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Thread: Devon Seas Season 3

  1. #1
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    Devon Seas Season 3

    Devon Seas returns tomorrow for it's 3rd series. Readers will soon learn the fate of Michelle and Kyle, who were trapped in the firing inferno at Jenkins Manor. Also what will Sanjita and Iqbal do about Kash's death? And will Leah and Stuart's kiss lead to anything more? All will be revealed soon!

    To Read Season 1 click here:

    To Read Season 2 click here:

    Devon Seas Character and Location Profiles:

    Season 3 News & Spoilers Thread:

    (C) Bryan Turner Publishing this without prior permission is strictly forbidden
    Last edited by Bryan; 06-10-2007 at 13:13.

  2. #2
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!

    Oh here sits one v happy lady!!!!

  3. #3
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    Richard is driving home, feeling deflated. He looks over at Jenkins Manor, and sees that the building is in flames.

    Richard: Oh no! This can't be happening! This just can't be happening!

    Richard runs out of the car and runs onto the gravelled driveway where he witnesses the burning scene. Richard has a paniced look on his face. Without a hint of hesitation, he bursts through the front door and into the burning flames.

    Richard: (shouting) Hello! Is anyone here?! Hello!

    Through the flames, Richard sees Michelle hobbling down the stairs.

    Richard: (to self) Oh dear god!

    Richard battles through the flames and grabs Michelle. She is coughing and spluttering, struggling to breathe. Richard drags Michelle with all his strength out of Jenkins Manor.

  4. #4
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    Vicky is driving in her car. She has a distressed and paniced look on her face. She grabs her phone out of her pocket. We see that her hands are shaking. She uses 1 hand to control the steering wheel and her other hand to ring Nick from her mobile. The scene cuts between Vicky and Nick talking on the phone.

    Nick: Vicky...

    Vicky: Nick...i've done something! I've done something bad!

    Nick: What?! What do you mean?!

    Vicky: (tearful) I've hit Kyle...he came after me...he came to Jenkins Manor and i hit him! I hit him with a candlestick! I swear i didn't mean to do it on purpose! It was the spur of the moment! I don't know what to do...i just don't know what to do! I checked his pulse before I left and he was still alive!

    Nick: Vicky...calm down! Where are you!?

    Vicky: I'm in my car...

    Nick: Right, i'll be with you right away, just keep calm and you can tell me what happened...

    Vicky hangs up and chucks her mobile phone in the passenger seat. She removes the tears from her eyes and carries on driving.
    Last edited by DaVeyWaVey; 06-10-2007 at 15:16.

  5. #5
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    A flashback montage of the events at the quarry between Kash, Sanjita and Iqbal:

    Iqbal bangs on the car door, trying to get Sanjita out, she is inside screaming.

    Iqbal picks up a lump of rock and smashes the window open. He drags Sanjita out who is coughing and spluttering.

    Sanjita tries to get her breath back, she indicates to Iqbal to turn around, as he does so Kash launches on him, trying to strangle him. The pair begin to tussle and fight between one another.

    The pair continue to fight, Sanjita tries to intervene but Kash punches her, she falls to the floor. Kash punches Iqbal in the stomaching, winding him and sending him to his knees.

    Kash runs over to Sanjita and tries to strangle her, her body is dangling off the cliff edge. Sanjita begins to scream.

    Iqbal launches at Kash, dragging him up. Sanjita scurries out of the way of the pair.

    Iqbal: You've crossed the line one too many times Kash!

    The fight comes to a head, Iqbal flings Kash off the edge of the cliff. Sanjita looks on in horror as Kash falls hundreads of feet to his death...



    Detective 1: Mrs Singh? Did you hear me Mrs Singh?

    Sanjita shakes out of her daydream, and focuses on the scene infront of her. She is sat in a police prison cell, with a detective asking questions about the day’s events.

    Sanjita: Sorry…

    Detective 1: I said the car window was broken, how did that happen?


    The scene cuts between Sanjita’s interview and Iqbal’s interview frequently to create a sense of paranoia.

    Iqbal: It was like it when we got there, god knows what he’d done to it…

    Detective 2: His body showed signs of a fight, how did that happen?


    Sanjita: I don’t know, he was drunk, anything could have happened….

    Detective 1: So why exactly were you both there?


    Iqbal: He rang us telling us what he was going to do, we hurried there…

    Detective 2: “going to do”?


    Sanjita: Commit suicide, he was threatening to jump….

    Detective 1: Why would that concern you after all he’s done to you recently?


    Iqbal: He was my brother! Besides if we gonna end it, I wanted to be there to see it…

    Detective 2: Wanted to see it? Or wanted to do it?


    Sanjita: No! Not at all! You’ve got it all wrong!

    Detective 1: In my years of experience Mrs Singh, one thing I’ve learnt is that the truth will always come out eventually…

    Sanjita takes a nervous gulp as the realisation of what’s happened hits her.

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    Vicky’s car pulls up outside the office portacabin at the holiday park. She looks at herself in the car mirror, shaking with nerves. She grabs her handbag and hurries into the office.

    Nick gets up as soon as Vicky walk’s into the room, Vicky peeps out of the window to check that no-one is about before closing the blinds and locking the door.

    Nick: Vicky, what the hell has happened!?

    Vicky: I’ve hit him! I think he’s dead!

    Nick: You what!? What’s he doing out!? He’s supposed to be in prison!

    Vicky: He’s paid the bail…

    Nick: How the hell did he manage that!?

    Vicky: Nick, that really isn’t important at the moment! He could be dead for all I know! What are we going to do!?

    Nick: You said he was alive, you checked his pulse?

    Vicky: Yeah but anything could have happened between now and then! Oh god what if I’ve killed him!?

    Nick: Let’s not overreact, he might be ok…but we’ve got to get him out of the house…

    Vicky: You what!?

    Nick: We need to remove any evidence of him ever being there! Leave him in a country road or something, make out he was mugged or something!

    Vicky: For god’s sake Nick, are you crazy!?

    Nick: I don’t see as though we have many options! Unless you want to go down for murder!

    Vicky: (Distraught) Oh god…don’t say that…what have I done?

    Nick grabs hold of an emotional Vicky, trying to calm her down.

    Nick: Come on babe, you’ve got to keep your head on you, or we’re done for…

    Vicky: I know I hate him, but I don’t wan’t him dead!

    Nick: He deserves everything he get’s, but I’ll be damned if either of us go down for this, come on we have to get back to the house…

    Nick grabs his car keys and the pair hurry off out of the office.

  7. #7
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    Oooh what has Vicky done? Did she start the fire by accident. Great start to the new series Bryan.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chloe O'Brien View Post
    Oooh what has Vicky done? Did she start the fire by accident. Great start to the new series Bryan.
    No Kath, Hilary set fire to Jenkins Manor before leaving, honestly can't you remember!?

  9. #9
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    Devon seas and later tonight top gear... could this be the best day ever!!!!!

    Fantastic Bry.. so happy this is back
    Super Mod

  10. #10
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    Andonis and Marcus are sat in the living room watching television. Suddenly the doorbell rings.

    Andonis: I'll answer it...

    Andonis gets up and heads to the front door. He opens it to see the police standing on the doorstep.

    Andonis: What's happened?

    PC: Could we please come in?

    Andonis: Yeah sure..

    Andonis lets the police in. Marcus enters the hallway.

    Marcus: What's going on? What's happened?!

    PC: Are you both relations to Kash Singh?

    Andonis: Yes...why?

    PC: I'm afraid we have sad news for both of you...Kash has been found dead..

    Andonis and Marcus look at the police with frozen expressions.

    Andonis: (distraught) What happened? I want to know what happened! Why's he dead?!

    PC: He was found at the bottom of the local quarry...apparently he jumped..

    Marcus: "Apparently"?

    Andonis: No this isn't like him! He wouldn't do this! He wouldn't commit suicide!

    Marcus: What about my dad Iqbal? And Sanjita?

    PC: We have them down the station at the moment...

    Marcus: What for?!

    PC: It's just routine enquiry.

    Andonis: He wouldn't just take his own life...there's something suspicious about this and i want answers!

    Andonis storms passed the police. Marcus promptly follows him.

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