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Thread: Nightlife- 8 Part Series

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaVeyWaVey View Post
    You can click on the link for each character now so you can see what actor plays what character.
    Ooo very good, and I think I know most of them

  2. #12
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    I'm hooked already - especially with Rupert PJ on the cast list

  3. #13
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    Episode 1.1

    Scene 1- Nightlife Nightclub (Flashback)- Night

    (We hear everybody at "Nightlife" screaming. Herds of people are rushing out of the nightclub doors as a horrific fire starts to spread around the nightclub, we hear ambulance sirens as people come staggering out of the club badly injured and coughing. The fire takes hold even more and there are a series of small explosions. We see paramedics at the scene, treating clubbers and staff one by one. The camera turns to "Nightlife" bar workers Cleo and Selena)

    Cleo: Where is Rob!? Where the bloody hell is he?!

    Selena: He could still be in there Cleo...

    Cleo: No! No he can't still be in there...I want my fiance here now!

    (Cleo starts crying. Selena comforts her)

    Selena: Now come might be right, he must be around here somewhere..

    (Cleo gets up and starts frantically looking around the crowds looking for her fiance, Rob in desperation)

    Cleo: Where the bloody hell is he?!

    Selena: Oh my god...Cleo! Look!

    (Cleo turns to see her fiance, Rob staggering out of the flames that are taking hold of the nightclub. Cleo rushes to Rob to comfort him, but Rob clings to Cleo as he collapses to the floor in pain)

    Cleo: Rob? Rob!! Quick! Selena get some paramedics here now!

    (Cleo cradles Rob in her arms as he lies on the floor)

    Cleo: Now come on...hang on in there babe..the paramedics are on their way as we speak..

    (Rob struggles to speak)

    Rob: Cle...Cle..Cleo...i..i love you..

    (Rob mutters this with his final breath. He stops breathing. Cleo panics and starts screaming)

    Cleo: Rob! Rob!! Speak to me...come on! Speak to me!

    (The paramedics rush over as Rob lies lifeless on the ground. Cleo cradles her one love in her arms and starts screaming)

    Cleo: Noo!! Noo!

  4. #14
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    Oh that is sooooo sad. Poor Cleo, I hope there are happier times ahead for her.

    A good we find out whether the fire was an accident or whether it was started deliberately?

    Thanking the fabulous TAbbie, for the banner!

  5. #15
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    Great start Dave, cant believe we have a had a death in the first scene.

  6. #16
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    Episode 1.1

    Scene 2- Nightlife Nightclub- Day

    (It's a year on from the nightclub fire, and new owners Nicola and Jason are standing outside their nightclub)

    Nicola: Well it was about time that our names were above that door...

    Jason: Just seeing our names above that door cracks me a smile! This is all that i have dreamed of..owning a business...owning a service! Me and you Nic..this is our future!

    Nicola: I know...we have massive plans for this place...

    Jason: Yep we sure do..and no one's going to stop those plans...i'm just so glad that ******* who started the fire on this nightclub is locked up behind bars!

    Nicola: Yeah..hopefully a horrific fire like that won't happen here again.

    Jason: We'll make sure of it Nic..we'll have fire drills, maybe even produce more fire exits inside...anything to stop a tragedy like that fire from happening again! Why did he start it anyway?! That's what i want to know...a nightclub like this..the past owners must have been gutted watching this place burn down to the ground!

    Nicola: I'm not sure...but like you said, that vile man who started that fire is locked up behind bars now..he won't be able to set foot near Nightlife again..

    Jason: Come on then, let's get ready for the grand opening night, we have lots to plan!

    (Jason has a massive grin on his face as he walks into Nightlife that is owned now by him and his wife Nicola)

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    great start Dave

    hmmm i wonder if Jason has anything to do with the fire, if its all he's ever wanted then maybe he burnt it down in order to make the old owners sell up...

  8. #18
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    Episode 1.1

    Scene 3- Nightlife Nightclub- Night

    (The grand opening party of Nightlife Nightclub is in full swing. Two sisters, Madeline and Abi Cromwell are standing at the bar sipping their drinks. Madeline is staring over at Jason who is helping serve behind the bar)

    Abi: You haven't stopped staring at him since we've got here..

    Madeline: Sorry if i can't resist him...look at him, he's bloody gorgeous!

    Abi: Yeah well, i doubt anything would happen between you and him so stop the fantasies! You always stare at a man but never act on it!

    Madeline: Well maybe he's different...i'm gonna go for him for once!

    Abi: Oh for goodness sake Maddy! You don't even know the man...he could be married, have kids! Anyway, i thought this was just going to be a sisters night out, i thought all men would be out of the equation for tonight!

    Madeline: When you visit a nightclub have to try and pull a's like the Bible!

    Abi: Fine, go on then...try your luck...i'll just sit here on my own sipping my drink!

    (Madeline confidently walks to the other side of the bar where Jason is serving)

    Madeline: Can i have a bottle of vodka please?

    (Jason turns and sees Madeline)

    Jason: Yeah sure....would you like it on the house?

    Madeline: Oooh yes please...why's my drink free then?

    Jason: Well it's the grand opening night...we have to make a few exceptions to good-looking women who come here and ask for a drink!

    Madeline: Do i fit into the good looking women category do I?

    Jason: Yeah you do..that's why you've got a free drink!

    (Jason passes Madeline her drink. Madeline sips her drink and stares at Jason)

    Madeline: It's extremely hot in this nightclub...

    Jason: You looked extremely hot in your outfit when you arrived in this nightclub!

    Madeline: Got any air conditioning?

    Jason: If you want to cool down, my office is the place to go..

    (Madeline politely laughs and heads to Jason's office. Jason follows behind Madeline and slaps her bum. They enter Jason's office. Jason shuts the door)

    Jason: I guess if your feeling would wanna take your clothes off...

    (Madeline gives Jason a seductive look, and starts undoing her outfit)

    Jason: Let me help you undo that...I insist..

    (Jason undoes Madeline's outfit. Madeline turns to Jason and they both start kissing each other. Madeline pulls Jason's shirt off and they both fall onto Jason's office desk)

  9. #19
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    Jason...the swine! I reckon he is going to turn out to be a really dodgy guy in many ways.

    Thanking the fabulous TAbbie, for the banner!

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    liking the new series Dave

    the name gripped me straight away and the banners on your name got my attention,very good so far..
    Saving Maves LifeMave and Tabbie a true story brought to you by the PinkbananaRead it or get LUSHED!!

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