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Thread: Peter Barlow

  1. #21
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    Im glad hes coming back, I always loved it when he was in corrie

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by inkyskin View Post
    Who will be his 1st conquest?
    hmm what about leanne or becky
    Maisie Mouse

  3. #23
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    Maria again, to help her cope after Liam

  4. #24
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    Bigamist Peter Barlow is coming back to Corrie — with his secret five-year-old son.

    The bookie, played by Chris Gascoyne, was left to look after little Simon by estranged wife Lucy, before she died of cancer.

    But Peter takes to fatherhood badly — and moves back in with dad Ken and stepmum Deirdre to get help.

    A soap source told TV Biz: “He is stunned by his son’s arrival. He doesn’t know the first thing about kids.” Peter even tries to give Simon away after sinking double whiskies in the Rovers Return. The insider said he blurts out: “Does anybody want a five-year-old kid? I’ve got one I don’t want.”

    Ken — actor William Roache — has to give him a talking to.

    Dying Lucy, played by Katy Carmichael, tracked Peter down to give him Simon. She had quit the Street after learning he was also married to barmaid Shelley Unwin — actress Sally Lindsay.

    Peter was last seen in Weatherfield in January last year for step-sister Tracy’s murder trial.

  5. #25
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    Corrie bigamist Peter Barlow and ex-hooker Leanne Battersby are set for an ill-fated romance next month.
    Boozy bookie Peter, played by Chris Gascoyne, returns to the ITV1 soap with son Simon, five, after estranged wife Lucy dies of breast cancer.

    And tart-with- a-heart Leanne — actor Jane Danson — steps in as Peter struggles to be a dad.

    Leanne is still reeling after being chucked by lover Dan Mason — played by Matthew Crompton — over her involvement in Janice’s lottery scam.

    A top soap source said: “Peter returns to Weatherfield a broken man. He’s finding his new role as a dad hard and he doesn’t get the warmest reception from the locals.”

    But Leanne is a dab hand at dealing with nosy regulars gossiping in the Rovers. In the past she’s been embroiled in drug addiction, prostitution and fraud.

    Our insider revealed: “When everyone else turns away from Peter, Leanne is there for him. She doesn’t judge him and she listens to his problems.

    “What’s more, she proves a surprise hit with Simon — who is struggling with his new surroundings and the loss of his mother.”

    However it won’t all be plain sailing for the pair.

    The source said: “Leanne and Peter’s problems bring them together — but it’s not long before their colourful pasts are tearing them apart.

    “They’ve got more baggage than Heathrow’s Terminal 5 and they’re soon at each other’s throats.”

    Peter quit Weatherfield after he was exposed for marrying both Lucy and barmaid Shelley Unwin.

  6. #26
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    Coronation Street actor Chris Gascoyne returned to tread the Cobbles for another stint as Peter Barlow at the end of October - and this time he had his son Simon (Alex Bain) in tow. Following his wife Lucy's off-screen death, Peter took custody of Simon and returned home to Weatherfield in the hope of starting afresh. His drinking habit has seen his life begin to spiral out of control. Here, Chris chats to DS about his Corrie comeback, his latest storyline and his relationships with Simon and Ken.

    What's it like to be back with Corrie full time?
    "I've been back for just over three months now and it's flown by. It's pretty much all the same as it was to be honest. I think having experience doing Corrie for the last number of years on and off, you learn different ways to handle your day to make it easy for yourself. At the moment, I'm really enjoying it and it's really good to be back and I'm really enjoying the storyline."

    What was it that lured you back?
    "I did three years and then left, but when I went, I always said to them that I'd love to go back. I've been really lucky to be able to do that. When they sent me the storyline, I thought it was great. To be honest, they've always written really well for me. I've never had to make any suggestions to them."

    Did you have any reservations about the return?
    "No, I was really up for it. When you play a character every day, they're always with you anyway. You never lose them! When you look at Ken Cop, who plays Jed, he did it for five years ages ago and he's back again - it's a full circle. I'd always wondered about Peter and where he'd been, what he'd been up to."

    And you've come back with a slightly new look, with a beard - was that intentional?
    "That was intentional really. He's not been having a great time and he's let himself go a bit. I think when he comes back after Christmas, we'll change him again. I'll probably give him a clean shave and a smart haircut after he comes back from rehab."

    Were you pleased when you heard that Peter was going to get the bookies back?
    "Yeah, because when I did the last stint, they said that it didn't seem right without Peter in the bookies. Peter's glad to have it back, not least because Leanne works there!"

    Peter's slowly been spiraling out of control…
    "Yeah, he's been trying against the odds to sort his life out, but he can't. And when it doesn't work and it all goes wrong for him, he has a drink. There are hurdles in his way all the time. He's stubborn and resents people telling him what to do. He'll listen to advice, but he won't take any notice if he thinks the person giving it isn't in a place to do so. That happens a lot with Ken."

    Does he love Simon?
    "Yeah, but he doesn't know how to show it. As the story carries on, you'll see that Peter has the potential to be a fantastic dad to Simon. At the moment, he naturally loves him, but Peter doesn't feel he's good enough to look after him. Peter just thinks that Simon should be with a family who is equipped to look after him. It's not that Peter wants to get shot of him."

    Does Ken have a lot to do with Peter's attitude towards Simon?
    "Yeah, that's the root of everything he does. There's a little bit of Peter that's stuck in a child's mindset. He's never really cleared that up."

    There's a touching moment at the beginning of Christmas week where Peter realises the havoc he's causing…
    "Yeah, it's just after the nativity scenes. I just wanted to die for Peter for what he did. I loved doing those scenes - it's quite a dark humour. It's when Simon recites his nativity lines in the living room, that's what touches Peter. He starts to question how he can be such a bad father, but Simon can still look up to him the way he does. It's a lovely little moment. It's from that moment that he resolves to make amends and decides to go on the wagon."

    Bonus Scoop: Corrie's Peter Barlow

    In what was quite a relatively low-key comeback, Peter Barlow - played by Chris Gascoyne - returned to Coronation Street on October 29 with his son from the Rice Krispies advert, Simon (Alex Bain).

    Since walking back into Weatherfield, he's made quite an impression on Leanne (Jane Danson), but she's seemingly not prepared to commit to a bloke who has a distinct drinking problem. His binging takes him well into the New Year, with Leanne continuing to worry about Simon's welfare. It's not too far into 2009 that Peter realises he has to sort himself out and so decides to return to Portsmouth to clear his head. But will he return a reformed man? Only time will tell.

    Here's something that's worth a mention, though - there's an absolutely fantastic scene between Peter and Ken (William Roache) on the Barlows' doorstep following Peter's drunken ruckus at Simon's nativity. There's a showdown between father and son, during which Peter tells Ken some home truths about parenting. Superb acting on both sides.

    In real life, however, Chris has taken time out of his Corrie schedule to do the panto 'thing', appearing as Abanazer in Aladdin at Cardiff's New Theatre.

    Earlier this month, I caught up with Chris, so click here to read the main part of the interview. Here, however are some additional snippets from our chat.

    Where's his relationship with Leanne headed?
    "I don't even think Peter's thought about it all to be honest - he's taking things step by step. Peter knows that Leanne gets on really well with Simon and I think Peter's nicely surprised by that. Leanne kind of has the upper hand on him and in a strange way, Leanne's a moral voice. Peter thinks 'well, yeah, I do these things, but what about your life'. Everyone's hitting him over the head but they've all done things in their lives."

    What else can we expect from Peter going into 2009?
    "I know that he goes into rehab, but he only does two weeks. Nobody on the Street is going to know that, though. Then he returns as what he believes to be a new man..."

    Do you think we've seen the last of Peter and Maria?
    "I think so, yeah. It was a nice little story that, but you never know. They could always pick it up again."

    What's it like working with little Alex Bain?
    "He's brilliant. Anything you do on set, he'll respond to. He's not phased by any of the cameras or anything. I think the reason he's so good is because he enjoys it. It's quite hard when you're trying to do a scene when he's trying to strangle you and pull your ears!"

    How long are you staying with Corrie this time?
    "I'm here until June or July this time, so we'll see how it goes. I'm really happy at the moment, so I'll have a chat when the time comes and see what happens."

  7. #27
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    Chris Gascoyne reveals to Soaplife how Peter finally puts his son Simon first - and it breaks his heart

    Peter's turning point with Simon is the little lad's bad behaviour, isn't it?
    "Peter is angry at Simon for going off the rails but he hasn't yet seen it as his own fault. He thinks he is doing the right thing by keeping Simon away from Ken and Leanne and is trying to justify it to himself. He's got good intentions but he's making every wrong decision."

    Then Simon nearly dies after knocking back a bottle of wine...
    "And Peter still blames everybody but himself - Leanne, Carla and teacher Brian - until he finally gets to the truth of it, which is to blame himself."

    Simon pulls through and tells Peter why he drank the wine...
    "He says he drank it because he hates his life and also because Peter hates his life. He thinks that if he drinks it's going to make him happy, which is why Peter does it. It's very sad."

    Peter tells Simon he can choose who he wants to live with, but is he prepared for him to choose Leanne?
    "He's not. I don't think that possibility enter into his head until Simon says that he wants Leanne and Peter is left reeling."

    Does Peter consider giving up Carla to keep Simon?
    "Yes, but he panics and gives Simon to Leanne. He is making decisions that he thinks will make everything all right again but actually he's not making any right decisions and it's just a mess."

    Does he have any regrets?
    "He does. Maybe he'll turn round at some point and wish he could put it all back together again with Leanne but it's way too late."

  8. #28
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    Since Carla and Peter have been together all they have shown us are fights. There hasn't been any indications of their commitment other than an apology after each new run in. Even when Peter tried to take the blame for Frank's death, it just didn't ring true. Initially I wanted Carla and Peter to be together because, as I freely admit, romance is my thing. But the way this story line has played out just doesn't work. Why would Peter be surprized that Simon wants to be with Leanne, he's been screaming it in his face at every opportunity. Other than the initial touch and grab in the beginning of the relationship between Peter and Carla, they haven't shown me any depth of feeling. All I ask of an actor is to make it real enough to draw me in and make me care aout the character they are creating. That hasn't happened.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to shalagee For This Useful Post:

    Dazzle (08-06-2012)

  10. #29
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    I agree, I wanted Peter and Leanne to make it work as a family, but Peter and Carla I feel nothing for?? I dont care if they stay together, drink themselves to death, disappear and never come back...

    poor chemistry between them, and poorly thought out storyline - if they had put some thought into really making a go of it together they'd have sat down and thought how it would work with Simon, introduced Carla slowly after the brek up with Leanne etc..?

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to sarah c For This Useful Post:

    Dazzle (08-06-2012)

  12. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah c View Post
    I agree, I wanted Peter and Leanne to make it work as a family, but Peter and Carla I feel nothing for?? I dont care if they stay together, drink themselves to death, disappear and never come back...

    poor chemistry between them, and poorly thought out storyline - if they had put some thought into really making a go of it together they'd have sat down and thought how it would work with Simon, introduced Carla slowly after the brek up with Leanne etc..?

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