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Thread: The Official Lost Theory Thread

  1. #21
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    Can we post discussion/speculation here?? Well if not tell me

    But just want to say something about Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliette.. as Abbie has already heard

    Something I think could happen, or possibly I want to happen lol! Is Jack gets with Juliette, and Sawyer and Kate.. but either something happens to Kate (In which Jack would realise his feelings towards her, and she him) Or, Juliette or Sawyer die (preferably Juliette, as I love Sawyer more) but if Sawyer or Juliette was to die, then Jack or Kate might be upset, and the oterh console the other.. so would maybe realise again..

  2. #22
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    I like that idea kind of but I dont want sawyer to die and well I dont think I could bare kate and jack in other realtionships, well not for long anyway, but Juilette i dont mind dying but i dont think she will, her story has a purpose I think

  3. #23
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    I actually really like Juliette she seems really nice, and her backstory is really interesting. I could see her and Jack being quite good.. even though I want her and Jack

    And I'm sorry, but I really can't discuss this now.. my mum keeps chatting. seroulsy can't pay attention to waht I'm writing.. so I will in half hour or something.. properly

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyLea View Post
    I actually really like Juliette she seems really nice, and her backstory is really interesting. I could see her and Jack being quite good.. even though I want her and Jack

    And I'm sorry, but I really can't discuss this now.. my mum keeps chatting. seroulsy can't pay attention to waht I'm writing.. so I will in half hour or something.. properly
    Lol ok well dont worry I will wait for you but I will still reply now, I know I quite like Juiltte but she isnt one of the characters that when/if they died i would be really bothered, but Like I said the fact that she is another and after seeing her backstory she has gotten to the island somehow and the fact that before I assumed they had lived there all there lives as Ben claimed he has, and then Juilet herself said to Jack that if she let kate and sawyer go Ben said that he would let Juilete go which I dont think is going to happen but the fact that, that has been said something more has gone on there which is why I want to know more about Juliet

  5. #25
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    Okay I found these, these are theories people have posted on the ABC site :
    If you closely look at the Dharma Symbol you can see that is resembles a flag. The Korean Flag flown at the Royal Korean Consulate in Hamburg, 1893. Looks similar huh!?! What does this mean? Well the flag symbloizes the Ten Directions, 8 directions (N, S, E, W, SE, SW, NE, NW) and 2 inner and outter self (C, C). If you read about the Ten Directions, you will learn that you need to acheive all of these to be in balance. This is what the Lost Crew trying to achieve. This theory traces back to Hinduism or Buddism, which you can read stories about the Swan, Arrow, Pearl , Staff, Hydro. Names sound familar -they are 5 of the hatches names!!! The number 108 fits into this theory well, 108, in Hindu-Buddist civilization, is the most scared number! We are still trying to piece everything together, but it is a start on our theory.

    Then linking to this another theory was found:

    I think the biggest clue to the station was in the name. Since Dharma is heavily based on Buddhist teachings (see threads such as A Flag Tells Our Theory) I decided to have a look and see if the Swan featured in any Buddhist tales. I found tales of the swan being used as a disguise and I found stories of the swan saving people lives. This leads me onto what I believe were the two main purposes of the station.

    I believe that the Swan not only hid the island from the outside world but also played a part in the healing factor of the island.

    Hiding the Island: It's well known in science that cloaking devices can be manufactured relying heavily on electro-magnets creating a mirage type effect by bending light. If light can be bend around the island then the island would appear invisible from a distance. The same magnets could be used to deflect radar and even radio waves causing waves inside the magnetic field to remain inside and those outside remain outside. The only problem I can see is the 'Others' ability to contact the outside world. Could this have something to do with pushing the button every 108 minutes? could that have opened a gap in the magnetic field to allow communications briefly? On the other hand, we've never seen the Others directly contact the outside world so maybe all of their communications are physical and not via more modern technology.

    Healing Properties: To understand the healing properties of magnets you need to understand the structure of the world in which we live. If you imagine that everything in this world is made up of atoms, which ar ein turn made up of protons and electrons which all vibrate. The world is made of differing vibrations. This is science-fact. Every atom has its own frequency and therefore so do differing substances. Directing a magnetic ray at an object such as diseased cells in the body at the correct frequency breaks down those cells while leaving cells at a different frequency unharmed. This process has been tested on cancer, nerve damage and fertility problems although it is not refined enough at present to become common practice. But it is plausible science.

    The healer that Rose sees in her flashback mentions a magnetic force under the ground that helps to cure people. Unfortunately for Rose, the frequency of this field was not correct to help her, and the healer didn't have the means to change the frequency.

    The magnets on the island are obviously of a different frequency and have help Rose (or so she believes). Magnets have also been used to repair nerve damage (I'm not sure of all the details of this but it has been done). This could help explain the miraculous return to mobility for John Locke.

    Now I hear you asking about Ben's tumor. It's been poiinted out before that a tumor does not nessarcerily mean cancer and this is important to remember. Maybe the magnetic field is the wrong frequency to help battle this tumor or maybe it is generally too big to break down.

    So what now since the hatch is gone?

    Now that the hatch is gone many people belive that the island should be visible and people will start getting ill agian. This is not nessarcerily the case. Rose, Locke and Jin have been healed, there is no need for further treatment. Ben's problems were unaffected by the magnet so it's hard to say in his case.

    While considering what I've said it's important to remember that the station itself did not create the magnetic field, it was there to control it. It has been noted several times that the island showed signs of magnetic anomilies before Dharma arrived. This means that with or without the station it's properties still exist but are now uncontrollable. That is probably why the Others communications went down after the explosion, and possibly why Ben needs surgery now?

    The Swan in many religions ranging from Buddhism to ealry Paegan tales represents healing and altered states time after time. It can't just be a coincedence that the station was so called. Right now I can't see any other connection to a swan and so no other reason for calling it this.

    I must add that i didnt create these, they were found on the ABC website but these two which link are some of the most top rated
    Last edited by Abbie; 17-02-2007 at 16:41.

  6. #26
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    I have a theory that the people on the island all have the ability to do something they're not supposed to do. I don't really pay much attention to the episodes but i'm pretty sure one of the characters was able to heal women that can't have children or something like that. And the fact that Jack can heal those people that have a really low chance of surviving etc.

    There must be some kind of ulterior motive as to why these particular 'special' people were all sent to the island..
    Last edited by Scorpio_Girl; 05-06-2007 at 18:02.

  7. #27
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    Hmm about Jack, who do you mean, he couldnt save the Marshall in the piolt?
    Last edited by Abbie; 05-06-2007 at 18:42.

  8. #28
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    No, i meant outside the island before the crash. Remember the operations he had to work on.. And I think it was Juliet who found a way to make infertile women have children..

    It's kinda far-fetched..

  9. #29
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    My theory for lost is that it represents life as we dont no how we got on earth and stuff like that probs a rubbish theory but re got me thinking lol least it's good for something
    ~*~Leanne Robert ~*~

  10. #30
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    Thought I would revive this after seen Season 6 promo... My theory about the eye is that it is Jack's but they are not off the island yet.. I reckon the bomb imploded, dragging metal on top of the whole sealing it and the shock wave just knocked the guys of their feet.. as this is currently their present, nothing will happen until the future.. they won't be moved in time etc... time line will continue and they will die as normal (after all Richard said he seen them die, unless he is guessing as he didn't go to the site with them)... Then I also reckon that the series will end with flight 815 and there will be turbulance but this time plane doesn't crash, it lands in LAX
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