LILY Butterfield is diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening illness after collapsing.
Doctors say she must have surgery or else, but she refuses!

The drama unfolds after Lily blacks out at work.

Doug Potts rushes to her aid, but the poorly pensioner gets little sympathy from her other colleagues.

Her funny turn comes just after they find out she gave the car they won in the raffle to Peter, so they think she’s faking it to get them back on side.

But the frightening fact is she’s got a blood clot on the brain.

“The other workers are pretty down on Lily because of what she’s done,” said Anne Charleston, who plays her.

“She gets into a nasty row with Val, and that partly brings on the collapse.”

Doctors explain she has a cerebral aneurism and must have surgery as soon as possible.

But Lily says no to the operation – and asks Rodney Blackstock to take her out drinking instead!

“People may say she’s in denial,” added Anne.

“But Lily knows the clot is there, she’s just choosing not to do anything about it.”

From The Sun