring weapons and a surveillance package to the Port of Alexandria. He will explain when Tony arrives.

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  3. #13
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    OMG - Larry has really got it in for Jack now!

  4. #14
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    10:00pm - 11:00pm

    As the FBI continue their search for Jack, Larry calls Ethan and tells him that Senator Mayer is dead. They believe that Jack murdered him. Ethan is angry with Larry for letting Jack get away, but Larry reminds him that he advised Ethan against using Jack in the first place. This sobers Ethan, who subsequently tenders his resignation to the President.
    With her husband on the mend, the President was hoping the day would end on a more positive note. She tries to persuade Ethan not to resign, but he feels that his poor decisions will tarnish her administration if he does not resign immediately.
    Jack calls Tony and explains about the bioweapon that Starkwood is about to get a hold of in order to fight their congressional order to be dismantled. U.S. civilians will be killed to prove that Starkwood is needed as a secondary security force. Jack believes the weapon is still at the port. There's only one Port Authority Officer on duty, named Carl Gadsen. As Gadsen gets off the phone with his very pregnant wife while working double shifts to make ends meet, Jack and Tony grab him. They disarm him and force him at gunpoint to get the port manifest.
    At Starkwood, Hodges is informed that Quinn hasn't checked in. He then addresses Starkwood's board, exhorting them to stop cooperating with the government subcommittee. They are not to answer any more subpoenas. Starkwood can be a vital tool in protecting an America that has an army stretched to the breaking point and the draft off the table. After the meeting, Douglas Knowles, the Board's chairman, tells Hodges he thinks it's folly to fight Senator Mayer. Hodges informs him that Mayer has been killed by a rogue federal agent. Knowles is horrified, and asks for Hodges' assurance that he wasn't involved. Hodges feigns offense, but coolly suggests that while Starkwood is not in the business of political assassinations, it's certainly a growth market they could look into.
    At the port, Gadsen tells Jack and Tony that he was trying to make extra cash to support his impending twins conceived with expensive fertility treatments. He had planned to aid men that he thought were simple electronics smugglers. They haven't arrived yet. Jack tries to call in the FBI, but communication is jammed. The men arrive at the gate. Jack tells Gadsen to let them in. He and Tony will follow them and call for help once they're out of jamming range. Gadsen is reluctant, but Jack promises that they have his back. Gadsen opens the gate to find a small army waiting, led by Stokes, who is suspicious of how nervous Gadsen is. He forces Gadsen to come along with them to the pickup site. Tony whispers to Jack that he knew Gadsen was a dead man the moment he walked out that door.
    Olivia tells Ethan that she is personally sorry for his resignation, though she still think it's what's best for her mother. Ethan apologizes for accusing her of leaking his role in Jack's escape to the press. He advises her that running the country isn't like running a campaign -- you need to do what's right for the people, not just whatever it takes to win. Olivia responds that sometimes those things aren't mutually exclusive. Once he's gone, she calls network White House reporter Ken Dellao to inform him that he can now run with the story about Ethan and Jack. She was the leak.
    At Senator Mayer's home, evidence is found that points to a third person being involved with the murder. Larry calls Renee to say that he is prepared to entertain the idea that Jack is innocent. He wants her to tell him what she knows. She's reluctant to blow Jack's cover, but finally discloses what she knows about Quinn and Starkwood, and the fact that Jack was trying to prove that Starkwood was behind today's attacks.
    At the port, Tony wants to move out, but Jack can't abandon Gadsen. He already promised one person today that he'd protect them, and now they are dead. He can't let that happen again. When a thug is dispatched to lead Gadsen off to be executed, Jack takes aim. Tony exhorts him not to do it because it will blow the whole mission, causing so many more innocents to die. Jack pulls the trigger, saving Gadsen, who runs away to safety.
    Jack and Tony come up with a fallback plan: hijack the truck. The dead man is found in short order, and Tony and Jack open fire. In the course of the gunfire, Jack manages to leap aboard the truck and throw the driver out of the cab while Tony keeps them distracted. However, Tony gets captured. As Jack prepares to drive away with the bioweapon, he hears over the walkie-talkie about Tony getting caught. Stokes recognizes him. Jack calls Larry and asks him to scramble together teams to meet him at a weigh station.
    Just as Jack gets off the phone, a flashing light alerts him to a breach. He stops the truck and checks in the truck's pallet to find a gash in one of the containers causing bioweapon gas to leak out. Unfortunately, he's stopped near a suburban area. Jack desperately manages to hammer the leak closed.
    Moments later, the Starkwood team arrives with gunmen and a helicopter. Jack is forced to take cover while the gunmen airlift the bioweapon away. Stokes calls Hodges and reports he'll be there in ten minutes. Meanwhile, Jack calls Larry and tells him that Starkwood recovered the weapon and headed due west from his position. Larry says there's a large military facility in that area, but he can't assault a private compound without evidence that a weapon exists. Jack tells him to send his CDC men to him and they'll have all the proof they need -- Jack was exposed to the bioweapon chemical.

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    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  5. #15
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    Kiefer Sutherland has promised that the end of the current season of 24 will be "powerful".

    The actor revealed that the seventh season of the show will not end in an obvious way.

    Speaking to Parade, he said: "It is going to end with some of the characters going through a very difficult emotional dilemma which will be much more dramatic than a big action sequence.

    "I believe that it's the most powerful important ending that we've ever had to a season."

    Sutherland also hinted that 24 fans may have to wait until the show has finished before a film is underway.

    He suggested that it would be unfair on the writers to work on a film while they are still writing for the series, saying: "We collectively decided that when the show is finished then we would take [the film] on."

    The final episode of the show's seventh season will air in the US in May.

  6. #16
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    How more powerful can it get, it's only halfway through the series and I on prozac already

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    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  7. #17
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    11:00pm - 12:00am

    The CDC arrives to test Jack and find out what he may have been contaminated with. He is not yet showing any symptoms. Jack tells them what little he can about the bioweapon. It will take 15 minutes to find out whether he's infected. In the meantime, he asks to be taken to the FBI.
    The deadly canisters arrive at Starkwood -- as does the captured Tony Almeida. Hodges demands that the bioweapon be ready to deploy ASAP because two hours is too long. Tony is roughed up, and Hodges promises that he will get out of this alive if he talks. Tony keeps mum. Greg Seaton interrupts; he thinks the plan should be called off now that the government knows because it was supposed to be covert. Hodges angrily tells him to keep his doubts to himself.
    At the White House, Olivia recommends a man named Rick Berman from the private sector to replace Ethan Kanin as Chief of Staff. President Taylor says that she wants Olivia to be the provisional Chief of Staff during the search. Olivia is reluctant, but accepts. Larry Moss calls the President to tell her that Jack is innocent, and that Starkwood was involved with today's terrorist attacks. They are preparing to strike right now, so Larry asks for permission to move on Starkwood immediately. The President calls for the Joint Chiefs to be assembled.
    Larry releases Renee from holding because he wants her to be the one to debrief Jack. He apologizes for not trusting her, and she apologizes for not trusting him as well. Meanwhile, Olivia meets with Aaron Pierce and asks him to be the agent in charge of her security detail Although she will arrange for his reinstatement, he's reluctant. Before he can give a final answer, she's called into the meeting with the Joint Chiefs. The bioweapon has been identified as an agent that attacks the brain and nervous system and kills within a day or two. There is no cure. Unfortunately, there are no good and legal ways of moving on Starkwood with military force. It would take Congressional approval. The President insists on finding a way.
    Tony continues to refuse to talk. Just as Stokes is about to shoot Tony, he is shot dead by Greg Seaton. Seaton thinks Hodges has lost his mind, and he frees Tony. The two sneak into Seaton's office, when Hodges calls. Seaton claims that Stokes is still trying to get Tony to talk. Hodges wants Seaton on deck, ASAP. As soon as Hodges is off the phone, they call Larry at the FBI. Seaton wants immunity in exchange for the location of the bioweapon canisters. Larry needs to run this by the President. While they are waiting, Larry updates Tony on Jack's condition.
    In the CDC van en route to the FBI, the results of Jack's blood work come in. Jack reads the diagnosis, his face unreadable. He arrives at the FBI, where Renee is surprised to find that he's not in quarantine. Jack is indeed infected, but he's not contagious.
    President Taylor and Olivia watch horrific footage recovered from Sangala of the bioweapon being tested on innocent people. The President is more resolved than ever to bring down Starkwood. Tim Woods, head of Homeland Security, along with Admiral Smith, bring the President into a secure internet conference with the FBI and Tony. Woods and Smith, upon hearing Seaton's story, concur that they may not get another chance. The President gives Larry authorization to move on Starkwood, and digitally signs Seaton's pardon. Seaton gives the location of the warehouse where the canisters are stored. It will take the FBI ten minutes to reach Starkwood. Renee asks Seaton to get Tony into the warehouse. Jack begs Larry to join them, but Larry can't risk Jack coming down with symptoms while he's in the field. Jack realizes that Larry is right.
    Seaton takes Tony to the warehouse and recons via phone with Larry. Inside, Hodges and teams of security and scientists are working on the weapon. They're an hour away from being armed. Larry contacts Starkwood's air tower with an executive order to search that warehouse. Any interference will result in arrest. The air traffic controller lets them in.
    Hodges, looking anxious, hears the helicopters approach. Larry has the doors blown open. The FBI team enters to find an empty warehouse. Larry demands to know where the weapons are, and Seaton claims he doesn't know. He says that Tony had threatened to kill him and he only told Tony what he wanted to hear. Larry isn't buying it, but there's nothing to be done but place Seaton under arrest. Hodges observes this scene via a security monitor. He and the weapons are in a completely different warehouse on the other side of the compound. Seaton's bought them some time. Now they just have the keep the FBI over there.
    Larry leads the FBI out of the empty warehouse, determined to keep searching Starkwood, but he's met by a heavily-armed team led by Stokes, who is still alive after all. He says they cooperated with the FBI's demand to search this particular warehouse and now asks them to leave. They are on private property. As the groups take aim at one another, Stokes says that Starkwood will defend themselves against a hostile government that is trying to shut them down and will be within their legal rights to do so. If the FBI try to advance any farther, they will be fired upon. Larry doesn't answer. No one moves. No one blinks. It's a standoff.

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    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  8. #18
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    12:00am - 1:00am

    As Tony and Larry realize that this was a trap, Hodges confronts the FBI team and orders them off his property. There are no weapons of mass destruction here. He gives them five minutes to leave and demands Seaton's release.
    Back at the FBI, Renee and Jack confer. Jack finds another contact inside Starkwood named Douglas Knowles who was cooperating with Senator Mayer's investigation. Jack calls Knowles, who is relieved to hear from the FBI. He thinks that he knows where the canisters are. Jack calls Tony and Larry, urging them to have the FBI withdraw and find a way to leave Tony behind to meet up with Knowles.
    Larry creates a diversion by insisting on arresting Seaton and then getting into a fistfight with him. Tony slips away during the scuffle. A Starkwood commando puts a gun to Larry's head, and Larry backs off. He and the rest of the SWAT team leave. Tony finds Knowles, who says that the weapons are likely in a secure area. He has no idea how they'll get there without being caught.
    Tony calls Jack for support, but Jack's starting to tremble and shake. The bioweapon is starting to affect him. Janis takes over, providing satellite support, and gives them the go-ahead to proceed. Jack's trying to hide his symptoms, but Renee has noticed and is worried. They call the President, who is appalled that Starkwood was prepared to fire on federal agents. She is willing to order a surgical air strike on Starkwood but only when she has visual confirmation of exactly where the canisters are. Since Jack is the only one who has seen them, the confirmation has to come from him.
    Olivia gets a call from TV reporter Ken Dellao, who has heard rumors that the Joint Chiefs of Staff were called in. He has a source from Port Authority telling him something about weapons of mass destruction. Dellao demands to know what's going on and threatens to make Olivia's unseating of Ethan Kanin his top story the next morning if she doesn't talk. They arrange to meet in a room at the Roosevelt Continental Hotel.
    Knowles leads Tony to the general area where security has been beefed up. Of all the buildings in the area, there's one that Jack sees no infrared signature from. That building must have blackout shielding, and is therefore where the canisters are probably located. Knowles distracts the guard by demanding to be let in as Chairman of the Board, claiming he's just out for a walk. As Tony slips inside, Knowles is detained by the guard, who is under order from Hodges to clear away all "non-essential" personnel. Tony moves deeper into the building. Jack suddenly starts to tremble and shake violently, and then collapses to the floor, unable to speak.
    When Hodges learns about Knowles, he orders him taken back to his office and kept comfortable until he arrives. Hodges also tells him to double down security with a half-hour until the weapon is ready.
    Olivia meets with Ken, and has a reluctant Aaron Pierce wait in the hallway. She then tells Ken what's going on and asks that he kill the story so as not to cause a panic. He agrees, on the condition that she sleep with him. She insists that their relationship is over, but he won't relent. Olivia reluctantly lets him begin to kiss her.
    At the FBI, Jack is given an injection to temporarily control his symptoms. He needs to take another shot at least once every two hours because the bioweapon is more virulent than they thought. However, there have been recent medical experiments that suggest a possible treatment. There's a slight chance of a cure if they can use stem cells from a genetically compatible donor. The only candidate is Jack's daughter, Kim. To Renee's bewilderment, Jack refuses to contact Kim.
    Jack returns to his post at Janis's terminal and warns Tony of a security detail heading towards him. Tony makes short work of the commandos, and switches clothing with one of them. He rides an elevator downwards with lead scientist Dr. Chapman, and his disguise works. Tony reports back that he is four stories down. Janis says they have no information on subterranean floors for that building. Staying out of sight, he manages to get a video feed to them and Jack IDs the canisters. They will alert the White House. Since the place will be dust in ten minutes, it's time for Tony to get out of there.
    Hodges meets with Knowles, who demands to know what's going on. Hodges admits everything. He's angry that the country he was asked to defend, who never cared how he got things done, is suddenly asking questions and holding him accountable for his methods. Knowles warns him that he can't take on the federal government. Hodges sadly reflects that, for twenty years, he's treated Knowles like a son. He expected and deserved a little loyalty. Hodges then bludgeons Knowles with a decanter and throws him off the balcony, killing him. As Hodges attempts to wipe the bloodstains from his shirt, Seaton calls. Radar shows a squadron of F-18s are heading their way and will arrive in ten minutes. They have three canisters loaded and ready. Hodges says to put in a call to the President. He'll be there momentarily.
    At the hotel, Olivia is getting dressed. All she cares about is that Ken not write the story, but he says he's going to anyway. The story will make his career. However, Olivia reveals that she's filmed their lovemaking with her cell phone. If he runs the story, or ever tries to blackmail her again, she'll let the world -- and his wife -- know just how he gets his leads. Olivia suggests he find a new beat because she doesn't ever want to see him around the White House again. As she leaves, the President calls to order her back immediately.
    In the Situation Room, Admiral Smith tells President Taylor that Starkwood has a phased array radar system and knows that they are coming. Yet they seem to have no anti-aircraft capability. Just then, Tim Woods tells the President that Jonas Hodges is calling and wants a private conversation on a proprietary line he's established. The President takes the call, alone, in the Operations Room. Hodges says he has three missiles ready to launch at cities on the eastern seaboard, and proves it by showing her the missiles. He demands that she turn the planes around. He also wants a private conversation at the White House within the hour. Until then, it's to both their advantages that the American people not know the exact nature of their standoff. He gives her thirty seconds to comply.
    Aghast, President Taylor races back to the Situation Room and orders the air strike aborted, which Admiral Smith does reluctantly. All eyes are on the President, uncomprehending, but she cannot risk explaining herself to them. She meets their eyes, and then leaves the room.

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    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  9. #19
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    1:00am - 2:00am

    Jack calls Tony with news that the President called off the air strikes. Tony spots something that tells him why -- a fuel truck pumping RP-7, which is used for surface-to-surface missiles. Hodges must be threatening to launch. Tony's got three charges of C-4 and a remote detonator. Jack tells him to get into the depot and blow those tanks.
    Jack calls President Taylor to ask permission. She has been fending off the Joint Chiefs and trying to keep the situation a secret, so she refuses to authorize the plan. Yet the President tells Jack she expects he will do what he thinks is right. Jack takes that as a request to undertake a covert action that she can deny authorizing if those missiles are launched.
    Hodges, with Seaton in tow, arrives at the White House for his meeting with the President. Larry gives his stamp of approval to Jack's plan. He will move in as soon as Tony takes out the missiles. Stokes is in charge of the fueling truck, and Tony forces him at gunpoint to lead him to the fuel tanks, where Tony begins setting up the C-4.
    Hodges sits down with the President in the Oval Office -- a place he used to be welcome at under the old administration. He wants Starkwood to be involved in shaping her military policy and operations, making them essentially a fifth branch of the military. Seaton hands her a non-negotiable outline of the protocols under which their "partnership" would function.
    Tony returns to the fuel truck with Stokes in tow and is ambushed from behind. The detonator drops into a drainage gate. A vicious hand-to-hand fight ensues, and Tony manages to subdue both attackers, but not before Stokes sounds an alarm. The detonator seems to be just out of Tony's reach. Below, Chapman sees the alarm and prepares to launch, but the lead technician wants to be sure it's not a false alarm before he enters the code. Chapman says this is not protocol. The technician refuses to proceed, so Chapman throws him out of the way and does it himself.
    Above, Tony sees the launch portal opening. He gropes for the detonator again, and finally gets a hold of it. He presses the button and there is a tremendous explosion. The entire chamber and the men below are vaporized in the back blast. Tony flees the scene.
    Larry sees the explosion from a distance and gives the order to move in. Back in the Oval Office, Tim Woods interrupts the meeting to alert the President that the bioweapons have been destroyed. She immediately has Hodges and Seaton arrested. Hodges says she is making a mistake because this doesn't end with him. He is merely a cog in a much bigger machine. She questions what he's talking about. "You'll find out," he says mysteriously as he is led away.
    The President calls Jack, who asks for clemency for Tony when he's put on trial. Midway through his plea, he suddenly falls silent. He couldn't remember what he was just saying. The President excuses him, and promises she will take Tony's actions today into account.
    Larry locks down Starkwood and recovers Tony, reluctantly taking him into custody. Back at the FBI, Dr. Mercer tells Jack that memory loss is a symptom of the disease. She can't do anything to stop it and it may cause personality changes and hallucinations.
    Renee meets with Kim Bauer. When Jack finds Renee, he tells her that he needs to go on record about the events of the day as soon as possible. She informs him that his daughter is in the building and this enrages Jack because he specifically told her not to bring Kim into this. He had accepted dying until Renee put in front of him the one person he has that's worth living for. Renee says that nobody dragged Kim into this -- she has been trying to see him all day and leaving messages with the FBI to reach him. Renee only just got the messages. Kim was at his Senate hearing, but Jack was pulled out before she could get to him. She offers to tell Kim that Jack's not there. Chastened, Jack asks Renee to take him to see his daughter.
    Jack apologizes to Kim, explaining that he thought he was doing the right thing by staying away. He encounters so many enemies in his line of work, and that puts the ones he loves in danger. The experimental treatment for his exposure to the bioweapon involves a risk to her if she helps. The slight chance of recovery isn't worth the pain of having her watch him dying. Kim says she doesn't want to lose her father, and the two embrace, sobbing. Suddenly, Jack suffers from a spasm. He tells her gently that it's time for her to go. "I love you so much," Kim says as he leaves.
    At Starkwood, an FBI agent is killed by Galvez, a Starkwood commando. He is caught by the agent's partner, who makes Galvez drop the duffel bag he is carrying. Keeping his gun trained on Galvez, the agent opens the bag to find a canister of the bioweapon. He calls Larry to report this, but Galvez overpowers him and shoots him. Galvez then steals the agent's vehicle. Larry sends out the word that a Starkwood commando has the bioweapon and may be escaping in an FBI vehicle. There is enough bioweapon in that canister to take out a small city.
    Roadblocks are set up as Larry takes off in a chopper, accompanied by Tony. Janis tracks the GPS of the stolen vehicle. Larry catches up to Galvez, who is now on foot. With no time to wait for backup, Larry has the chopper land. As soon as it does, the helicopter pilot is shot dead. Automatic gunfire strafes their position. Larry and Tony take cover. Tony is unarmed. Galvez manages to shoot Larry in the abdomen. Larry collapses, and Tony scrambles over to check his condition. Larry sees Galvez sneaking up behind Tony, his rifle at the ready. Gasping and barely able to speak, he just barely manages to alert Tony to look behind him. Tony sees Galvez and silently gestures to him. Galvez, unexpectedly, lowers his weapon, deferring to Tony. "I'm sorry, Larry," Tony says as he puts his hands over Larry's nose and mouth to suffocate him to death. Galvez shows the canister to Tony, who has him go find a place to hide it. As Galvez takes off, Tony waits for the arrival of the FBI to come rescue him.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanked: 314
    Ahhh! What is Tony playing at!!!!

    Surely Larry isn't really dead???

    OMG!v Once a week is just not enough...

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