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Thread: near to strike?

  1. #1
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    near to strike?

    Scriptwriters have turned on the shows bosses, accusing them of devising plots that are 'melodramatic, banal and shallow.'

    The depth of their anger has been revealed in the minutes of a crisis meeting between the two camps that took place in early December last year.

    The scriptwirters have accused the producers (EE is producer led, not as many think writer led) of forcing them to write scripts for plots that gave 'profoundly depressing, wearying and disheartening results'.

    The divisions drove the show into meltdown with writers coming as close as they have ever been to an all out strike. It is understood that in the past six months some of the 'core' 12 writers have found alternative work or chosen to take a break from Eastenders while the battle as to what to do raged. The contributing writers, of which there are about 30, now don't want to touch the show with 'a barge pole'.

    Also present at the meeting was sacked producer Katherine Hutchinson who accepted that 'right at the moment this situation is in chaos and they are firefighting on several fronts, including the cast.'

    The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues over storyline development. Two years ago the system developed stories a year in advance, in recent months stories have been planned just one month ahead. This was deemed unacceptable and a return to the old system made an urgent priority.

    'A feature of EE's decline has been the surge in the number of rebriefs, or rewrites. Rebriefs tend to be called for by script editors and producers who are not satisfied with the storyline's translation into a script. This means the writer often has to start again. The producers regulary called for last minute rebriefs which often had to be written over a weekend without payment. This alienated the writers and meant that producers fell into sloppy planning, weak storylines and a dependance on sensationalism to keep the soap going.'

    The writers felt they needed to be listened too more when they felt a storyline would not work. Problems are now said to have been ironed out with the arrival of John Yorke.

    All writers that used to work for the show are now back on board.

    No wonder EE is such a mess, let's hope they get back on track very soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Old Maidstone, Kent
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    My goodness, but why cant the paying customer be listened too. After all we watch the show.

  3. #3
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    Glad that this mess with the EE writers are sorted out now, thank god for John Yorke.

  4. #4
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    Why non of tis suprises me I don't know. If they improved their righting ability and the producers were far more 'better-structured' then EE would work. The current storylines are rubbish and dull, we need to see some improvement soon...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by *JSW*
    Why non of tis suprises me I don't know. If they improved their righting ability and the producers were far more 'better-structured' then EE would work. The current storylines are rubbish and dull, we need to see some improvement soon...
    John Yorke is back already and with that new executive producer Kate taking over soon, I hope they can sort EE out.

    However I don't think that all of the current storylines are rubbish though, the Dens demise was quite good and I am enjoying Johnny Allens presence in the square. I can't wait for the upcoming storyline with Sonia and baby Chole, Sonia deserves to be back in the limelight again

  6. #6
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    I Can't wait for the Mitchells to come back. It's going to be excellent. Phil's got some scores to settle. Dennis should be coming back soon, won't he be pleased that his got the bookies. I wonder if he will start working for Johnny!!!! that'd be a good storyline.

  7. #7
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    Do you think Ross Kemp can be persuaded to come back as Grant that would be really good all the Mitchells back together again - mind you saying that isnt Kim Medcalf (Sam) soon leaving? I get all confused over which is truth and which is goss !!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Wirral, UK
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    sack them all and get new ones in, the ratings speak for themselves surely

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Wirral, UK
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    God I hope so

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