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Thread: Idina Menzel

  1. #1
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    Idina Menzel

    Anyone listen to her? I only use to listening to her when i listein to the soundtrack from Wicked but now i'm slowly collecting more of her songs. Her Voice is amazing.
    Last edited by Tannie; 16-07-2008 at 21:41.

    Thank you for the amazing banner Lea
    Joe Mcelderry is gorgeous and amazing

  2. #2
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    Idina Menzel is fab! Her and Shoshana Bean were the best at singing Defying Gravity, the rest just copy their versions. I haven't heard many of her own song though.

  3. #3
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    Cant say ive heard of her
    Happy New Year SoapBoards!

  4. #4
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    Love her on the Wicked soundtrack, i wasnt aware she had done anything else.

  5. #5
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    She's got some of her own stuff out which is nearly as amazing as her on the Wicked soundtrack. Decided i'm going to try and beg my mum to take me down to london to see Wicked cause i'm dying to see itx

    Thank you for the amazing banner Lea
    Joe Mcelderry is gorgeous and amazing

  6. #6
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    I haven't actually posted on this board for AGES!!!! but Leanne felt it nescessary to point out this thread to me....not going to lie this may turn into an I'm a slight wicked obsessive and felt it only right to post my opinion. Firstly I think Idina is a fantastic actress and does have a great times but she is quite unreliable when it comes to her voice when she's on it she's on it but when she is off she is absolutely awful....this is of course just from recordings I have heard and I don't really take as a fair judgement...although I have seen a video of her and I do find her a little boring as Elphaba. I think she was better as Maureen in Rent. Anway she is a fantastic performer but for me without a doubt Kerry Ellis is the best Elphaba....especially when it comes to her vocals she has the cleanest and one of the most powerful sounds of any Elphaba and she is one of the only ones who never sounds strained when she sings the songs...I feel Idina does sound quite strained when singing Defying Gravity inparticular. Especially towards the end of her run as the songs have clearly taken their tole on her voice. Which isn't suprising considering how technical the songs are.

    I saw Idina and Kerry doing Chess in concert together and nearly everyone said Kerry out sung Idina by miles...and I agree, there were times when I winced at Idina's singing...she did sound better on the second night. Yes I went twice I'm very sad like that hehe.

    I don't think that the other Elphaba's copy Shoshana and Idina....I mean you are always going to have some similarities because people will pick up on other performers interpriations but they all have their own stamp on the role. I like Shoshana but at times she definitely riffs toooooo much and I think it can take away from what the song is about. Coleen Sexton is another AMAZING Elphaba but she was only a stand by. I also love Ashleigh Gray who is the current London standby...and will hopefully be seeing the new Elphaba next week but I'm pretty sure she won't turn me from Kerry being my Elphie hehe.

    As for Idina's albums...I have them on my ipod but I do skip the majority of the songs because I don't like the poppy/dancy sort of style. Kerry has just released rocky verisons of Defying Gravity and I'm not that girl....they're awsome. If you haven't heard them you should.

    Right I think I've gone on enough....if you have actually read to the end of this congratulations hahahaha I'm of course not trying to squash anyone elses opinion I just felt it nescessary to spread the Kerry love because she absolutely outstanding and if you get a chance you should go and see her in Wicked when she returns in December.
    Last edited by xTanya; 17-07-2008 at 23:54.

  7. #7
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    . Nice one Tanya . Knew as soon as you'd read this you'd respond.

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