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Thread: SBBB3 News & Updates

  1. #41
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    Aaaron has just revealed that he has woken up 'stiff ' this morning!!!!! OOOERRRR WHO HAS HE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT??? dont go telling claire that aaron never know what she might do.......

  2. #42
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    Jack enters the Big Brother house, and he is a right cockerney geezer, complete with the rhyming slang. Steve jokes that Big Brother should give them a rhyming slang dictonary to understand Jack!

    Aaron & Colette go to the diary room and ask if Big Brother will throw housemates a party later to welcome Jack to the Big Brother house. We think housemates should be more concerned about worrying about tonight's events - when the mole will be revealed!

    Big Brother calls Aaron to the diary room to ask about his argument with Steve yesterday, as far as Aaron is concerned it's water under the bridge.

  3. #43
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    Housemates have been airing their views on all things mole related all day long, with some housemates being more vocal on the matter than others.

    Big Brother asked Lisa to tally up who housemates felt was the Big Brother Mole. Steve got the highest number of votes from his fellow housemates. Lisa went to the diary room to tell Big Brother that housemates had chosen Steve.

    Davina told the house that they had guessed incorrectly. The mole was infact Aleesha! Housemates were shocked, and some apologised to Steve. A lot of people had things to say to Aleesha, and a lot of questions were asked.

    Aleesha dealt out some harsh truths to a lot of the housemates before finally leaving the Big Brother house. Read her interview with Davina now!

    As housemates failed to guess the mole correctly, all of them (except for Lisa and Jack) face the public vote for eviction this week.

    Who goes? You Decide!

  4. #44
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    Big Brother sets housemates this first weekly task - a campfire vigile. A minium of one/two housemates must watch over the campfire was 8am-1am every day, and must post regulary during this period. If housemates fail they receive a luxury budget of £5 per head per day. If they fail they get a basic budget of £1 per head per day.

    The housemates worry about how the task will pan out and start discussing what shifts they will do around the campfire.

    Lucy starts off proceedings before going to bed. Aaron starts the vigil this morning, just before 9am, when the task started at 8am! Will Big Brother penalise them for this?

    Claire and Jack started to sit around the campfire and Claire once again ranted about the lack of sex she's been getting, and offered to sleep with someone whilst on campfire watch later.

    Aaron returned to campfire duties when no other housemates turned up, he wasn't impressed!

  5. #45
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    Steve joins the housemates, and when he asks if anyone was at the campfire at 8 alarm bells starts to ring. Aaron worries he missed the first hour and goes to ask Big Brother, Big Brother reveals that the task starts at 8am.

    Aaron is fuming and beats himself up over it, but Steve and Jess tell him that the fault lies with whoever told him to start at 9am.

    Steve and Jess bond over the campfire, with Jess telling Steve how she uses her boobs to get free into clubs. Steve suggests that they all go out clubbing once the contest is over.

  6. #46
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    Well, where do i start. What a night in the Big Brother House.....

    All started off calm, with the housemates enjoying a nice sausage sarnie prepared for them by jack, cooked over the campfire. Then a massive sauce fight erupted! tomato sauce, salad cream you name it is was flown but isnt it nice to see the housemates having fun at last, will it continue. HA you know it wont.

    Fast forward a few hours later and you have colette having a go at pharrell for not pulling his weight in the fire task, poor pharell colette just would not let it go, she seems to have an obsession with this task and the rota and no amount of asking will get her to shut up!!

    the other housemates are getting pretty annoyed by it too and aaron seems to be a bit annoyed with pharell as well.

    After warning them, jack our the fire out! what does this mean for the task? have they failed??? Theyll soon find out!

    Now they have discovered the stash of drink left by the campfire and everyone is getting very drunk, happy again? for how long..........

  7. #47
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    Mitch & Jess tell Lucy that they seem to think Steve is a bit weird for the way he is with Lucy, and how he only ever talks about her, and talks to no one else, and they haven't even been there a week yet. Lucy seems to think it's best if her and Steve take it slow from now on.

    There's a lot of flirting going on between Mitch and Jess, could another BB relationship be on the cards?

  8. #48
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    Housemates begin to speculate on what punishments Big Brother may dish out for them failing the task. There's talk about the jail, but would Big Brother really be that evil? (Hint - of course! )

    The girls discuss who is the fittest boy in the house. Jess even takes the liberty of rating them out of 10! "okay, right
    Mitch probably a 8/9, aaron 8/9, jack 7, steve 7, pharrell 6"

    Big Brother calls Jack to the diary room and tells him that he must go to the big brother jail, and stay there until further notice, for sabotaging this week's task.

  9. #49
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    Big Brother also punishes head of house Lisa, holding her accountable for the failure of the task, and also sends her to jail.

  10. #50
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    The housemates seem to be ganging up on Colette, and suspecting that she has had insider information as she seems to be predicting things before they happen. Poor Colette can't do a thing right!

    The housemates get slightly tipsy on Claire's "coffee", what has she put in it to make them all jolly?

    In the Big Brother jail Jack & Lisa blame Coleette for their incarceration. Scapegoat anyone?

    Lisa and Jack strip naked and start spanking and groping one another! WHAT HAS CLAIRE PUT IN THE COFFEE!?

    Pharrell and Mitch clash with one another and end up arguing. Pharrell accuses him and Aaron of stabbing the knife in his back, and predicts that Jack and Steve will be next.

    Mitch rounds off the night with a trip to the diary room. He rants on about Pharrell and mentions that he fancies Jess.

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