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Thread: Astro Match

  1. #1
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    Astro Match

    ok here is the deal you give your star sign and yout parteners star sign and then i will get info on if you are compatible or how much at least. ask me either on this thread or by email

  2. #2
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    crazylea88 you asked me and here you go:
    Capricorn and Gemini

    This is a strangely seductive combination... one that might not last, but is sure to be interesting. Often, there is a karmic connection that brings you together and forces you to deal with issues you have been avoiding. You may not understand it at the time, but looking back you will be glad for the experience.

    Gemini is ruled by flighty Mercury and is considered the 'teenager' of the Zodiac... flitting about here and there, rarely focusing on anything for more than a few moments at a time. You, on the other hand, have been called the Old Man of the Zodiac for your serious nature and conservative leanings. Yet even the effervescent Twins mature eventually, while you have a reputation for loosening up as you get older. The beauty of this is that if you find each other at the right time in your lives, you can truly appreciate the places the other has been.

    Because the Twins are of an Air Sign nature, they often seem to be somewhere up in the clouds above your Earthy self. You are interested in putting down roots and building fortunes, while Gemini wants to be free to go wherever the winds may blow. Yet somehow you find each other strangely sexy, and if the two of you are free for a romantic engagement, you may be very surprised at how passionately you respond to the Twin's delicate techniques.

    Gemini is a Mutable Sign and more focused on communicating and sharing information. Communication is not often your greatest strength, and as a leadership-oriented Cardinal Sign, you can use some help from your Gemini friend. In return, your wisdom and sense of purpose can help to ground the less-focused Twins.Bear in mind that you will have a hard time holding the reins on your excitable, flirtatious, wayward Geminian lover. Gemini can be capricious, extravagant, and scatterbrained, and has a sharp tongue to go with it, so you must exercise patience and understanding, for the benefits will be worth the effort.

    This is by no means the easiest combination in the Zodiac, but it can teach both of you a great deal while it lasts. Neither of you are particularly sentimental so this may not be all that long, for Gemini will chafe under a firm rein and you will be dismayed by the high-strung Twins' erratic and disorganised approach. However, when more harmonious Moon and Ascendant aspects are present, this relationship will flow much more naturally. Either way, by learning to respect each other's strengths and differences, this can be a rewarding association.

  3. #3
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    i am a taurus and my boyfriend is a taurus!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by willow
    i am a taurus and my boyfriend is a taurus!!
    ok well here you go:
    Taurus and Taurus

    Two Bulls can make beautiful music together, whether you are on a country farm or city flat. It's easy to spend time with someone who has similar values and enjoys the same things you do. The two of you will naturally be attracted to each other, but since you both tend to attract rather than pursue, one of you will have to make the first move!

    Because you are both of a Fixed Sign nature, one of your biggest challenges will come when you face a battle of your individual wills. If you agree on something, great! If not, each one of you is prepared to dig in your heels and wait for as long as it takes to get your own way. Compromise is not a skill either of you care to develop. Many of you would rather adopt a scorched earth policy than give an inch when it comes to negotiating, but in personal relationships concessions must be made. You will need to work hard to ensure that you remain on the same team, because you haven't got a more formidable enemy or competitor than someone who shares your sign!

    The double Earth factor - and the fact that Taurus is ruled by sensual, charming Venus - can lead to many sensual days and nights... even if this is not an intimate relationship, you will enjoy sharing sumptuous meals in comfortable surroundings. The down side of this is that you are also both likely to put on weight and otherwise indulge in excessive behaviour. Venus is artistic, musical and attracts money, so you can build a good life, if you choose. Neither of you enjoys being told to stop and moderation isn't in your vocabulary, so it might be wise to take up some sort of physical discipline together. Yoga is perfect because it increases flexibility... something you could use help with in both body and mind. The two of you will also benefit from spending time in parks and gardens, where you can relax and focus on the simple sweetness of life.

    This combination can work well but is best when Moon and Ascendant harmonize in other signs. Without a motivating factor, it would be very easy for you to get into a rut and stay there! This is a good combination for all kinds of relationships, but works especially well for long-term commitments.

  5. #5
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    I'm a picies and so is my bloke?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by judejude
    I'm a picies and so is my bloke?
    Pisces and Pisces

    Pisces, the Sign of the Fishes, is a Water Sign. Two Fish together can create a private heaven or hell on earth, depending on whether you choose to swim upstream or downstream. While you are irresistibly drawn to each other, you are both prone to become lost in dreams and fantasies. If you can commit to practical and realistic goals together, you have an excellent chance of success.

    Because you are both Mutable Signs, communication will be almost effortless. In fact, most Pisces couples report a telepathic bond between them. All it usually takes is a look into the other's liquid eyes to know what is in his or her heart and mind. If all life's problems could be resolved in the bedroom you'd be happy!

    The only danger of this is taking your connection for granted... While it may seem that your partner can read your thoughts, you still need to make things clear through the written or spoken word. It is not a good idea to try to deceive your Pisces lover. That other Fish will surely know the truth on some level, and will be hurt that you did not feel you could be honest. Ultimately, the two of you are among the most compassionate and understanding people in the Zodiac, and this gentleness of spirit must be extended to each other as well.

    The double Water Sign connection gives you an instant empathy for each other, but this can be lost if you allow drugs, alcohol, and other forms of escapism to lead you astray. You could be the couple who works together to make the world a better place, or you could be the couple who spends every night together at the local pub, drowning in your sorrows. Rising to the challenges of life is a decision you both must make, for one cannot save the other from sinking to the bottom if that is his choice.

    Generally the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini) are rather better matched as friends, lovers or colleagues than as spouses. These signs need to lean on their partners for security, while supplying at their own end the social lubricant and joie de vivre that can make stronger, more stable partners happy, bringing them out of themselves. Without a reliable anchor for your relationship, you can get lost in a sea of overwhelming emotions.

    Nevertheless, the power of Jupiter and Neptune can bring a deeply intuitive, even spiritual flavour to the mixture, so long as at least one of you is of a settled nature. Overall, this is a wonderful combination when both partners are balanced!

  7. #7
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    hiya, abblette could you please see if me and my (soon to be) bf match.........he's a Aries and I'm a leo. Thankies xx
    Kurt Cobain, gone but not forgotten.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by .:Kitz:.
    hiya, abblette could you please see if me and my (soon to be) bf match.........he's a Aries and I'm a leo. Thankies xx
    here you go:
    Leo and Aries

    This is a truly glorious match. Aries the Ram and Leo the Lion, both Fire Signs, are the blazing superstars of the zodiac. Leo is ruled by the Sun, while the Ram is the Day Star's exaltation. Full of life and love, the lure of adventure pulls you together in a marvellously joyous dance, the affirmation of life itself. It's an unbeatable combination for sheer joy and excitement.

    The Ram, ruled by mighty Mars, is a Cardinal Sign, so naturally takes the lead in the boudoir as in most things you do together. You are well-matched and get along famously between the sheets. The sexual experience is superb, so long as the Ram remembers that he or she is the generalissimo, while you are the lordly monarch! Fire loves Fire and the match of Aries and Leo is strong. It can work to perfection as long as two simple rules are followed. Rule number one is: if the Ram thinks to win a contest of wills with the Lion, monarch of the Zodiac, the Ram must think again. Rule number two states that no Ram shall forget rule number one.

    The Ram's wild and venturesome spirit will complement your tireless determination, for Aries is unbeatable in short sharp bursts, but you have the deep power to be in it for the long haul. Affable, friendly and socially bold, you have no trouble achieving your mutual aims, since you share the same likes and dislikes. As a Fixed Sign, you can keep the horned one on track, when otherwise the Ram might charge distractedly at passing windmills.

    While both of you can be combative, it's more of a friendly fight than a bloodthirsty battle. You both hate to lose, so you must manage the Ram's erratic power and point it in the right direction. Fire signs need to express their natural vigour through the body. If you end up in a serious contest, you could have a serious problem for neither of you finds it easy to back down once fired up. You'll need every bit of your rapport to break the deadlock, though generally you'll outlast the Ram in a protracted dispute.

    The Ram's creativity can inspire you with productive energy, and you can keep the Ram focused. There is much potential for prodigious ego ego-clashes, but all things considered, you are sexually, socially and spiritually compatible. It's a perfect match.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    wow Kitz i like you match its the best one ive done so far

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    omg thats just great, although i'm a bit young to be thinking about the 2nd paragraph!! LOL! I'm REALLY happy now!! I knew me and him were a great match!! arghh, i'm all excited now!! lol!! Thank you SO much Abblette!! xxx
    Kurt Cobain, gone but not forgotten.

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