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Thread: emmerdale cathy

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    emmerdale cathy

    i found an old fan fiction that I wrote about cathy in 2010- 2011 this is that storyline

    its now 2022 and Bob and Viv's twins are nearly 15 years old. Cathy is going through a hard time after her boyfriend died. Her and Adam had been going out since they were in year 4 and he died after someone knocked him down while walking home from football training. Cathy took it really bad and after a few weeks she turned to drink and she got an older friend to buy her booze and she used to put make up on to make her look older so she can go clubbing, she got a fake ID her friend got it for her.
    12am Bob got back home from work to find Viv up
    Bob- what are you doing up Viv?
    Viv- I'm waiting up for Cathy she is a hour and half late
    Bob- WHAT! SHE'S NOT IN!
    Viv- No!
    Bob- have you tried to phone her mobile?
    Viv- yeah I have it goes straight to voicemail
    Bob and Viv go to bed and Viv went to sleep after taking some sleeping tablets after having no sleep for two nights and 5.37 Viv woke up and noticed Bob is still awake
    Viv- when did she get in?
    Bob- she's still isn't home
    Viv- WHAT!
    Bob -Where is she Viv, she is in big trouble, she was supposed to be in for 10.30pm I'm worried now, I won't be able to take it if anything happens to her, I love her, she's my little girl.
    Viv- I know you do
    Bob- It upsets me to see Cathy like this, these last few weeks its like living with a completely different person, I can't see my little girl no more, I really want to help her

    Later that day Cathy walks into the village Bob is at work and Viv is in Hotten trying to find Cathy, Cathy tries the shop and the cafe and they are both closed so she used her key to get in and she picked up a bottle of vodka and put it in a bag and walked out and locked the door and she sat in the graveyard swinging the bottle of vodka

    10 minutes later Ashley walked into the pub
    Ashley- Bob I have just seen your Cathy?
    Bob- What! in the village, where?
    Ashley- yeah she was in the graveyard and she's in a bit of a state, she was drinking a bottle of vodka

    Bob says to Diane - Can I go over to the graveyard I've heard from Ashley Cathy's there

    Bob runs over to the graveyard and finds her slumped on the bench
    Bob- oh.................... what am I going to do with you
    Cathy- erm.................
    Cathy started shouting -GET OFF ME!
    Bob - Come on sweetheart I'm only trying to help
    Cathy- I SAID GET OFF ME! (and punched Bob in the face)
    Bob fell to the floor and hit his head on a gravestone and Cathy panicked and phoned for an ambulance and phoned for an ambulance and phoned Diane about Bob
    Cathy phoned Diane
    Diane -Hello?
    Cathy- Diane..................... dad's hurt in the graveyard
    Diane- Cathy? is that you..................(the phone goes dead)
    Diane -Cathy! Marlon will you be all right for a bit
    Marlon -yeah I'll be fine
    Diane ran out of the pub and into the graveyard and saw Bob collapsed with a bloody head
    Diane- Oh Bob, let me get you up
    The ambulance turns up and walks into the graveyard and sees Bob sat down with a bloody head
    paramedics- I got a call from a young woman about a man who fell and damaged his head
    paramedics- lets have a look at your head, we'll get you to hospital to check to see if you have concussion and to see if you have brain damage, ok what happened................
    Bob -I was running and I must have tripped
    paramedics- Ok...................................

    A hour later they get to the hospital and checked Bob and they said he was fine but they want him to stay there just for the night to keep an eye on him
    Viv has just got back home after seeing Bob
    Cathy- Mum where have you been?
    Viv- I've been to the hospital with your father
    Cathy- dad, is he all right?
    Viv - dad told me what you did, PUNCHING YOUR OWN FATHER! GOD THAT IS LOW!
    Cathy- how is he?
    Viv -he's terribly upset! I know you have deeply hurt your dad's feelings
    Cathy- Oh..................
    The next day Cathy gets up early, Viv is in bed and Heath is asleep, she gets up and packs a small bag and leaves
    Viv gets up and sees Cathy isn't home, she thought she might have gone to see her dad in the hospital so three hours later Viv goes to the hospital and saw Bob
    Viv- Hi sweetheart, what did the doctors say?
    Bob -I can go home now
    Viv -Has Cathy gone?
    Bob -Cathy hasn't been in why? where is she?
    Viv- nothing to worry about, she must have gone around to see Megan
    Bob -Ohh...............
    Later that night Bob arrives home and Diane went over to speak to him
    Diane- Hi Bob how are you?
    Bob -Ohhhh I'm all right just a few bruises
    Diane- why are you protecting her?
    Bob -Because Diane she's my little girl and these past few months have been really hard on her with Adam dying. I want to help her Diane but I feel I won't be able to, I just want to cuddle her and tell her everything will be ok like I used to when she was younger, I remember every time when she used to have a nightmare she would run to me

    later on during the day Bob is starting to worry about Cathy, she still isn't back so he walks into her bedroom and he sees a note on the floor, it must have been on the dresser and the wind must have blown it off, he picks it up and reads it

    the note says
    Cathy- sorry dad for hitting you I didn't mean it, after you come out of the hospital I won't be here to mess up your life anymore..............I'm so sorry you must be very ashamed of me that's why I'm going
    Bob (tears steaming down his face) -VIV! VIV!
    Viv ran into Cathy's room
    Viv -what?
    Bob (crying)- she's gone here! (Viv reads the note)
    Viv -Oh god

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Thanked: 128
    As a newer viewer, it's really interesting reading this after what happened to Heath.

    I still think there is a lot to learn about the accident. We saw Cathy driving while they were chair dancing to the music. We never saw Angelica behind the wheel. Yet something happened between what we saw and what happened where the two girls changed places. I think that is what will ultimately get Angelica with a more lenient sentence. Maybe Cathy got terribly sick and Angelica was just trying to pull the car off the road. We don't know yet.

    I like your story!!
    Last edited by ccahill2; 27-02-2024 at 22:43.

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