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Thread: Coursework help! Youth in Hollyoaks.

  1. #1
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    Coursework help! Youth in Hollyoaks.

    I'm doing A2 media studies and for my coursework i have decided to compare the representation of youth in both Hollyoaks and Coronation Street.

    Just wondering if anyone can help with this. Any help would be useful!

  2. #2
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    the youth in Hollyoaks tends to show alot of drinking my dad noticed that. There is more Youth in Hollyoaks as well with a lot of storylines focusing around the school and they show a lot of issues with the youth as well. Theres more youth in hollyoaks.

    What exactly do you want is it comparasions and contrasts or just general descriptions. Also what would you say as youth, people at school.

  3. #3
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    It's comparisons and similarities in styles and things really, and how they tackle issues. By youths in not really sure, probably from school, like Amys age, to uni students.

  4. #4
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    comparasions could include both deal with issues, then list a few pregnancys drugs etc, bad point could be the drinking, as both show alot.

    A contrast could be Hollyoaks also shows the importance of education more onlty a view but with the university and students it helps.

    Its actually quite difficult. Ill have a think when i watch Hollyoaks to night and get back to you.

  5. #5
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    Good luck with your coursework. Hope this helps, for going on with.

    Recent issues in both Hollyoaks and Corrie have been:

    bullying or perceived bullying.
    Nicole and Craig both were being bullied by others at the School. Nicole left which was an extreme case and where the issue wasn't dealt with at the school. Craig continued at School and I think it is slowly dying down, but the school didn't seem to tackle the problem. Then again i don't think either child actully reported being bullied, so in a way this shows how easy bullying can take place within a school context. (Hollyoaks)

    David - claims to be being bullied - well the jury is still out on this one. But David was taken to the School by his mother to try and tackle the issue head-on. Whether David is playing a game or not we don't know for sure, but did find a way to raise issues, such as if the bullied person tells it causes even more bullying. (Corrie)

    Not sure how easy it will be to compare the Uni students for reasons below:
    Corrie doesn't really deal with University life - other than they go off to Uni and mysteriously disappear.
    Hollyoaks - attempts to cover these issues; housing problems, student debt, trying to balance studying and socialising. Although working for a university, I am not sure they do this particularly well, it always seems overly dramatised for example, Joe getting into debt and faking his own death kind of made a mockery of the message of the financial difficulties some students suffer.

    So on a finishing note for now as I need to go home. Why did you choose Corrie and Hollyoaks? Is it from a british soap perspective, or did you consider a cultural differences like Neighbours/Home & Away and British Soaps? Just curious to know thats all, you don't have to answer if you don't want to

  6. #6
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    This can be viewd on many, many levels. Are you analysing from the point of view of how themes are used with relation to characters, or a more broad view of how this 'age range' is used by each programme in general?

    I'll be happy to give you Coronation Street information.

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