View Poll Results: Man doesnt want kids,woen wont terminate pregnancy,should he pay maintenence etc?

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Thread: child support if child not wanted?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    child support if child not wanted?

    Should men who don't want kids be able to decline child support if the mother will not terminate the pregnancy?

  2. #2
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    Although I feel very sorry for men in this situation as they say it takes two to tango! It is not the responsibility of just one of the partners to ensure precautions are used and if an accident happens, although a woman may not necessarly want the baby or feel its the right time for them they may not feel able to have an abortion (for their own wellbeing) and wil have to support the child so theres no reason why the male shouln't face his responsibilities either! Once a baby is born its to late for regret therefore its the fathers choice if he wants contact but should at least financially accept his responsibility

  3. #3
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    this is a bit of a strange one.. If the man didn't want kids, he should have taken the responsiblilty not to have them. However, accidents happen but there are 2 parents here. In this suitation the man could just walk away and claim it is not his child, he doesn't have to pay a penny if he doesn't want to. She knows the score so I don't think she should expect anything either
    Super Mod

  4. #4
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    If the man didn't want the kids then he shouldn't have been 'naughty' lol. I think he should pay half to the wife coming to all expenses.

  5. #5
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    the man definitaly should because it isnt easy for someone to bring up a young child on there own with out lots of support, both emotionally and finatally.
    im back everyone!!!!!!

  6. #6
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    Yes he should.If he doesnt want kids he should have thought about that before

  7. #7
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    yes he should, if he didnt want kids the he should have made sure he wore a condom!

    and yes accidents can happen! but if your old if enough to have sex then you should be able to deal with whatever happens because of it!

  8. #8
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    I think the man should pay whether he wanted the child or not as the woman may not have originally wanted the child either but couldnt face the idea of an abotion. It is both people's job to take precautions. However if the woman had got pregnant on purpose when she knew the guy didnt want a baby (eg said she was on the pill when she wasnt) then i'm not sure if he should haveto pay child support

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by debs
    yes he should, if he didnt want kids the he should have made sure he wore a condom!

    and yes accidents can happen! but if your old if enough to have sex then you should be able to deal with whatever happens because of it!
    Exactly! You should not be having a sexual relationship without being fully awear of the consequences,

  10. #10
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    I'm a single mom and don't expect anything from the father but we have an amicable agreement that he goes half on school trips etc. I managed to get the CSA to keep their noses out otherwise they would have left his new family living below the breadline. I'm single but not heartless. There are so many different circumstances in a situation like this.

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