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Thread: Summer Party.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanked: 97
    Wow, this is really good, totally wicked!!!
    Can't wait to find out what happens.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    this is really good, please up date soon!

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Hants, England.
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    Sory that I ain't been replying/updating. Come on internet and get distracted by msn and roleplay's. They're fun though. But so is this, I've also started fics on so if you can you might wanna check them out.

  4. #24
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    Sorry, that's it's been so long, here's the next part for all of ya. Please read and review.

    "Jo!" He called, Jo ran over.

    "Wassup?" She asked.

    "Sam's still in the building, tell the DCI and tell him to get paramedics just in case. I'm gonna go in and try to find her." Phil said.

    "You sure that's a good idea?" Jo asked.

    "Just do it." Phil shouted before turning and walking back into the now deserted pub.

    He walk through the corridors and into the room where everyone had been minutes before dancing. He went over to where he'd seen Lewis and Sam talking.

    "SAM?!" He called. He called again and again.

    "Phil?" He heard a faint whisper.

    "Sam!" He ran over to where a pile of ruble was. He moved a small peice and found her hand. "Sam, it's alright. I'm here now." He held her hand tightly.
    He could see through a gap her face, she has a nasty cut on her forehead. Blood was trickling out of it.
    "Sam, I need you to keep talking. You've got to keep talking to me, ok?"

    "Ok." Sam said. "My body is all twisted and being pressed upon by the ruble. I can't breath."

    "Come on Sam, don't worry, ok." Phil begged. There was no answer. "Sam?"

    He could hear the footsteps of the paramedics, they entered the room followed by Jack Meadows, Gina Gold, Jo and Stuart.

    "She's stopped talking." Phil told them. "She was saying that she found it hard to breath, and she has a bleeding cut on her forehead."

    The paramedics, Phil, Stuart and Jack helped to unbury her. Gina and Jo watched in horror. When she was free the paramedics carried her out of the pub and into the ambulance. Lewis had already been taken to the hospital. Jack drove Phil, Stuart and Gina to the hospital. Jo was going to go back to the station with everyone else so she could pass on the information about Lewis and Sam.

    When they arrived at the hospital, Sam was in theatre. Phil, Gina, Jack and Stuart waited outside in anticipation. A nurse walked out. Phil approached her. "Excuse me, we know Sam Nixon, what's up with her?"

    "Ms Nixon has had slight internal bleeding where the debris and brick had trapped her. Her breathing has steadied but she's still unconcious. Her head has been hit too, this is causing the unconciousness." The nurse said.

    Phil sat in one of the chairs. Stuart stood leaning against the wall. Jack took Stuart to go and get a coffee while Gina talked to Phil.

    "You love Sam, don't you?" Gina said sitting next to him.

    He nodded. "So much that it hurts when I see her with him."

    "You mean Stuart." Gina said. Phil nodded again.

    The nurse reappared. "Ms Nixon, been taken to ward G on floor 2."

    Gina told Phil to go, she would wait for Jack and Stuart to turn up. Phil rushed to the ward and found her room. He went in and felt like crying. Sam was hooked up to a machine, she had a square bandage on her head. Her hair had been taken out and was spread over the pillow. He sat in the chair beside her, took her hand and gently kissed it.

    "I love you." He whispered.

    Gina burst into the room. "Sorry, Stuart and Jack have had to leave to make statements."

    "Shouldn't Stuart haved saved it until he'd seen Sam and made sure she was alright." Phil spat.

    "He would of, but I told him not to. This way, you are here when Sam wakes up and not him." Gina smiled.

    "Your evil." Phil grinned.

    "I know." Gina smiled. "I've got to go too but make sure you look after her."

    "I will, I promise." Phil smiled. Gina left and Phil stayed sitting next to Sam.

    After half an hour the doctor walked in with a nurse. He checked things over.
    The nurse talked to Phil. "She can hear you, it's soothing if you talk to them."

    "Ok, I'll talk to her." Phil said. The doctor said that she was fine for the moment.

    They left and Phil resumed sitting next to Sam. "Hey, apparently you can hear me. Ok, well this is really weird but I'll do it anyway." He laughed. "Remember earlier, us too dancing to Filthy/Gorgeous by Scissor Sisters. That was fun, you were laughing so much, causing me to laugh. You've got to get well soon though, I miss you. I miss your voice, I miss you talking. Abi was told and she's coming tomorrow morning. She'll bring all your stuff too. I love you so much Sam. I'm sorry that I haven't told you sooner but I do. I have for so long now."

    After a while he drifted off to sleep. He had his arms folded on the bed and his head rested on them.

    Sam lay in bed, her eyes fluttered open. She saw Phil sleeping beside her. She looked around and realised that she was in hospital. She didn't know why. After a few minutes Phil woke up.

    "You're awake!" Phil exclaimed.

    "Yeah." Sam smiled.

    "Hang on, I'll go get the nurse." He said walking out of the room and getting nurse. He came back with one.

    "Ok, Ms Nixon. You were in an accident. It's ok though, you just need to have someone keeping an eye on you." The nurse said.

    "I got Phil, ain't I?" She said turning to Phil.

    "Cause." Phil said holding her hand. The nurse left.

    Sam realised that there was a 6x6 bandage on her forehead. "Where's the bandage come from?"

    "You hit your head, where you were stuck." Phil explained.

    "Oh, I remember being trapped. Then you came, I herad you and then I called to you." Sam said.

    "It's ok, I'm here now. It's ok." Phil said hugging her.

    The door burst open and Stuart ran in. "Sam! You're awake."

    Phil pulled away from Sam. Stuart kissed Sam's cheek. "I was so worried."

    She looked at him. "Who are you?"

    To Be Contunued . . . . . .

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    wow! i can't wait to find out what happened! please update asap!!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    oh yes, she cant remember Stuart, this could be interesting!!! good update!! xx

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    yes i have really missed your usual daily updates loving this script cant wait for the next update

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanked: 1
    Update really soon!

    Does she remember Phil, or has she forgotten im too?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hants, England.
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    Aww, I'm sorry adorableangel, will try to be more frequent again.

    Stuart stood rooted to the spot, shocked. "Sam, it's me. Stuart. I work with you, we were at the party earlier together."

    Sam shook her head. "I don't know you."

    Stuart looked at Phil and glared. "I bet your so happy now. Get me out the way so you can muscle in. You won't get away with this. You'll regret doing this. I swear you will."

    "I think you should leave." Sam said, Stuart glared one last time at Phil before storming out. "Are doctors suppose bang the door like that?"

    "Sam. He isn't a doctor. He's the replacement for Ramini, you know. DS Turner." Phil told her. "I'm going to get a doctor, ok?"

    Phil walked out and told a doctor. "That would be normal, she's got a nasty bang on the head she will forget somethings. They should come back with time but you'll have to be patient."

    "Ok." Phil said walking back. He went and sat beside Sam again. Just then Abi walked in. She went over to her mum and hugged her.


    "Woah, this is a bit of a surprise." Sam laughed.

    "What do you mean?" Abi asked.

    "Well your usually telling me that you hate me." Sam said. "And why do you have a pram?"

    "Abi, can I talk to you a minute." Phil said he walked over to Abi and pulled her outside.

    "She's lost parts of her memory. I think she may have forgotten the whole Hugh thing. It'll come back with time but the doctor said to be patient. Just don't preassure her to remember things." Phil told her

    "So, she can't even remember her own grandson?" Abi said annoyed.

    "You can't blame her, she just needs to recover." Phil said.

    They went back to see her. She was holding the baby boy.

    "Sorry, he started to cry." Sam apologised.

    "Don't worry, it doesn't matter." Abi said smiling slightly. Sam bounced him on her lap. Abi put the bag of Sam's stuff on the cabinet beside her.

    "I'll take him out with me while you change if you want." Phil offered.

    "Cheers." Abi said handing the baby to him.

    Phil stood waiting outside while Sam changed into her pjamas. Abi put her hair out the way in a french plait before Phil was allowed back in. They sat talking for a while then the nurse went in to take Sam's bandage off. There was a stitched scar on her head. Sam looked at it in a handheld mirror and sighed.

    "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Abi reassured her.

    "It looks horrible." Sam muttered. Aftre a bit more talking Phil looked at his watch. "I'd better go, I've got to get changed and ready for work. I'll tell everyone how your doing though becasue I know that they're worried. I'll probably see you later though."

    And with that Phil left feeling slightly lonely and wishing he could stay with her.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    anotherhr great installment bex!!!!!

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