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Thread: Series 2 Finale

  1. #1
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    Series 2 Finale

    Bree is pregnant
    Edie burns down Susan's house when she learns about her and Carl
    Betty kills her son and leaves Wisteria Lane

    Source: National Enquirer

  2. #2
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    There is a serious twist this season and Danielle could be in some major danger and Betty isn’t the Applewhite she should be afraid of. It is Caleb. Source: Kristin on E!Online

    Susan and Mike get back together. Source: TV Guide Online
    Brenda Strong (Mary Alice): "I am dead, but I do come back [in a flashback]! We not only learn more about Mary Alice's past, but also a little bit about each woman in relation to Mary Alice, so it's kind of a nice retrospective to end the second season." And, according to Brenda, the flashbacks definitely affect what happens in season three: "There are a few strings that won't be tied into little bows at the end. There'll be enough to, I think, satisfy the viewers, but it'll be a nice combination of suspense and satisfaction in the finale." I also hear Stephen Culp (Rex) comes back, and we finally learn Tom's secret!

  3. #3
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    Susan and Karl get back together yey!!!! I also thought they sutied

  4. #4
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    What Bree pregnat!!! aww i was hoping it was someone else

  5. #5
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    Mike buys an engagement ring for Susan and then Karl one-ups him by buying a house for Susan and the daughter.
    Zach kills Noah and becomes his beneficiary and shuns the imprisoned Paul.

  6. #6
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    Lynette is determined never go to back to Tom or to even contact him, but then Parker falls and breaks his arm. At the hospital, Tom tells her what he's been doing with that woman in Atlantic City. She was a dancer he met long before he knew Lynette, and who only recently told him that she has a daughter from their one-night stand. He'd been secretly meeting with her until he could take a paternity test to make sure he's the father.

    Tom wants Lynette to meet his daughter, Kayla, but instead it's her mother, Nora, who shows up. She insists they pay 11 years worth of child support. Instead, Lynette gives her a check for $30,000. Which Nora uses to put a down payment on a nearby home, since she plans on being part of their lives from now on.

    Carlos tells Gabrielle to take tennis lessons without him since he has to work on a road crew as part of his community service. At the country club, she sees a news report that he was killed in a car accident. She rushes home and tearfully tells Xiao Mei that Carlos is dead. A very flustered Xiao Mei begs her, "Please don't kill him!" Carlos, it turns out, is alive and well. It's his friend, Ralph, whom he paid off to take his place on the road crew, who was killed.

    That night, he doesn't want to have sex with Gabrielle, which he blames on his grief over Ralph. Suspicious that he and Xiao Mei are having an affair, during Xiao Mei's next checkup she asks the gynecologist to tell her whether Xiao Mei is still a virgin. He gives her a thumbs-down.

    Gabrielle plants baby monitors in the house and the garage in hopes of overhearing them together, but all she hears is them dissing her cooking. Later, when she's over at Lynette's, unmistakable sounds of her husband and her maid making love come over Lynette's baby monitor. Gabrielle throws Carlos out. But as long as Xiao Mei is carrying her baby, she insists she stays -- and keep doing her job!

    Since the evidence that Felicia planted to frame Paul is so incriminating, he tells Zach he needs a good lawyer, and to ask Noah for the money. Zach reluctantly goes to see Noah, who's now so ill he's on a respirator. He refuses to help the man who killed his daughter, and he tells Zach he's having second thoughts about leaving all his money to him, since he thinks Zach isn't tough enough to run his empire after he's gone.

    "You don't have the guts," he says when Zach eyes the "off" button on the respirator. So Zach pushes the button and watches Noah die. An assistant informs him that Noah's wealth is all his now. Zach calls his father and lies that he can't get the money and he doesn't know when he can come visit again. Then he tells the assistant to get him a new cell phone with a new number.

    Betty Applewhite is planning to move in the middle of the night with Caleb but is stopped by the police. They have evidence proving that it was Matthew -- not Caleb --- who killed Melanie Foster. We find out that Caleb attacked her first, but Matthew finished her off when she threatened to go to the police to accuse Caleb.

    At the Fairview Meadows Psychiatric Hospital where Bree checked herself in, she is surprised to run into Susan's dentist friend, Orson, who's there visiting a patient. She begs him not to say anything to Susan, since Bree told her she was at a spa. Orson promises to keep her secret.

    Bree refuses to open up during her therapy sessions. Saying all she wants is a rest, and some very strong drugs, she just quietly rakes the little Japanese sandbox. She is perfectly content to stay put, until she gets a call from Betty that Matthew's the real murderer. Since she committed herself, Bree tries to leave, but is stopped by the doctor, who doesn't believe her when she says she has to protect her daughter from a murderer. Instead, she ends up sedated and tied to a bed.

    The next day, she's very cooperative in therapy, finally opening up about how she's failed her children. She says she has a plan to protect Danielle -- and then throws the sand in the doctor's face. She makes her escape as Orson watches but doesn't interfere.

    Danielle and Matthew are broke and starving, so they decide to break into Bree's safe. But they can't get into it, so Matthew goes to his mother's house to get a sledgehammer. Betty confronts him and says she knows he's the guilty one. He says he did it to protect Caleb and that he knew she'd be more likely to stand by Caleb since she's always loved him more. After he leaves, she calls the police.

    Bree comes home to find Danielle and Matthew raiding the kitchen. She tells Danielle he's a murderer, but she doesn't believe her. So Bree blocks the door. Matthew takes out a gun and orders Bree to step aside, but instead she walks towards him, saying it's the only way to prove to Danielle what kind of person he is. A gunshot goes off, but it's Matthew who falls to the ground -- a police sniper has shot him through the window.

    Susan buys a trailer for her and Julie to live in, having turned down Mike's offer to move in with him, even though their relationship is back on again. Karl runs into Mike when he's buying an engagement ring, which can only be for Susan. So he beats him to the punch by buying Susan a house. The two men get into a fight while helping Susan move and as Karl is more hurt, Susan goes to help him.

    When she goes to see Mike later, he's nursing a chipped tooth, so she advises him to go see her dentist, Orson. He says he's not going to propose if she still has feelings for Karl, but she insists she doesn't. He goes to see Orson, who correctly guesses that some of Mike's subpar dental work is from a prison dentist, since he spent some time doing freebies for inmates himself once. Mike asks if Orson ever worked on him, since he seems familiar, but Orson says no.

    Susan sends Mike an invitation to meet her by the lake for a romantic dinner in her trailer home. She tells her friends she's the one who's going to pop the question. And she tells Karl her plans as well, since first she needs him to finalize their second divorce. He reluctantly signs the papers. Mike is picking up flowers for his date when a car runs him over! He lays, unconscious or dead in the street, while we see that it was Orson behind the wheel. Meanwhile, Susan waits all night for Mike to show.

    The next day, Bree is surprised to find Orson in her front yardwith flowers. "Congratulations on your escape," he says and she smiles and invites him in.
    Last edited by Em; 23-05-2006 at 13:48.

  7. #7
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    oh my gosh that sounds sooooo good i cant wait to see it

  8. #8
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    That sounds well good!!! Can't believe it was Matthew who really killed that girl And poor Mike.. hope he isn't dead... imagine Susan if he was
    And i'm also shocked at Tom having another kid I always thought of Tom and Lynette as a great couple!! Anddd more shockedness to at Carlos and Xeie mei (sp?) Can't wait for that episode!!

  9. #9
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    Mike doesn't die. I read an interview with the man that plays the character who says he has a very large role in series three.

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