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Thread: Forbidden Love (Demi & Leo) Please Read

  1. #141
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    Forbidden Love Part Thirty-Seven Taking in the News Continued

    “It aint just Ray what thinks that though…”

    “What..? Who else then..” He asked as Demi turned to him again.

    “Everyone!… kids at school. Me old mates…. Probably even Leo..”

    “Yeah well you don’t need him Dem’s… he’s trouble, look what he’s done to ya!”

    “He aint done nothing to me!” Demi snapped quickly turning to her brother. “This aint all Leo’s fault ya no… he never forced me… I wanted to!” She yelled as Mickey put his head in his hands shaking his head.

    “Nah, nah Dem’s I don’t wanna be thinking of me little sister like that… its wrong” he said as he lifted his head.

    “Well its what happened. I love him… I did it because I love him not because he’s forced me into anything… you don’t even know him” She snapped as Mickey frowned.

    “I don’t want to either! I know enough and that’s that he aint right for you… you deserve better!”

    “I thought you of all people would understand Mickey… every time you bring home a girl mum’s always saying ‘She aint good enough for our Mickey’..” Demi said mimicking her mother. “You always hate the way she makes judgments, I would have thought you’d know what it feels like… you know nothing about Leo” She snapped as she folded her arms.

    “Look… there’s just things I know about Dem’s that I don’t like…”

    “So from all the bad things he’s done you judge him?… Never mind all the good he’s done… if everyone did that Mickey then you’d have no mates left at all. If you think Leo’s bad then your ten times worse! Just give him a chance!”

    “I cant do that Dem’s I’m sorry… he’s trouble… I don’t care what you say he’s caused you too much grief…. I’m just tryin’ to protect ya.. Do what’s best for ya we all are”

    “And what about what’s best for Leo then… no one seems to think or care about him do they… what about what’s best for the baby… it’ll need a dad, and Leo will want to be part of it’s life… you cant stop that”

    “Demi just stop it… you cant miss what you never had… look at me and Dawn… we never knew our dad and we’ve got Keith… he’s our dad now and he’s been there for us, he aint our biological dad but he’s our real dad Dem’s, not that other bloke who we don’t even know…”

    “But its different Mickey.. Your dad just left… I know Leo would never do that… your dad never wanted to be there… Leo does I know it”

    “You don’t have to settle for second best Dem’s… you’ll find someone who’ll wanna be with you and Aleesha because he wants to… not because he feels he has to….” Mickey said softly before leaving his little sister alone to think about it. But Demi knew Mickey was wrong. Leo wanted to be there for them and no one had the right to stop them.

    * next part Demi finds out how Leo's parents reacted* ........

  2. #142
    Join Date
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    more v.soon

    Thank You Kim131 For My Great Banner

  3. #143
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXxJessxXx
    you and Aleesha
    you mean her and the baby it wouldnt have a name yet lol apart from that this is great

  4. #144
    Join Date
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    somewhere far far away
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    this is great more soon!

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by squillyfer
    you mean her and the baby it wouldnt have a name yet lol apart from that this is great
    Lol i didnt did i? oh look i did! ..... i am always doing that and have to go back and change it! i'm like, no its not Aleesha she hasnt been born yet she's still an it! sorry for confusion! and if i accidently do it again you all know what i mean. lol

    so confusing when your writing in the past

  6. #146
    Join Date
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    Post more soon!
    Good Soaps-
    Coronation Street(its a bit boring but it can be funny,sometimes)
    Emmerdale (Theres no good storylines on at the moment)
    Home and Away

    ~~~~My Demi and Leo Script,Runnig Away

  7. #147
    Join Date
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    more soon please! very soon!
    Leo is so fit!

    luvin u Gareth! U r my baby nd alwayz will b!

  8. #148
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    Forbidden Love Part Thirty-Eight

    That evening Demi snuck out the house to meet up with Leo. She walked across the green to their usual little meeting place and she saw the big black eye Leo had. Leo was looking to the floor ashamed his dad could do that too him.

    “Leo…” Demi sighed as she walked up to him and touched the bruise carefully, Leo winced as he turned his head and Demi took her head away. Demi had tears in her eyes not wanting to imaging leo being hurt like that, not by his own dad.

    “Did he do that…” Demi asked as Leo quickly changed the subject to her family bit wanting to talk about his.

    “Bet ya mum weren’t to pleased neither.” Leo said looking at Demi as she shook her head.

    “Nope… none of them were, even dad and Mickey were fumin’.”

    “Well they care about ya don’t they”

    “She even said I weren’t to go near you Leo… that I were to stay away and let you get on with your life so I could get on wit mine. “

    “Maybe she’s right…” Leo said looking at the floor still hurt by his father and embarrassed that Demi was seeing him like this.

    “Leo…” Demi said confused. “You don’t mean that…”

    “Don’t I?…” Leo sighing looking at her before his focus turned back to the ground “She’s right Dem’s…. I’ve ruined ya life… I’ve messed you up, lumbered you with a kiddie, what kind of decent guy does that? I’ll tell ya… none! I aint a decent boy Dem’s, look at ya your thirteen years old…look what I’ve done!”

    “So your just gonna leave me… leave me all alone with baby at thirteen! I thought you cared Leo, I thought you wanted to be with us… that’s what a decent guy does Leo… that’s what you are!” Demi protested knowing Leo was a good guy really, knowing he was doing the right thing by being with her but Leo shook his head.

    “Course I wanna be with you Dem’s, I don’t wanna leave you alone with a baby… but how can I ever be with you now… your mum hates me, they all hate me, everybody hates me Dem’s. I’ve ruined ya life and I’ll probably do it again if I were gonna stay with ya… truth me your better off with out me” Leo sighed as he still looked to the ground.

    that wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted more than anything to be with her and the baby. Support her, be with her. He only wanted the best for them, but he knew that the only way that would happen was if Demi were to move on, forget about him, Demi had tears in her yes as she looked at Leo confused and hurt.

    “I will never forgive you for this Leo…”She said turning her nose up as Leo finally turned to her. He saw the hurt and the pain in her eyes. She turned to walk away but Leo couldn’t let her go, he couldn’t let her hate him, he knew it might mess her life up but he needed her, and he knew she needed him.

    “Demi wait!” he called but she kept on walking, Leo got from leaning on the wall and headed after her. “Demi!..” he called as he finally reached her and she spun round. “Look I’m sorry babe… I wanna be with ya… be there for ya like I said before when ya told me. Its all true. I just don’t wanna hurt ya again” Leo said as he looked to the floor.

    “Then don’t…! Stay with me Leo, please” Demi begged as Leo looked up at her, he nodded as she fell into his arms and she burst into tears.

    “I aint goin no where Dem’s… I promise” Leo said as he held her close to him. “I just wanted to throw you off… so you’d move on and forget me, so you’d have a better life”

    “You’re my life… you me and this baby. In it together leo”

    “Yeah, I’m sorry for what I said, I never meant it, and I realise it now, this is it, just us, together” Leo smiled as he hugged Demi again. “You and this baby Dem’s… its all I’ve got left. All I’ve got to live for, so I don’t care what they say, don’t care what they think I’m gonna be here for ya.” They both vowed to stand by each other and not let their family come between them, for the sake of their unborn child.

  9. #149
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    great!!! more soon!

    Thank You Kim131 For My Great Banner

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    great more soon! very good script! more asap!
    Leo is so fit!

    luvin u Gareth! U r my baby nd alwayz will b!

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