Ok so here is the next part and this part will lead into another storyline.

Demi and Mickey arrive home

Rosie: Were have you two been?
Mickey: We went to Leos grave so Demi could just have a talk to him.
Rosie: Oh...Do you feel any better in your self now Dems?
Demi: Yeh mum I feel much better. I just want to get back to normal.
Rosie: (putting her arms out) Do you want to give your old mum a hug?
Demi: Yeh I could do with a good cuddle.
Mickey smiles behind them.
Mickey: Mum,whats for tea im starving?
Rosie: Ermmmmm ive not put anything on. Will you go to the argee bargee and get us a curry?
Mickey: Yeh course
Rosie: Oh Mickey and take Darren because hes not been out all day!
Mickey: Alright. DARREN!
Darren runs down the stairs.
Darren: What?
Mickey: Your coming the argee bargee with me.
Darren follows Mickey out.
Demi: Mum wheres Dad?
Rosie: Hes gone getting some milk. Anyway Im glad were on our own.
Demi: Why?
Rosie: Well Demi I need to tell you something.
Demi: What?
At that minute Keith came back but Rosie and Demi did not hear him.
Rosie: Im going to ask Dad to marry me!!!!
Outside the door Keith had a straight face.


please reply before I post the next part.