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Thread: Round 2 - Best Of British

  1. #11
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    Okay here are my comments for this week's songs. Last week I feel we set the bar for this competition, we really had some strong contenders, I hope it continues this week.

    Contestant Number 1 - One of my acts. Beautiful song. Beautiful voice. I would be as bold to say we have our winner here.

    Contestant Number 3 - One of my acts. A definate improvmenet on last week! Not the best we have in this competition, but over time we could see a worthy contender. I hope the public keep you in!

    Contestant Number 4 - Slightly out of tune, felt like you weren't sure on the lyrics. Still a good song, but don't feel you did it full justice.

    Contestant Number 5 - One of my acts. I didn't feel as though you were as confident this week. That aside you have a great song, iff we can work on that we will have a worthy winner on our hands.

    Contestant Number 6 - This is one of my all time favourite songs, but this, wasn't one of my all time favourite performances. I don't know if this is your fault or your mentors, but I feel like you're taking on too big a song choices for your mediocre voice.

    Contestant Number 7 - One of my acts. I must admit it wasn't the best week was it? A fault on both our parts, this was too big a song to tackle at this stage at the competition i think, but you gave it your best try and it was pretty darn good. You have a lot of potential and it'd be a shame to see you leave. Public - please vote to keep her in.

    Contestant Number 8 - Good lord, for two weeks in a row I'm lost for words with your performance. What I find sexy in a woman is her singing voice, so based on that performance NO I don't think your sexy, and NO i don't want your body. Please Soapboards - kick her out of his competition!

  2. #12
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    Some very good songs this week!! These are my comments;

    Contestant 1 – Sounds quite nice. You came into yourself about half-way through, and sounded more confident. You should turn the backing music down a little bit, as well.

    Contestant 3 – This song is harder to sing that it first seems. I think you gave it a good shot, but its perhaps a bit too low for your voice. I also found it hard to hear you on parts so, once again, try turning the backing down a bit so we can appreciate you more =D

    Contestant 4 – You don’t seem too certain with this song. You kind of mumble some of it, which isn’t good. Maybe try doing a smaller clip, like some of the others, which might stop you dragging off nearer the ends. Because the beginning parts were good, it just trails off too much near the end.

    Contestant 5 – This is one of my all-time favourite songs. I think you could have given it a lot more oomph on the high parts. It lacks energy and enthusiasm. The beginning, lower parts sound good though.

    Contestant 6 – A nice song. Some tuning problems with the lower notes, but an all round good song. Well done =D

    Contestant 7 – Its very easy to tell that you have a good voice, and loads of potential. But this song is too big for you. Maybe try something similar to this in a few weeks time, but I don’t think you’re ready quite yet.

    Contestant 8 – I like this one!! You made me smile, which is great. Love the song choice, its very original. You sound very confident too, which is fab. Well done!
    Last edited by Abi; 27-01-2008 at 00:54.

  3. #13
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    Are we having a poll again like last time? If so, when will it be available? I cannot access real player, as the system I am using will not allow me to, would it be possible for all contestants to use media player?

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Hello everyone..ok.. week 2, much better than first week and again well done everyone. I couldn't do this in a million years

    No 1: Like this, you put your own twist on it and it worked well. congrats

    No 3: Very well sung, great effor and very easy to listen too

    No 4: very monotone, very boring

    No 5: Lovely song, no music but very very well sung... good on you girl but just take a step back from the mic as it sounded a bit scratchy in parts

    No 6: Another with no music, great song choice for you. well done

    No 7: felt this song was too big for you, could make out the words

    No 8: Love the fun element but it wasn't great at all.. sorry
    Super Mod

  5. #15
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    I admire all of you, I could not (and should not ) do it.

    I am afraid that the only two I would have to say NO to are Number 4 and Number 8, sorry, I don't think it was the right song for you, I don't know, but unfortunately not as good as the others.

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