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Thread: Should school ties be banned?

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by myra129
    I think the reason they want them banned is because of the symbolism of it, two of their friends are now dead and they used the tie. The school say the tie gives them individuality, in other words people can tell their from that school when their wearing them but at the same time they have to wear jumpers and polo shirts with the school logo on... it makes no sense.
    i think the schools in the right here. as much as i hate school uniform its there for a reason. as i said before, these kids probably just dont want to wear their ties and someone killing themselves with one is a good excuse for them. i mean, if the kid had killed themselves with say some sort of sharp knife or blade or something that they use in technology would they want the school to get rid of all those objects, i dont think it would even cross their minds
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  2. #22
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    i agree di marco. The ties also make schools look smart. I know my school did. Its a terrible thing that someone died but if they had not used the tie it would have been something else.

  3. #23
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    I didnt have to waear one for more than my first year at school. we then wore polo shirts instead. They were more tidy and looked more smart than with ties as ties tend to look sctuffy when they arnt tied propery. Its up to the school but I prefered not to have them espectially in the summer. As for the idea of suicide by them, wont these people just use something else instead like a belt or a shoelace??

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by CornishBabe
    I didnt have to waear one for more than my first year at school. we then wore polo shirts instead. They were more tidy and looked more smart than with ties as ties tend to look sctuffy when they arnt tied propery.
    yes i agree they can end up looking really scruffy but i think thats up to the school as well. at my school we have to have our top button done up (or make it look like its done up) and the ties have to be a certain length
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  5. #25
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    at my school they only make a fuss if you dont have a tie and they dont care about buttons at all, but we do look a bit scruffy.
    im back everyone!!!!!!

  6. #26
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    i think they should be banned ad many kids joke about pulling peoples ties and if once person pulls to tight they could end up being straggled it sounds silly but it could happen.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Umm, my house duh
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    We'd probably be sent to Remove in my school. IN my school girls don't wear ties, but boys do

  8. #28
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    They should be removed if they cause things like that!
    Luckily I dont' have to wear one.

  9. #29
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    i think they should because all it takes is for some one to get into a fight and the other person to pull the tie and strangle them !!! i mean not safe aye !!

  10. #30
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    but kids arent that stupid. At my school girls had the option of a tie or not, but the thought of it being unsafe never crossed my mind.

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