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Thread: Eastenders Spoilers 16th - 20th October

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    Eastenders Spoilers 16th - 20th October

    There's a big shock for Ravi as he searches for missing Nugget

    Kathy suggests to Rocky they should get their own place

    Its decision time for Sharon - will she move to Abu Dhabi?
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Nugget Gulati has been missing for weeks and his dad Ravi Gulati has been going out of his mind.

    The teen packed a bag and did a runner after finding out that Ravi killed his grandfather Ranveer Gulati!

    When copper Jack Branning reveals to Ravi that Nugget has been sighted, he's flooded with relief and he heads to the Panesars' to tell them the good news.

    After telling Suki and Nish Panesar of his hopes that Nugget can soon be found, Ravi gets suspicious about a shifty Suki's reaction.

    Picking up that she knows more about Nugget's whereabouts than she's letting on, Ravi accuses Suki of keeping his son from him.

    Fending off Ravi's furious words, Suki later confesses to husband Nish that she's been in contact with Nugget. Insisting that they bring Nugget home, Nish tells Suki to get in the car so they can collect him.

    Seeing Suki and Nish leaving the Square, Ravi grabs Jack and tells him that they need to follow them. Ravi isn't far behind as Suki and Nish pull up and he storms out of the car to confront them.

    But Ravi is in for a much bigger shock...

    Nugget's long lost mum Priya Nandra-Hart walks into the flat where Nugget has been hiding!

    Rocky Cotton is doing his best to hide his money problems from wife Kathy Cotton, but with the couple now forced to share a house with Sonia Fowler and her boyfriend Reiss Colwell, things are getting a bit strained.

    Kathy and Rocky got kicked out of their home after Kathy's son Ian Beale returned to Walford with his partner Cindy Beale and son Peter Beale, as Kathy wanted nothing to do with the scheming CIndy.

    When Kathy tells Rocky that they need to find their own place, he silently panics, knowing they're completely skint and can't afford a deposit.

    Lying to Kathy that they'll have to delay for a bit as he hasn't been given his wages from the car lot by Jay Brown, Rocky comes up with a plan.

    Figuring that if he sells a load more cars he'll make a tidy amount on commission, Rocky is hopeful that he can give Kathy the start to married life that she deserves.

    Part two of his plan involves getting Kathy to put on the brakes for a bit and he asks Ian, Cindy and Peter for lunch, claiming to the sceptical Beales that Kathy wants to bury the hatchet.

    The family soon work out that Rocky is just trying to get him and Kathy back into No.45 and, needless to say, it doesn't go down well with Cindy!

    Keanu Taylor is doing his best to win over Sharon Watts and he arranges a romantic date for them in The Arches, pulling out all the stops to woo his former fiancee!

    The mechanic is hoping that Sharon is up for a reconciliation for the sake of their son Albie, especially as Sharon's planning to take a job in Abu Dhabi and move there with their son.

    After the surprise lunch date, Sharon is given food for thought and she wonders whether moving to Abu Dhabi is the best decision after all.

    Has Keanu convinced her that they have a future?

    Also, Jay Brown does his best to cover what he's really been up to after a shocked Ben Mitchell finds out he was arrested for possession of drugs.


    Ravi Gulati is still in shock after seeing his ex Priya Nandra-Hart with their son Davinder 'Nugget' Gulati!

    After falling pregnant to drug dealer Ravi, Priya abandoned baby Nugget, leaving him with an unreliable Ravi.

    With his criminal lifestyle and a few prison terms to his name, Ravi passed the main parenting onto his controlling father Ranveer Gulati.

    Horrified that Priya is back in Nugget's life, Ravi grabs Nugget and drags him back to Walford.

    In the Square, a worried Suki confesses to husband Nish Panesar that she's pretty sure Denise Fox was telling the truth when she said she saw video footage of Ravi killing Ranveer.

    Suki thought that she'd killed Ranveer when he tried to rape her but Ravi secretly finished off the man he thought was his father until he found out Nish Panesar was his biological dad!

    Although Nugget is now safely home, things are about to kick off yet again when Priya turns up to find her son.

    The police arrive to talk to Nugget about why he ran away, but will he tell them his suspicions that his dad is a murderer?

    Afterwards, Nugget faces up to his dad and demands to know whether he murdered his granddad but Ravi denies everything.

    When Priya can't take the stress, she storms out of the house, closely followed by Ravi and Nugget.

    There's another HUGE shock in store for Ravi as Priya's teenage daughter Avani Nandra-Hart is outside looking for her mum.

    It turns out that Avani is Ravi's daughter too and Ravi has no idea that Priya was pregnant before they split up!

    Rocky Cotton has got himself in a really big hole with his lies after he failed to tell wife Kathy Cotton that he's lost all their money gambling!

    With Kathy's son Ian Beale refusing to let them move back into No.45 after Kathy's massive falling out with Cindy Beale, Rocky's found himself agreeing to move out of their temporary home at Sonia Fowler's to find a gaff of their own.

    After a day of house-hunting, Kathy is pleased when they find a studio flat to rent that she thinks would suit them perfectly.

    Playing along with Kathy because there's nothing else he can do - other than tell the truth - Rocky agrees.

    But with no funds in the pot, how is Rocky going to pay for the deposit? Will he break it to his wife that they're broke?

    Jay Brown is still struggling to deal with his overwhelming grief over losing his wife Lola Pearce Brown to a brain tumour.

    His connection with Lola lookalike escort Nadine saw him blanking out the pain first by falling asleep next to her but when she revealed that by illegal drugs have helped her cope, Jay found himself drawn into a dangerous world.

    Desperate to get himself another hit, he asks Gina Knight if she has a dealer, knowing that she's got herself in trouble with drugs in the past.

    Seeing that Jay is in a bad way, she refuses to give him any names.

    Worried for Jay, as she can see what a state he's in, Gina tells Ben Mitchell that she needs to talk to him.

    She shares her concerns for Jay's well being, but will she tell Ben exactly how low Jay has sunk?


    Jay Brown is edgy and strung out as he continues to struggle with his grief.

    He's had a hard time dealing with the tragic loss of his wife Lola Pearce Brown, who died from a brain tumour, leaving her young daughter Lexi Pearce motherless.

    After Jay got involved with escort Nadine, who supplied him with drugs to help him numb the pain, he's been chasing that oblivion ever since.

    When Lola's grandad Billy Mitchell suggests to Jay that it's time they scattered Lola's ashes, he freaks out and accuses Billy of being insensitive, saying everyone seems to have moved on from Lola apart from him.

    When he gets drunk yet again, Billy's wife Honey Mitchell is worried about the state of him and she sits him down for an honest conversation.

    Jay dated Honey for a long time and he feels comfortable talking to her. They have a heartfelt chat about grief and Honey hopes that she's got through to him and given him some comfort.

    But it looks like Jay is still in a dark place when he later goes out to meet up with Nadine.

    She assumes he's there for more drugs...

    But is there something else Jay wants to say to her?

    Kathy Cotton has a heart-to-heart with Sharon Watts in the cafe and admits that she's missing her son Ian Beale.

    The pair well and truly fell out after Ian returned from France with ex Cindy Beale on his arm, as Kathy hates her!

    Apart from the fact that Cindy was supposed to be dead and was only resurrected when the witness protection order she was under came to an end, Kathy has always despised her. She's never forgiven her for the time she tried to have Ian murdered!

    Determined to see mother and son reunited, Sharon arranges to meet Ian at the night cafe for a few glasses of wine.

    She attempts to broker peace between the two and, with the drink flowing, it's not long before Kathy's icy demeanour thaws.

    A tipsy Kathy and Ian decide to resolve their issues and the reconfirm their love for each other.

    Ian brings Kathy home, although it's not long before she and Cindy are sharing a few harsh words!

    Also, Ravi Gulati is still in shock after finding out he had a daughter that he didn't know about!


    Jay Brown is a complete mess as his life spirals ever lower. Grief stricken over losing his wife Lola Pearce Brown to cancer, he would walk for hours at night, unable to sleep.

    When he bumped into Lola lookalike Nadine, an escort, he paid for her time just so he could sleep in bed next to her, as it was the only place he felt able to shut off and rest.

    But things took a dark turn when he discovered she was taking drugs, and he decided to partake too.

    After getting arrested for possession, Jay tried to explain himself to Ben Mitchell, dad to Jay's stepdaughter Lexi Pearce.

    Ben is disgusted with Jay's recent actions and he tells him that he's going to kick him out of their shared flat unless he stops.

    In the Queen Vic, Jay tries to talk to Ben and promises him that he'll pull up his socks and do better for Lexi's sake.

    But when Nadine turns up in the pub, things take a bad turn...

    Ian Beale is hungover after his night on the vino bonding with mum Kathy Cotton!

    Cindy Beale and Peter Beale take a rather worse for wear Ian to the cafe to talk about a new potential investment opportunity.

    Their business planning is interrupted by a phone call and Ian finds out that someone else is interested in the the lease on the pawnbrokers, which is the property they're after.

    Knowing that they need cash FAST, Ian decides to try and emotionally blackmail Cindy's ex George Knight for a cut of the money in the Marbella bar that Cindy used to own with him.

    Laying it on thick to George about his recent heart attack, Ian's frustrated when George's fiancee Elaine Peacock sees through his act and calls him out on it.

    An irritated George tells Ian in no uncertain terms that he and Cindy aren't owed a penny from the sale of the bar!

    Kathy Cotton has been desperate to move out of Sonia Fowler and Reiss Colwell's house for weeks ever since Sonia took them in when the ended up homeless.

    After falling out with her son Ian, Kathy and Rocky found themselves unceremoniously booted out of No.45 with nowhere to go!

    Kathy and Rocky were grateful for Sonia's generosity over taking them in but it's been a struggle to share with people who aren't family.

    Despite hiding the fact he's gambled away their savings, Rocky agreed to Kathy's plan to move out into their own place.

    When Kathy breaks the news to Reiss that she and Rocky are moving, he's gutted and he makes it clear he loves having them around in the house.

    Feeling guilt tripped by Reiss, Kathy and Rocky agree to stay put for the time being.

    At least that gets Rocky out of a pickle!
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. #3
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    Exclamation EastEnders Spoilers 16th - 19th October 2023

    Monday 16 October 2023 at 19:30

    Suki receives a secret call from Nugget and agrees to meet him, but Ravi gets suspicious and accuses her of knowing the whereabouts of his missing son. Suki tries to cover, but shares the truth with Nish.

    Later, Ravi spots Nish and Suki heading off together and asks Jack to follow them. Ravi manages to rumble the secret meeting, but is shocked when Nugget's mum Priya arrives at the flat where he has been hiding out.

    Meanwhile, Rocky invites Ian, Cindy and Peter over for lunch, claiming that Kathy wants to make amends. Rocky is soon caught out over his true agenda, as he just wants to move back into Number 45.

    Elsewhere, as Keanu organises a romantic date for Sharon, she wonders what to do about her plan to move to Abu Dhabi.

    Also today, Ben is angry with Callum over Jay's arrest. Jay lies that he was only arrested for possession of weed.

    Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 19:30

    Ravi takes Nugget back to Walford, but Priya follows them. The police soon turn up and question Nugget on his reasons for leaving. Nugget seeks answers from Ravi after the recent suspicions over Ranveer's death, but he continues to deny everything. Not giving up, Nugget looks for confirmation from Suki.

    As Priya storms out, they're shocked to be greeted by Avani. Avani is Priya and Ravi's daughter, who Ravi had no idea existed.

    Meanwhile, Kathy and Rocky make an offer on a studio flat. Kathy is unaware that they don't have the funds for a deposit after Rocky's recent gambling.

    Elsewhere, Gina speaks to Ben about her concerns for Jay after he asks her to connect him with a drug dealer.

    Wednesday 18 October 2023 at 19:30

    Ravi struggles to come to terms with the revelation that he has a daughter.

    Meanwhile, Billy suggests to Jay that they should scatter Lola's ashes, but Jay complains that everybody seems to have moved on from her death apart from him.

    Jay shares a heartfelt conversation with Honey, before going to see Nadine. Nadine assumes that Jay is there for drugs, but is this really the case?

    Elsewhere, Kathy has a heart-to-heart with Sharon in the caf? and reveals that she misses Ian. Sharon decides to act as a mediator in the situation, which helps Ian and Kathy to make amends with each other. When Ian and Kathy drunkenly head back to Number 45, things get tense between Kathy and Cindy.
    Thursday 19 October 2023 at 19:30

    Jay feels guilty after his latest actions.

    Ben warns Jay that he'll kick him out if he doesn't stop taking drugs. Jay promises to turn things around, but the situation goes from bad to worse when Nadine arrives at The Vic.

    Meanwhile, Ian learns that there is a rival party interested in the lease on the pawnbrokers. Later, Ian visits The Vic and tries to use his recent heart attack to win sympathy. Elaine calls him out on his hidden agenda, while George insists that the Beales aren't entitled to any money from the sale of the bar in Marbella.

    Elsewhere, Kathy and Rocky decide to continue staying with Sonia after Reiss seems sad over them moving out.

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