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Thread: Spoilers 10/03/08

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    Spoilers 10/03/08

    Monday 10 March 2008

    Matthew (Matt Healy) reminds Jimmy (Nick Miles) that he still hasn’t collected the rent arrears on Butlers. Jimmy visits an awkward Jo (Roxanne Pallett) and suggests they discuss a payment plan. However, Jo insists that she now has the money and just needs to pay a visit to the bank and will drop it off later. Matthew fails to be placated by this news and insists that Jimmy should have accompanied her. Will Jo be able to come up with the cash?

    Over at the café, Viv (Deena Payne) puts her prices up with the extra going to her cot death charity. At first disgruntled, the villagers admire her resolve and Paddy (Dominic Brunt) comes up with an idea to hold a yard of ale contest at the Woolpack to raise further funds. A cause close to his heart, Shadrach (Andy Devine) takes up the challenge of a sponsored 24 hours booze ban– all before he realises that the ale contest is about to take place.

    Meanwhile, Lily (Anne Charleston) attempts to make peace with her sister, but Edna (Shirley Stelfox) can’t see past the fact that she was lied to and accuses Lily of only being sorry that she got caught.

    Tuesday 11 March

    As the Kings and De Souzas wait for the verdict of the refuse contract, they continue to chide each other. When the council's decision is announced, Matthew (Matt Healy) is horrified to hear that an unknown company KD Refuse is declared the shock victor. Demanding to know who they are, he’s shocked when Carl (Tom Lister) stands up and stuns them with the revelation that he’s KD Refuse. Sending further shock waves round the assembled party, Donald (Michael Jayston) comes out as Carl’s backer. Furious at Carl’s deceit, Matthew and Jimmy (Nick Miles) demand answers. Will they be happy to hear what their younger brother has to say to them?

    Meanwhile, Charlie (Michael Keogh) insists that Jo (Roxanne Pallett) needs to do one more job, then he’ll be gone. Demanding that she find him a car, Charlie indicates how serious he is by picking up Sarah (Sophia Amber Moore) threateningly. Jo realises that she’s beaten. Later, she takes Sarah over to see Debbie (Charley Webb) who is suspicious of Jo’s furtive behaviour. When Jo asks questions about changing a car’s identity, Debbie demands to know what’s going on. Jo is thrown and tells her about Charlie's threats. Furious at her for putting Sarah in danger, Debbie insists they call the police. Will Jo see sense and take Debbie's advice?

    Elsewhere, when his son (Alex Carter) reveals that he’s ready to propose to Louise (Emily Symons), Bob (Tony Audenshaw) is somewhat shocked. Whilst Jamie talks to Rodney about antique rings Louise heads to the pub. When she refuses a glass of wine, Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) jokingly asks whether she’s pregnant. Louise confides that she’s been putting off doing a test and is worried what Jamie’s reaction will be.

    Wednesday 12 March

    Jamie (Alex Carter) makes grand preparations to propose while, unbeknown to him, Louise (Emily Symons) finally takes a pregnancy test. Once the sitting room of Connelton View is set with a hundred or so candles and a large rubber helium balloon emblazoned with ‘Marry Me’ , Jamie heads to Louise's room. Hearing she is in the shower, he relaxes on the bed . He soon falls upon the pregnancy test packaging shoved under the pillow just as Louise emerges. When Jamie asks the result, Louise goes on the defensive asking why he’s rooting through her things. Louise refuses to divulge the result and asks him to leave as she needs to be on her own. Will Jamie change his mind about the proposal or will Louise get in first and finish things with him?

    Meanwhile, Jimmy (Nick Miles) suggests that to raise some much needed income, they sell the refuse trucks to Carl (Tom Lister). However, Matthew (Matt Healy) is adamant that he’d rather drive them into the quarry than let Carl get his hands on a piece of King property. When it proves difficult finding a buyer, will Jimmy be able to convince Matthew to at least find out what Carl would be prepared to pay?

    Elsewhere, Edna (Shirley Stelfox) agrees to go to the pub with Pearl (Meg Johnson) and Betty (Paula Tilbrook) to play dominoes. However, she’s thrown when Lily (Anne Charleston) turns up to make a foursome. Despite herself Edna starts to enjoy the game. When Laurel’s (Charlotte Bellamy) name comes up, Lily remarks that she can’t think of anything worse than having your own child taken away from you. Edna immediately assumes that it’s a dig at her and leaves the pub. Lily is left frustrated that their feud has been reignited.

    Thursday 13 March

    After a pep talk from his father (Tony Audenshaw), Jamie (Alex Carter) approaches Louise (Emily Symons). When Jamie says he has something to say to her, Louise assumes he’s about to dump her and, trying to retain her dignity, gets in first suggesting that neither of them wanted things to get serious. Jamie is left crushed. He later finds her standing on the bridge and tells her that she never gave him chance to finish what he had to say. He produces the ring and tells a stunned Louise of his proposal plans. Louise is moved by his words but will Jamie propose again?

    Meanwhile, as Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) fiddles with one of Donald's (Micheal Jayston) train engines, wondering what all the fuss is about, she touches the control panel and gets a mild electric shock. Donald explains that it’s faulty and needs an electrician to look over it before they show it to Louise. Nicola goes to visit David (Matthew Wolfenden) at the factory again, attempting to talk him round to her way of thinking. Seducing him mentally and physically, David is won round and Nicola once again gets her man. The two seal the deal but Nicola leaves David flabbergasted by talking of her latest plan to murder Donald – electrocution by train set. Will David finally succumb to her evil ways?

    Finally, having had enough of Edna (Shirley Stelfox) holding things over her, Lily (Anne Charleston) reveals to Betty (Paula Tilbrook) and Pearl (Meg Johnson) her marijuana secret, leaving them stunned. Explaining about her arthritis, Betty and Pearl are nothing but sympathetic, leaving Edna furious and accusing Lily of stealing her friends.

    Friday 14 March

    David (Matthew Wolfenden) is incredulous to see Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) mid action with her latest murderous attempt by tinkering with Donald's control console on his model railway. He pleads with her to have a rethink but Nicola shouts at him to stay away and David realises he’s beaten. Later, Donald (Michael Jayson) is putting the finishing touches to the track as David and Nicola look on. Nicola switches the set on at the mains, and eyes the metal switch on the control unit – now live. Louise arrives and Donald prepares to launch the train. Nicola crosses her fingers and shuts her eyes expectantly. Will Nicola's evil plan come to fruition?

    Meanwhile, an increasingly worried Viv (Deena Payne) tries desperately to contact Freddie (Keith Woodason) but keeps getting his voicemail. Mel (Caroline Strong) interrupts her leaving a message and Viv divulges that she’d taken some money from the Happy Smile fund and put it into the cashometer – but has now taken some money back out and put it into Happy Smile. She further admits that Bob (Tony Audenshaw) doesn’t know anything and she’d rather keep it that way. Will Mel keep Viv's confidence?

    When Rodney (Patrick Mower) admits to Matthew (Matt Healy) that Donald has offered him a job, Matthew suggests he take it. Jimmy (Nick Miles) however, is less cavalier and insists that Matthew apologise, spelling out that they can’t afford to lose Rodney as well.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to tammyy2j For This Useful Post:

    catcanfield (03-03-2008), Perdita (02-03-2008), pinkles14 (01-03-2008), princessx (03-03-2008)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
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    sounds like a normal week lol

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