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Thread: Interview with John B

  1. #1
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Interview with John B

    Did you enjoy your time on the Island? Yeh, of course, I mean who wouldnt when its paradise, and you can just relax and prance around in ones skinny little apron

    Are you glad you came?
    Of course, I kinda needed a vaction so this sounded perfect.

    Did you think you could have had a lasting relationship with anyone on the Island? Well I would love to say yes, but sadly I didnt really meet someone who would love me Well course there was George M, and although we didnt spend much time togterher I really liked him and I hope I get to spend some time woth him now that Im out.
    And for everyone else who is in there, they are all very special people who you can always relie on to have a laugh with.

    Do you think anyone on the Island will get it together and stay together after this has finished?
    Im not sure, theres plently of flriting in there thats for sure. I think Jude and Charlotte are great togetherm even if they dont stay together long I think most people in there will keep in touch.

    Are you upset you were chosen by the other Islanders to be evicted?
    Well of course who wouldnt be? But if im being honest it was expected. I know I wasnt round much this week and I think the others would of had mpore fun with Darren, plus it was a bonus that he was straight.

    Would you change anything about your time on the Island?
    Not really, only wish I wasnt ill for that time this week and hoped that my george didnt leave me that soon.

    Who would you like to win (one male one female celeb please, as its king and queen of the island)
    Well I think Lindsay should win to be queen, I had some great times with her and she still owes me that rematch!! *laughs*
    I think to be King it has to be Jude, mainly as i got to know him a bit more than the other guys.

    Who do you think will win?
    Jude and Charlotte, they're a great pair arent they!

    And finally can I just say thanks for inviting me here and you havent seen the last of me and my apron!!!

  2. #2
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Time for speculating - who was John B??

    Post your thoughts here

  3. #3
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    I think John B was Dawn, Poor person whoever they were, not much action as George M was kicked out
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  4. #4
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    I'm gunna guess Di Marco... dunno why

  5. #5
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Did you enjoy your time on the Island?
    Yep it was fun and well er......very interesting.

    Are you glad you came?
    Yep, I mean I knew it was Love island which meant there was going to be some very funny flirting and it sounded like it would be funny and somehting I could laugh at and laugh at some of the stupid things I was saying.

    Did you think you could have had a lasting relationship with anyone on the Island? Erm well My character was hard to play and since he was gay it was hard for him to have a long lasting relationship, but friendship wise I think he could of had many.

    Do you think anyone on the Island will get it together and stay together after this has finished?
    Not really sure its hard to say.

    Are you upset you were chosen by the other Islanders to be evicted?
    Not really, afterall I hadnt been able to get on my computer this week, and it was just so annoting so much stuff got in the way, I was thinking of leaving but I rather be evicted, though when they were choosing at one point I thought I had a chance, but i dont mind, now I just have more time to myself.

    Would you change anything about your time on the Island?
    Apart form being there more then nothing, it was a great laugh.

    Who would you like to win (one male one female celeb please, as its king and queen of the island)
    erm well When I was there I think Charlotte was fab, how she thinks of all those things to say I dont know and possibly Jude he is around most and hes very funny and there alot too.

    Who do you think will win?
    I actaully think those 2 will will, but I think that Kerry has a good chance too.

    Big thanks to ABBIE previously known as abblette lol for being John B

  6. #6
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    Well done Abbie! I had no idea it was you!
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    Soapboards approved link - rimmer

  7. #7
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    Thanks, I tired to be gay all the time but it was vert hard when geprge wasnt around and then he left and then everyone was in a couple so it was very very hard

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Well done Abbie. I understand about the gay thing - I was George
    Thanks for the AMAZING banner Layneykins!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Queen
    Well done Abbie. I understand about the gay thing - I was George
    Lol I know, I wanted to know who i was flirting with and pining for lol.

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