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Thread: Whats Happened??

  1. #1
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Whats Happened??

    At the risk of getting into trouble, I just wanted to say something, so mods, feel free to close this immediately afterwards as I am not trying to incite any problems.

    I joined this forum mainly because it was a happy community where everyone got on with everyone else, had open discussions knowing that no matter what was said (to a degree), freedom of speech (unless offensive, problematic etc) was allowed. However, over the past few months, something has changed, I don't know what, or what has caused it nor do i want to know, but the whole Oldies vs Younguns thing etc is awful. I used to come on here for enjoyment but almost every thread/post I look at somewhere along the lines, someone is having a go at someone else, and frankly, its starting to get me down.

    Im an "oldie" of sorts who definitely doesn't act my age, and i think or at least hope that i get on well with everyone on here so i find it very sad to see all of this happening.....Can't we all just get on again and go back to the way it was before mass desertions happen???

  2. #2
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    i completely agree. it used to be so friendly, hardley any conflict, apart from a select few. but now as ems has said. its becoming unbearable. every thread near enough, had got at least someone having ago at someone else. it would be nice to have it as it was, where everyone got on. and the oldies vs younguns is a bit unfair, as a semi young one, i sometimes feel unawkward about posting, incase i say something wrong or something. so id like us to get back to normal

  3. #3
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    i completely agree ems it used to be very very friendly but at times now it isnt. i dont come on as much as i used to because when i do come on i read through the threads and someones moaning or having a go at another

    please people lets get back to being friendly again

  4. #4
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    Hi people i would just like to say that i am 100% in an aggrement with emz i think she was very brave to bring this topic forward. I cant speak for everyone when i say this but i think most people have been thinking the same think i know i have.

    I dont know an about anyone else but at once stage i loved this board to bits i had real passion real enjoyment for it and it people but for me now it turned boring and the exicitment has gone . I am upset people because i feel i lost an part of me in some respect as funny as may sound. I want the board i loved back.

    Most of all i want the community spirit back that i once felt

    Last edited by angelblue; 14-02-2006 at 10:19.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelblue
    Hi people i would just like to say that i am 100% in an aggrement with emz i think she was very brave to bring this topic forward. I cant speak for everyone when i say this but i think most people have been thinking the same think i know i have.

    I dont know an about anyone else but at once stage i loved this board to bits i had real passion real enjoyment for it and it people but for me now it turned boring and the exicitment has gone . I am upset people because i feel i lost an part of me in some respect as funny as may sound. I want the board i loved back.

    Most of all i want the community spirit back that i once felt

    i agree i loved coming here as it was one of the only boards where you could ay what you wanted and people would not immediatly bitch at you because they thought your opinion was wrong. Now it is chaging i just come on read the bits i want to, post when i want and go, i used ot be on here all the time but now i sometimes cant be botered

  6. #6
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    ok, i really have to get this off my chest, because this has been a real problem for me for a while.

    I'm 15, right. A have a few weeks untill i'm 16. Theres a divide between the under and over 16's- that much is obvious. But the problem i have is that most of my close mates on here, in fact i'd guess at all of them, are over 16. because i'm on that borderline, i feel like i'm meant to kind of "stick up" for the under 16's, when i dont always want to. That whole situation is annoying me now.

    I know that a lot of nder 16's were hurt a few weeks back, but come on, can't we all just get over it?! I'm pissed off at being in the middle of the two groups now.

  7. #7
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Exactly Abbey - I've made so many younger friends on here that are under 16 - I just want it all over with and for us all to be getting along again.

  8. #8
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    I'm not going to be pushed off here because of it, it jjst annoys me sometimes. Right now, it only seems to be a few people, but those few people are seriously annoying me. If they'd get over this little vendetor they've got, then problem solved. But those people just seem to be completly against the over 16's and all the mod team.

    Also, i dont think that the problem is just with the under 16's. Sometimes i've found comments made by "mature over 16's" that really put us down. That equally annoys me, because its generally those people that moan about our supposed "immaturity". They're really not helping matters.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jojomum
    At the risk of getting into trouble, I just wanted to say something, so mods, feel free to close this immediately afterwards as I am not trying to incite any problems.

    I joined this forum mainly because it was a happy community where everyone got on with everyone else, had open discussions knowing that no matter what was said (to a degree), freedom of speech (unless offensive, problematic etc) was allowed. However, over the past few months, something has changed, I don't know what, or what has caused it nor do i want to know, but the whole Oldies vs Younguns thing etc is awful. I used to come on here for enjoyment but almost every thread/post I look at somewhere along the lines, someone is having a go at someone else, and frankly, its starting to get me down.

    Im an "oldie" of sorts who definitely doesn't act my age, and i think or at least hope that i get on well with everyone on here so i find it very sad to see all of this happening.....Can't we all just get on again and go back to the way it was before mass desertions happen???

    Well said Ems!!

    Ive posted more messages than ever on here recently, and was surprised by some of the responses I got. Some were actually quite rude! In one, I merely tried to answer someones question, and that person then accused me of calling them stupid!!

    Im an inbetweeny (or at 23 I like to think Im not an oldie!!) but I think the attitude of some on here (old and young) is wrong. I also read messgaes between other people on threads, and a lot of them seem to have a go at each other - its pointless when your trying to read about the actual thread topic, and also seems quite spiteful. theres 2 people ive noticed in particular who seem to hate each other for no reason!

    I love these boards, and have spoken to some really nice people (jojo, lea, shaza, chloe, Tamzi etc) but the small few who are not could put other people off joining and that would be a shame. Its turning into digital spy!! (no wait nothing is that bad!!)

    Anyway, thats just my two cents

  10. #10
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    There are many great posters on here both young and old. I dont have a problem with anyone because of their age. What I do dislike is the way so many posts drift way off topic or where people post replies which have absolutely no bearing on the thread. I would never dream of posting about a programme which I dont watch yet some folk seem to think its a good idea to post something like '' I dont care because I don't watch it. Thats just plain silly and of no use whatsoever. I try not to get involved in personal arguments on here. If I have a problem I let the Mods decide who is right and who is wrong and would certainly not get involved in arguing with or dissing a Mod on any of the threads. Certainly it is wrong to go on to another board and bad mouth people on here by name just because you disagree with them or some of the decisions they have made. The board is run by the Mods and whether or not you like them or their decisions they have the final say. If anyone has a problem with me feel free to PM me.
    Rant Over

    Now lets get on with enjoying SB
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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