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Thread: Round 1 - The Big Cheese Night

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanked: 337

    Round 1 - The Big Cheese Night

    Welcome everybody to Soapboards X Factor!

    For the next 8 weeks be prepared to be entertained as members of soapboards go head to head with one another in our version of the X Factor!

    This week's theme is the Big Cheese Night, with members singing the very best cheese from the music world.

    Once you have heard all of the songs, it is then up to you to vote for who you want to continue through the competition.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanked: 337
    Contestant Number 1 singing "What I've Been Looking For"
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    whats it called??????????
    Thanked: 153
    Contestant Number 2 - see post below
    Contestant Number 4 - Not Submitted yet
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    Last edited by Meh; 19-01-2008 at 03:36.

  4. #4
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    Contestant Number 2 - Barbie Girl
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    Last edited by Meh; 19-01-2008 at 03:35.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    whats it called??????????
    Thanked: 153
    Contestant 4
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Grossmaischeid, Germany
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    Ok.. I will be the first Judge to comment on this weeks list... 1st well done everyone and you have done what I could never ever do so round of applause goes out to you all

    2nd.. I don't know who sang what so my comment are based solely on the vocals and I apologise if they hurt anyone... I will be the "sharon" judge if you like.. I could never be as nasty as Simon


    Song 1: Great song choice for the voice but need more work vocally

    Song 2: Very low recording but from what I heard, song was very very rushed

    Song 3: Would have loved to hear more of the singer and less of the original artist but well done, you fit into this boy band

    Song 4: Whoever is singing, you sound like you are totally enjoying it and it was a very brave attempt..

    Song 5: Very good to try with no music in the background, can see you improving as the weeks go on.. well done

    Song 6: Sound like an iccly chipmonk.. I mean that in a sweet way

    Song 7: Really liked this one, you could hear the nerves but I am sure over the time it will be less.. My fav out of all of the songs I heard

    Song 8: Voice sounded like it was breaking up and forgot the lyrics in parts

    Thank you and good luck to everyone for the next round
    Super Mod

  7. #7
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    Ok mr nasty has entered the building,here are my comments.

    Song 1: One of my acts, some great potential here, a bit of trouble with some of the high notes, but I'm sure we can work on this as the weeks go on!

    Song 2: Oh-my-good-god. I am actually lost for words. It's as if they're remade the Exorcist and satan has taken over this person's voice!!!

    Song 3: One of my acts, as Siobhan says you can't be heard! Unless your niche is for dogs with overesensative hearing, you need to work on this.

    Song 4: A very confident performance here, I shan't pick faults - it's week one, and this has to be the best I've heard so far.

    Song 5: One of my acts, not like Britney, but then again who'd want to be compared to her these days? Promising star. Well done.

    Song 6: Sounds like I'm trapped in the room of a pre-pubscent girl. I think you took on too big a song here.

    Song 7: One of my acts, and I must say I enjoyed it! You took a cheesy song, which many seemed to forget to do, and sang it nicely! Well done you!

    Song 8: Sorry, I just thought I was out on a drunken hen night in Scotland! Back in the zone - awful!

    Overall a mixture tonight, some good, some promising and some god damn awful. I just hope the public vote accordingly.

  8. #8
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    So i'm like Dannii, i suppose. The constructive one

    Once again, no hard feelings, i have no idea who any of them are. Though i wish i did- You all did fab. Great efforts, everyone.

    Contestant Number 1:
    Really liked your effort, you sounded very confident with what you were singing, which is great to see. You need to work on your breathing though- It sounded a bit like you were gasping for life in the middle!! And maybe try songs that mainly use your middle range, because when you sing the lower notes, you tend to be weaker. Work on it a bit, and you’ll be fab in no time =D

    Contestant Number 2:
    Oh. Dear. What’s with the two voices?! Its like Frankenstein gone even more wrong!!! Try sticking to just the one voice next time ;)

    Contestant Number 3:
    As the others have said, you need to turn the backing music down and have more confidence! Though the plus side of that is that we can tell that you are in tune, because otherwise, it would have been very very obvious. So that’s a good thing! =D

    Contestant Number 4:
    Shall come back to this one… Technical Issues ;)

    Contestant Number 5:
    Best I’ve heard so far! You have a few tuning problems, but nothing to get worried about. Very good effort- And nice wood work ;)

    Contestant Number 6:
    You’ve got a very cute, soft voice. I like it. But I think the song choice is not right for you. You’ve got a nice voice though, its just the song that lets you down here, I think.

    Contestant Number 7:
    You’ve got a fab voice, one of the best. Your mid-range is very strong. As for something constructive, try and stick with songs that make the most of your mid-range, and not so much on your high notes, because those aren’t as strong. I think you have a lot of potential.

    Contestant Number 8:
    Ok, someone warn me next time when someone is considerably louder than everyone else!!!!! I am now suffering from sore ears, hahaha. You’re singing is pretty good though. Your breathing on the microphone lots though, which gets irritating after a while. Hold it more away from your mouth!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    whats it called??????????
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    First id like to say thank you to everyone and for all their effort they have put into getting this finally off the ground. We ll done everyone

    Contestant One - Was pleasently suprised with this one some good singing in there. Maybe a few missed notes but all in all it was a good atempt!!

    Contestant Two - One of my guys here - Loved it loved it loved it. It was fun and thats what we're mainly here to do!! i can only find one fault and thats that it was a little low maybe try shouting into the mic next time

    Contestant Three - hhhmmmmmm.....didnt know we had gary barlow singing in this. Cant hear your voice at all. Try actually singing next time!!

    Contestant Four - One of my guys - Unfortunatly due to my computer not liking me it would let me access this i'll keep trying and update the thread.

    Contestant Five - How brave were you!! Well done on not having any music to sing along to. Really good this one i can see you going far in this contest!!

    Contestant Six - One of my guys - I agree with everyone else sounds cute. But are we really looking for another same difference, god one sets enough, From what i could hear it sounded good. Maybe try it next time without the music and im sure you'll be great. Have more confidence in yourself and dont listen to anything that nasty simon says

    Contestant Seven - Thought this was good would like to hear you doing something a bit more challanging thought but overall good!!

    Contestant eight - One of my guys - Woo Loud or what!!!! Another chico in the making!!! Sounded like you stumbled on a few of the words though so make sure you know them off by heart!!

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