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Thread: spoilers

  1. #1
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    Tuesday, 1st
    The relationship between Rhys and Beth is faltering – despite Rhys’s best intentions. He is living on borrowed time.

    Kane can’t see why Rhys even has a problem deciding between Beth and Shelley. There’s no competition according to him. Beth wins hands down. Kirsty defends Shelley. Kane only ever knew her during the bad times. Kane vows to keep his distance from Rhys and Beth because he doesn’t trust himself to act rationally
    in front of either of them. And so it proves. A chance meeting between Kane and Beth at the Wharfs edge leads Kane to reveal all.

    Beth now knows about Rhys kissing Shelley! How will she react? Kirsty feels sick – she thinks Beth might crack. Kane thinks it might clear the air between Rhys and Beth.

    Beth starts snooping around Rhys's belongings and the first thing she finds is his mobile phone with a large number of ‘calls received’ from Shelley. An SMS message reads, We have to talk Rhys, we both know what we’re feeling. It’s all the proof Beth needs. The fight goes out of her. She visits Jack’s grave and damns him.

    His infidelity with Val Squires has taken all the forgiveness she had to give. She’s shared a man before but she’s too tired to do it all over again. Unless…
    Unless Rhys is prepared to fight it out with her. She confronts a shocked and repentant Rhys with an ultimatum: tell me the only love you have is for me, and I will stand by you.

    Kirsty can’t believe how ‘together’ Beth is acting. Beth says the alternative to her collectedness, is utter chaos. She has too many responsibilities to look after. She asks for Kirsty and Kane’s utter discretion. Noone else is to know what they’re going through.

    Rhys confronts Kane at the wharf and blames him for what had happened. But Kane isn’t standing for it. He blasts Rhys, calling him ‘pathetic’ and inviting him to fight. He’d love the chance to smash his face in! All he wanted Rhys to do was tell the truth. Now he’s trying to wriggle out of his responsibility. After a few more choice insults, Rhys slips away!

    It may be the catalyst that Rhys needs to finally reveal the truth to Beth. Later that night as they are together in their bedroom, he tells her he’s going insane; he doesn’t know what to do. “In other words”, replies Beth
    “You still love her?”

    “Yes,” says Rhys. “Yes I do…”

    Wednesday, 2nd
    the night of the big meeting (organised by Beth) to discuss the newest designer drug to hit Summer Bay: “Crystal Meth”.

    Beth is having to be two people at once, and the pressure is telling. On the one hand she’s having to be a drugs-crusader, on the other she’s desperately trying to save her marriage. To make things simpler for herself on such a crucial night, she forbids Rhys from coming. She tells the kids he’s sick.

    Alf has told Irene that he’s serious about selling her the Diner. She’s told him it’s an exciting proposition - but he should think it over for just a bit longer.

    The night kicks off to a great start. Not only does a great crowd turn up at the Surf Club, but Principal Hyde comes along as well! Detective Peter Baker makes a bit of a move on Leah, who uses the attention to make Jesse a little jealous. Jesse is furious that Rhys hasn’t turned up to an anti-drug meeting when he’s been crusading for weeks against Jesse’s bar-proposal. His condemnation of Rhys attracts the attention of Max and Henry, who stare daggers at him. Hayley reckons Jesse still hasn’t got over his feelings for Leah. She wants to give him a kick for not attempting to bridge the gap.

    Robbie is once again frustrated that Tasha seems to be preferring Kim’s company and advice then his! But just as the meeting starts, Kim slips away. Robbie is able to resume his close position with Tasha.

    Kim’s departure was for a good reason. Brooke had asked him to come and spend some time alone with her. She treats him to an amorous session on Sally and Flynn’s couch. Kim is pleasantly surprised. But what is the meaning of Brooke’s seduction?

    The meeting is a success. Beth says there have been differences of opinion but the important thing is that the facts have been aired and now everyone can come to an informed opinion.

    But by the end of the night, the pressure has gotten to Beth. She sends the kids home and walks down to the beach, alone. She sits in front of the ocean, crying in the darkness
    Thursday, 3rd March

    Kim is ecstatic at the change in his relationship with Brooke. She seems to be taking things a lot quicker than he had ever dreamed of. She actually suggests the two of them should get a place together! What’s she playing at?

    All is revealed when Hyde appeals to her to slow down or she’ll make Kim suspicious. Brooke tells Hyde she knows exactly what she’s doing and is well on the way to success. The plan is that Brooke will come on so strong that Kim will eventually tell her to go back to the city. Hyde doesn’t think Kim needs Brooke in his life, and Brooke doesn’t want to be part of Kim’s life. Kim has to come to come to this realisation himself. He won’t be told otherwise. Hence the plan.

    Irene has accepted Alf’s offer to buy his share in the Diner. She is the new manager and she’s already started thinking of changes. She holds a party to celebrate this new direction in her life.

    Alf’s generosity hasn’t finished. He’s still on a high. He offers to use his money to pay for Hayley and Noah to go to Paris! Suddenly he comes crashing down! He can’t understand why he did what he did. Flynn tells him it’s the depression talking. He should have listened to him. Now Alf wants to pull out of the deal but everybody’s so happy for Irene that he feels like he can’t. He’s trapped.

    Brooke convinces a disappointed Kim not to go to the celebration because she wants to have dinner at the Diner with him and Charlie – alone. Kim is miffed but still not upset.

    Meanwhile at the party, Irene sees the way Tasha has matured in the last few weeks and decides that it’s time for her to fulfil a promise. She will help her search for her real family. She asks Kirsty to help her get in contact with Dylan – Tasha’s half-brother. Kirsty agrees but privately thinks it’s a bad idea at this time in Tasha’s life. Family just seem to cause more problems. She complains to Kane that she feels absolutely helpless.

    Suddenly Kirsty realises what she needs to do to get over her feelings of powerlessness. She travels to the city to Shelley’s house. The two of them are going to have a nice long talk…

    Friday, 4th
    A powerful story about the battle between a mother in love, and her wilful daughter.

    Kirsty has headed to the city to let her Shelley know that if she goes ahead with her plan to reunite with Rhys - their mother-daughter relationship is over.

    Shelley doesn’t believe that for a second and tells her so. Shelley says she’s not out to force Rhys to do anything. If he comes back to her, it will be his decision. Any hurt Beth or the children feel, will have been caused by Rhys’s decision, and by that alone. And if he comes back, it will be because their love is greater than anything else, and will devour all obstacles in its path.

    Kirsty retorts that all she came to do was talk some sense into her. Shelley reminds Kirsty that she went through the same thing with Kane so she should surely empathise with her mother’s plight? Love is not a province of the young. Kirsty says that Shelley is still young, she will have money and a great house, why not look else where? Why split up a happy family? Shelley reminds her that she is still her mother, and to watch her patronising attitude. She comes very close to slapping her own daughter. And at that point, Shelley orders a cab and tells Kirsty to get back to Summer Bay.

    Beth is stumbling under the strain of the ordeal. Scott offers some comfort from them. Her revelation is a shock to him but she needed someone (with maturity) to off-load on.

    Peter gives Scott some incredible news: Sarah is ready to tell them where she hid the gun! The only condition is that Scott and the others face her in victim counselling. But will Dani agree to it? All eyes are on Dani to see if she’ll accept Sarah’s offer to face them all in a session of victim counselling. She accepts, to the joy of Scott who once again recognises the girl he fell in love with. Dani realises how much of a killjoy she must have become if Scott is proud of her for such a minor thing! Noah and Hayley come up with a crazy idea that Dani and Scott should come with them to Paris!

    In return for the victim-counselling sessions, Sarah reveals the whereabouts of the gun. But Peter fails to locate it. The gun has been stolen, or… Sarah is lying.

    Beth pays a visit to Shelley and slaps her viciously across the face! Or does she? Turns out it was just a dream. But the vision has made her realise something very important. She has more than two choices. She doesn’t have to accept, and she doesn’t have to compromise. She can fight! And that – she tells Kirsty – is exactly what she’s going to do

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Grossmaischeid, Germany
    Thanked: 2007
    Can we post spoiler here??? I live in Ireland and we are a few weeks ahead.. some good stuff coming

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    in space and time
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    hiya, there is a spoiler board specifically for future stories at the top of the page. moving ...

  4. #4
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    Mar 2005
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    Sarah has broken out of the psychiatric institution and the ripple effect has already started in Summer Bay. Sally gets a call from Hayley to send Noah and Kirsty home from school immediately. No other information is given. Once they get back to the Beach house, they find that Det. Peter Baker wants everyone who could be targeted by Sarah, to get their clothes together and meet at the Surf Club. That means the gang of Dani, Scott, Hayley, Noah, Kirsty, Kane and Jesse. He is taking them to an undisclosed location to lie low until psycho Sarah has been rounded up.

    Meanwhile, over at the Surf Club, Jesse gets the news that the club committee has voted unanimously to award him the license for the Kiosk. They turned against Rhys for leaving Beth. Jesse’s ecstatic, but there are more pressing matters at hand. Peter has arrived with the gang and is about to take them all away, when Leah comes up with a suggestion: come to her house instead. Her rationale is that Sarah doesn’t know her, she doesn’t know her house, and most importantly, the gang will be amongst friends, not holed up in an isolated dump. Peter reluctantly agrees.

    Flynn, Sally and baby Pippa are whirled up into the maelstrom as well. Flynn is told that his name was mentioned at the counselling sessions with Sarah. All three are going into protective custody with the others.

    Colleen goes over to Beth’s house and tells her that although she’s looking after Max now, she’s not going to take sides. Max needs to talk to Rhys about his future. She also lets out that Sarah has escaped. Beth frantically calls Dani and Scott and tells them she needs to speak to them. They head over to her house where she orders them to leave Summer Bay and go to Paris. They cannot stay on her account, especially when a crazy woman could be loose. They decide to go. But they’re too late. Sarah has arrived in the Bay. She waits at the Palace while Dani and Scott say goodbye to the others at Leah’s house. Scott and Dani head home for a brief pit-stop before they leave for the city.
    Sarah bails up them up at gun-point in the kitchen.

    Airing Friday, 25th March 2005 at 18:00 on Five

    Over at Leah’s house, things are as normal as can be in an abnormal situation. Kane arrives back from his boat tour as the rain buckets down. Jesse tells him the news about getting the license for the Kiosk and thanks him for his support. Kane could end up getting a job out of it. Leah asks Peter to be her date to baby Pippa’s christening. It’s part of her efforts to move on from the remnants of her relationship with Jesse.

    At the Palace, Scott binds and gags Dani under the watchful eye of a gun-toting Sarah. She’s disguised herself in Dani’s raincoat and hat. They make it past the unsuspecting cop on guard outside. She forces Scott to drive her to Leah’s house.

    At that point, Peter decides to do a tour of all the buildings that Sarah might possibly target. At the Beach house he discovers that Sarah has trashed the place. A hanging piece of electrical tape in a cupboard confirms where she’d been hiding the gun.

    Over at the Beach house, Sarah lays out her demands to the terrified people inside. She is there for one thing only - justice. She makes it clear she doesn’t want to live through the night. She wants the person who killed Felix to step forward. Later Peter strides into the room to announce that he knows where Sarah was hiding the gun. Too late. Sarah smashes him across the back of the head and he goes down cold.

    At the Palace, Dani’s attempts to get out of her bonds have ended in a frustrating dead-end. The policeman stationed outside doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.

    Peter is having a fit on the floor. Sarah refuses to let Flynn tend to him. She gives them an ultimatum: if by the end of 20-minutes, one of them hasn’t stepped forward, she’s going to start shooting.

    Rhys turns up at the Palace. He’s come back from the city. The cop stationed outside doesn’t know who he is and won’t let him in. Suddenly a noise comes from inside. They race in to find Dani tied up. She explains what happened. Rhys and Dani head for their car and roar off towards Leah’s house, followed closely by the police.

    At Leah’s house no one has yet come forward and to claim responsibility for Felix’s death. Peter wakes up from his unconscious state long enough to deliver a stunning revelation to Leah: Vinnie is not dead. Leah is shocked. Peter collapses again. Sarah starts the final countdown – 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10…

    Rhys and Dani pull up outside Leah’s house. The police car screeches to a halt behind them. They get out and as they run towards the house, gunshots boom through the night. Dani screams out, “Oh my God, no…”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Thanks Debbie.

    That spoilers had me on the edge of my seat

    cant wait til there on our screens

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Grossmaischeid, Germany
    Thanked: 2007
    It is really really good... I was glued to the tv for the few days and the day after is very interesting as you can't immediately tell who got shot.. excellent job by H&W

  7. #7
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    Mar 2005
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    plz tell me who got shot bcoz i wont b able 2 watch it 4 da next week n will miss it all i need 2 know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    It was noah

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    hasnt it

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