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Thread: Eastender Spoilers Week 4

  1. #1
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    Eastender Spoilers Week 4

    Tanya returns to Walford
    Airs on Monday, January 19 2009 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One

    As Tanya finally arrives home, Max worries about how to break the news that Lauren is in the care of Social Services, in the first visit of the week to Albert Square.

    Ian, meanwhile, taunts Stacey about her family troubles, but finds that he has troubles of a different kind.

    And Peggy is aghast to discover that her purse is missing but this time, it doesn't look like Jay is to blame.

    Billy's fuming with Janine
    Airs on Tuesday, January 20 2009 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One

    Tanya is desperate to get Lauren back, in tonight's visit to Albert Square - but at what cost?

    Elsewhere, Jane has a solution to Christian and Ian's business troubles.

    And Billy is at the end of his tether with Janine as she appears to have reverted to her old ways.

    Tanya tries to retrieve Lauren's phone number
    Airs on Thursday, January 22 2009 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One

    Dot is anxious about how Jim will react to the surprise of meeting their granddaughter, in tonight's visit to Walford.

    Tanya, meanwhile, hatches a plan to obtain Lauren's new phone number, but needs a helping hand.

    And Christian is frustrated when Ian doesn't share his vision for the business.

    Tanya meets with Lauren
    Airs on Friday, January 23 2009 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One

    Tanya finally manages to see Lauren, but the troubled teen won't return home, in this week's last visit to Walford.

    Meanwhile, Janine and Ronnie's squabbles reach a surprising conclusion.

    And Jane and Christian continue to plot their business venture behind Ian's back.

  2. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    Chloe (22-12-2008), crystalsea (22-12-2008), darkangel1986@o (23-12-2008), Dutchgirl (24-12-2008), Joanne (22-12-2008), JustJodi (02-01-2009), lizann (28-12-2008), matt1378 (03-01-2009), Pinkbanana (29-12-2008), pinkles14 (24-12-2008), RuebenClara (27-12-2008), senorita (22-12-2008), tammyy2j (22-12-2008), xxOShelleyOxx (22-12-2008)

  3. #2
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    great more Tanya/Max and their annoying kids

  4. #3
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    :-o lol I love the brannings lol, just wish they would finish that storyline now its gtting very boring! x

  5. #4
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    I agree. Time for a new storyline methinks.

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Anyone know when it all comes out about Danielle and Ronnie?!? Feel like this has been going on for ages! Will probably be the Xmas 09 storyline!!!!

  7. #6
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    A bit more on above:-

    Monday, January 19 2009 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One


    Following a standoff with Jay over breakfast, Janine urges Billy to palm him off on someone else. Billy, however, has other things on his mind as he needs to find a job and asks Pat if she has any driving jobs going while she's on holiday. Pat, however, turns him down. Later in the Square, Pat stuns Janine by asking her to go on holiday with her. After a sarcastic refusal, Janine heads across to R&R to talk to Ronnie about her trial run working at the club. Billy's there for a job, too, but can't get a word in edgeways. Ronnie's suitably impressed by them both, so much so that she suggests they start straight away.

    When Ronnie directs them to the cleaning cupboard and walks out of the club smiling, Janine's livid. Later in The Vic, Janine pockets Peggy's purge while no one's around, but Peggy soon realises that Janine's the thief. Billy finds Janine doing some last-minute packing for her holiday with Pat which she turned down earlier. However, Peggy storms across the road to confront Janine about her light-fingered ways. Emptying Janine's bag onto the pavement, Peggy's purse drops out, just as Pat's cab drives away. Inside Pat's house, Peggy insists that Billy's debt has now passed to Janine.

    Meanwhile, Jane's shocked to hear that Tanya's due to be released today. Max frantically tries to contract Lauren to let her know what's happening, before persuading Jane to be there for the homecoming. Max confesses to Jane that he hasn't told Tanya about Lauren being in case and as he reflects on how he could break the news to his wife, she walks through the front door. As Max begins to tell Tanya about what's happened, she cuts him short and slaps him around the face, revealing that she already knows about Lauren's whereabouts. Full of hatred towards Max and Jane, she throws them out of the house.

    Elsewhere, Stacey tells Danielle that she feels like she let Jean down; Danielle confirms her appointment for an abortion; Ian scraps his and Christian's catering project; and Ronnie's fuming at the state of R&R's toilets.

    Tuesday, January 20 2009 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One


    Max wakes in his car after being thrown out of the house last night by Tanya, while Tanya's inside throwing all of Max's belongings into bin bags. Abi's mood lightens when Max turns up, but Tanya's still livid that he never told her about Lauren being in care. After slamming the door in Max's face, Tanya tells Bradley that he can stay at the house for as long as he wants, so long as he doesn't keep Max informed as to what's going on. As Max and Jack vie for Tanya's attention, Tanya vows not to let men consume her life any longer – from hereon in, it's just her and the kids. Taking pity on his brother, Jack offers Max a roof over his head.

    Later, Jane tries to make amends with her best friend Tanya, but Tanya lambastes her for allowing Lauren to be taken into care. In her defence, Jane delivers a few home truths. Afterwards, Max tries to speak with Tanya again, while Abi's becoming more and more frustrated by being sidelined and tears up the homecoming card she made. Realising that her family's falling to pieces, Tanya is determined to put things right. However, she's shocked when the social worker turns up with the news that Lauren doesn't want to return home.

    Meanwhile, Billy's reaches the end of his tether with Janine's behaviour and decides to throw her out of the flat. Turning on the water works, Janine bursts into tears and begs Billy for a second chance. She promises to pay back all the money she stole from Peggy and turn over a new leaf. At the club, Billy helps Janine get back her cleaning job and it's not long before Janine's scheming side resurfaces – she starts drinking on the job and listens into an argument between Jack and Ronnie. Intrigued, Janine asks Billy to tell her about Jack Branning, before finally meeting him in the flesh.

    Elsewhere, Jane's annoyed with Ian for abandoning Christian; Bradley asks Dot if he can move back in, but Dot suggests he stay at Tanya's for the kids' sake; Ian agrees to give the catering business two more weeks; and Dot soon begins to think that she's taken too much on letting Dotty stay.

    Thursday, January 22 2009 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One


    At the Brannings', Tanya tells Max that he should move out of the house completely, but Max is firm – she's as much to blame for Lauren's behaviour as he is. Determined to make amends with Jane, Tanya eventually tracks her down at the chippy. The pair hug and Tanya begins to cry. Seizing the opportunity, Tanya asks Jane if she can get Lauren's new mobile number from Peter while he's asleep. Jane's furious, thinking Tanya's apology was a mere façade. When Tanya finally gets the number, she leaves Lauren a voicemail to call her back.

    Later, Tanya's sat in The Vic with Jane, a glass of wine and her mobile by her side. Max turns up and heads across to their table where Tanya reveals that she has Lauren's new number. A sharp Max demands the mobile number, causing the situation to erupt. As the pair argue, Jane diverts Tanya's attention to her mobile that's ringing – it's Lauren.

    Meanwhile, Janine's happy to have arranged a second interview with Jack at the club, but Billy's doubtful that she'll persuade him to give her the job. Slipping into the club, Janine overhears Ronnie and Jack arguing over her. Ronnie storms out of the office, prompting Janine to walk in for her interview. After successfully winning Jack around, he agrees to give her a trial run, much to Ronnie's dismay. Later, Jack's impressed with Janine's work. When Ronnie's gone, Janine suggests that Jack buy Ronnie out of the business, but Jack confesses that the tricky part is persuading her to tell. A sly Janine offers to step up to the plate…

    Elsewhere, Dotty's excited about meeting Jim, but Dot doesn't share the same enthusiasm; Bradley realises that Dot's not told Jim about Dotty; Dot receives the news that Jim's had a fall and won't be able to visit, so Dot decided to take Dotty to visit him; Christian's becoming weary of Ian continually undermining him; Jay books a home visit from Marissa in Billy's name; and Dotty meets with Nick in secret.

    Friday, January 23 2009 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One


    Tanya grabs the mobile phone from Jane's hands, anxious to talk with Lauren. Realising who's on the other end, Lauren hangs up, puzzled as to how Tanya got the number. Storming out of the pub, Tanya heads across the Square and leaves Lauren another voicemail to call her back – she wants to meet face-to-face. Lauren relents and agrees to meet. Lauren's unresponsive, with her only concern as to where Tanya found the mobile number. During their emotional conversation, Tanya begs Lauren to return home, but Lauren's adamant – it's all her fault and there's no place for her in Walford any more. A sobbing Lauren can't be persuaded and Tanya is forced to return to the Square without her. Once back home, Tanya shares a moment with Max.

    Over at the club, Jack's wary of Janine's motives following her offer to help him push Ronnie out of the business. Janine reveals that she wants to be his new business partner. Billy finds himself roped into Janine's master plan when he's asked about Ronnie and he lets slip about her feud with her father, Archie. Janine shows Ronnie what she's made of when she scuppers Ronnie's attempts at sabotaging the stag do she'd arranged, while Billy finds himself caught in the crosshairs and is sacked by Ronnie. Seeing Janine's potential, Ronnie promotes Janine to manager of the club, before Janine agrees to help Ronnie get rid of Jack…

    Meanwhile, Nick and Dotty continue to secretly plot their plan to fleece Dot of all her money. Dotty tries to reassure Nick that she's more than capable of pulling the scam off and reveals that there's more money to be had if they want. All they need it Dot's trust. Back at Dot's, Dotty puts her plan into action as she helps Dot sort through some old boxes containing memorabilia. They're interrupted by Nick who's delivering a goodbye a present to Dotty – a mobile phone so she can contact him when she wants. Before Nick leaves, Dotty shows Nick proof that their plan is worthwhile. Some £50,000 is up for grabs and all they have to do is kill Dot…

    Elsewhere, Ian's feud with Christian continues over the business, while Jane and Christian plot behind his back; and Jay and Marissa continue to spend time together, much to Billy's annoyance.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    pinkles14 (13-01-2009), xxOShelleyOxx (13-01-2009)

  9. #7
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    In a very small country with canals and bikes and windmills and tulips
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red08 View Post
    Anyone know when it all comes out about Danielle and Ronnie?!? Feel like this has been going on for ages! Will probably be the Xmas 09 storyline!!!!

    Omg I totally agree with you, its dragging on and on ,,, its time for one of EE's "infamous" explosive episodes..

  10. #8
    Join Date
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    Totally agree. It's just gone on for so long I really couldn't care less about Danielle any more. She's such a drip anyway.

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