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Thread: Eastenders Spoilers 4th - 8th September

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    Eastenders Spoilers 4th - 8th September

    Stressed Stacey does all she can to protect her family

    Ian goes above and beyond to impress - will he succeed?

    Mild mannered Reiss is upset to be the talk of the town!
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Stacey Slater has no idea that everything is about to kick off big time, as she lets stalker Theo Hawthorne into the house!

    The sinister teacher has been gaslighting her for months, pretending to be her friend, while really he's developed a dangerous obsession with her.

    After Theo posed as an anonymous client on her Secret Cam account he lured her into doing personal live video chats for him in her underwear.

    Meanwhile, he wormed his way into Stacey's life, pretending to be a good Samaritan and offering to tutor her pregnant daughter Lily Slater as a favour.

    As Freddie Slater's ex-teacher, Stacey didn't think twice about his 'kind' offer. She even went out on a date with him but she soon realised she'd rather stay friends.

    Martin Fowler has always been suspicious that something isn't right with Theo. Alarm bells went off after he found out about Theo's 'free' offer to tutor his daughter Lily and he was sure he had some kind of ulterior motive.

    When Martin went to Theo's old school to find out exactly why he left his job, he struggled to get answers. A secretive comment from the receptionist about Theo being a real wrong 'un left him even more concerned.

    After breaking the news to Stacey, Martin was frustrated when Theo smoothly explained away any concerns and Stacey told Martin to stop meddling.

    But he's not been able to let it drop and he convinced Eve Unwin that Stacey and Lily could be in danger.

    Martin and Eve convince the school receptionist to meet up with them in the cafe. Away from school premises, she's willing to tell them the whole sordid story of what Theo got up to at school and they're HORRIFIED by what she has to say.

    Back in No. 31, Theo is celebrating his new job with Stacey. When Martin sends a desperate text to her, Theo clocks it before she reads it and when she's not looking he hides her phone.

    Knowing his time stalking Stacey on the sly is finally up, he tries to get in first with his own version of the story. Breaking the news to Stacey about what he's been up to, a deluded Theo is infuriated when Stacey refuses to see things from his point of view.

    A terrified Stacey manages to get Theo out of the house but just as she thinks any drama is over, all hell breaks loose as Lily goes into labour!

    It's clear the baby is waiting for no one and with the ambulance delayed, Stacey and her mum Jean Slater realise they'll have to help Lily deliver the baby.

    Heading to the kitchen, Stacey is stunned when she comes face-to-face with a simmering Theo, who makes it clear that she made a VERY wrong move by turfing him out of her life...

    Also, Freddie Slater is feeling bad about his hook up with Anna Knight, as he knows how much his bestie Bobby Beale is into her. After he confides in Alfie Moon, he has food for thought when Alfie encourages him to keep the indiscretion secret for Bobby's sake. But do Freddie's feelings for Anna run deeper than he's letting on?


    Ben Mitchell has had an emotional day with daughter Lexi Pearce, as she prepares for her first day of secondary school.

    It's one of the many milestones in the young girl's life that mum Lola Pearce won't be around to see. Lola tragically died from a brain tumour earlier in the year, leaving the family devastated.

    The day is a particularly significant one for both Lexi and Ben. When Lola was still alive, Ben was so desperate to stop the inevitable that he went on the hunt for a miracle treatment to prolong her life. His promise to Lexi that her mum would be there for her on her first day in big school, sadly wasn't to be.

    Trying to be strong for his daughter, grief starts to overwhelm him. He's been confronting his recent mental health struggles and eating disorder but he's still in a very delicate state.

    Making a quick exit from the flat, Ben heads to The Queen Vic to drown his sorrows. But his solace in the bottle is cut short when husband Callum Highway tells him he needs to come home and be there for an upset Lexi.

    Pulling himself together, Ben encourages Lexi to open up and eventually her smiles return and she gets excited about her first day at school.

    Worried that Ben isn't coping, Callum checks on his hubby and puts aside his doubts for now when Ben insists he's okay.

    Is Ben about to go on another downward spiral?

    Stacey Slater is still TRAPPED in the kitchen with a dangerously desperate Theo Hawthorne, who is refusing to accept her complete rejection of him!

    After Theo admitted to his stalker-ish ways when it was clear he was about to be outed by Martin Fowler, the deluded teacher was stunned when she chucked him out of the house.

    A very upset Theo managed to get back in and, terrified by Theo's dark mood, Stacey is desperate to get rid of him. Her teen daughter Lily is in labour and the baby is about to arrive!

    Lily's grandma Jean Slater is with Lily and she has no idea of the drama that's going on in the kitchen.

    Is Stacey in grave danger from Theo or will someone come to her rescue in time?

    Ian Beale is keen to get things sorted after his shock return to Albert Square. Even more shocking was the fact he was with the supposedly 'dead' Cindy Beale, who is also, it turns out, George Knight's missing wife Rose Knight!

    Her appearance has caused shockwaves in the Square, not least for her daughters Gina Knight and Anna Knight, who she abandoned when they were very young.

    After a run in with Gina that leaves a miserable Cindy feeling humiliated, Ian promises Cindy that the girls will come round.

    As per usual, Ian's solution is money, as he thinks that solves everything! He suggests setting up a new business that will convince Gina and Anna to thaw towards their long lost mum.

    Cindy settled, now Ian needs to convince his mum Kathy Cotton to forgive him for the secrets and lies he's been keeping.

    His attempts to make amends is not good enough for Kathy's new husband Rocky Cotton, who thinks Ian is spinning his dear old mum a line.

    Ian heads to the cafe with son Peter Beale to run through a few things and he has a brainwave, plotting to relaunch the Beale empire with some of businessman Nish Panesar's cash!

    Also, Jack Branning feels emotional when son Ricky Mitchell says he doesn't want his absent mum Sam Mitchell's surname anymore and he's going to change it to Branning.

    Following Sam's brief fling with Whitney Dean's fella Zack Hudson last year, Sam left Ricky with his dad yet again after accepting a 'temporary' job at a hotel in Spain, despite promising him she'll return.

    Could she be back soon or is she gone for good?


    Reiss Colwell and Sonia Fowler have been making plans for their future after agreeing to try for a baby with IVF.

    When Sonia thought she was pregnant, she was devastated by an angry Reiss' accusation that she must have cheated on him!

    The pregnancy test was negative and Reiss was forced to confess that he was infertile, which is why he thought Sonia had been hooking up with another man.

    After admitting that he'd always lied to people he didn't want kids to ward off embarrassing questions, an upset Sonia eventually accepted his apology.

    Realising that Sonia was genuinely happy when she thought she might be having his child, Reiss suggested that they try IVF.

    The couple were left disappointed when Sonia learned they'd be at the back of a very long waiting list, as she'd already had a child, Bex Fowler, when she was younger.

    Their dreams got back on track when Reiss revealed that he had enough money stashed in a savings account to pay for at least three rounds of IVF privately.

    But he was keeping a BIG secret from Sonia, not telling her that the money wasn't his to use... It belonged to his comatose wife Debbie Colwell.

    The big day arrives and Sonia and Reiss set off to the clinic for their first fertility appointment. Sonia is full of excitement as they talk through the procedure.

    But Reiss suddenly seems very shifty and awkward about the conversation...

    Will Sonia find out something that will leave her alarmed?

    Ian Beale realises that his time away from Albert Square has seen his own business empire dwindling. Not only did his mum Kathy Cotton sell off his restaurant Walford East, she almost offloaded the chippy!

    Since Ian left in 2021 after he was nearly bumped off by his then wife Sharon Watts, there's been a new king and queen of Walford. Nish Panesar and his wife Suki Panesar have got their hands on all the prime business in the area.

    Wanting to build a new life with Cindy Beale in Walford, Ian has come up with a plan that he thinks will really work. He gets suited and booted for a business lunch with the Panesar to encourage them to invest in his idea.

    When things quickly go south, Ian and Cindy are left disappointed, but Cindy's not about to give up just yet. She heads to No.41 to see if she can talk round Nish.

    Can she persuade him to invest?

    Peter Beale is determined to win over his half-sisters Anna Knight and Gina Knight.

    The girls have been completely at odds with Peter and their mum Cindy Beale, after the shock revelations following Cindy's reappearance in the Square.

    When they learn that he didn't even know they existed until a couple of weeks ago, they start to thaw towards him.

    Peter feels bad for trying to split up Anna from his brother Bobby Beale and he goes all out to try and get them together.

    Freddie Slater is forced to sit through Peter's attempts to get some romance going between Bobby and Anna and it is AWKWARD!

    Consumed with guilt for secretly sleeping with Anna after comforting her over the family dramas, he's desperate to keep it a secret from his best mate. Freddie knows how much his betrayal will hurt him.

    Unable to sit there any longer, he quickly makes his excuses to get away.

    Will Bobby find out the truth?


    Freddie Slater has been desperate to keep the truth of a HUGE betrayal from his best friend Bobby Beale.

    The chip shop partners in crime were both bowled over when Gina Knight and Anna Knight arrived in the Square and Freddie did his best to flirt with Gina.

    When it was clear that Gina wasn't interested, Freddie let it go, but Bobby had a massive crush on Anna. A shy Bobby found it difficult to make a move and Anna wasn't in the right head space for any romance.

    They soon developed a close bond and it seemed that Bobby may have a chance with her after all.

    When the truth came out about Anna's long lost mum Rose Knight, who was revealed to be Cindy Beale using an assumed name as part of a witness protection programme, it rocked her friendship with Bobby.

    She knew that he'd been to prison for accidentally killing his half-sister Lucy Beale, the daughter of Ian and Cindy, but the realisation that Lucy was Anna's half-sister too threw her head into a spin!

    Freddie comforted Anna over the shock and one thing led to another. Freddie has been consumed with guilt over what happened and he blurted out the truth to Alfie Moon.

    Meanwhile, Ian Beale has been desperate for an investor in his new food business idea and he ropes in Alfie to try and impress an as yet to be impressed Nish Panesar.

    After a heart-to-heart with his old pal, Ian confesses he's worried about Bobby's budding relationship with Anna. Admitting his own worries, Alfie reveals that Anna slept with Freddie.

    Alfie swears Ian to secrecy, but fat chance of that with Ian Beale! After a humiliating incident in The Queen Vic involving Cindy's former husband George Knight, who belittles him in front of the punters, Ian blurts out about what Anna's been up to.

    Bobby is stunned!

    Reiss Colwell has been eaten up by insecurities ever since his visit to the fertility clinic with Sonia Fowler.

    When he has a run-in with Karen Taylor in the launderette, he feels humiliated to find out that his lack of 'swimmers' appears to have become the talk of the Square!

    Reiss admitted to Sonia that he was infertile and claimed he's always found his condition difficult to talk about. Even suggesting going for IVF seemed to be a big step for him.

    Sonia feels terrible for Reiss and seeing his pain she comforts him, reassuring him that he'll be a wonderful father.

    But is she having second thoughts herself?
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. #3
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    Exclamation EastEnders Spoilers 4th - 7th September 2023

    Monday 04 September 2023 at 19:30

    Eve and Martin do some detective work and manage to confirm that Theo is Stacey's stalker. They try to warn Stacey, but Theo intercepts Martin's messages on her phone before hiding it altogether.

    Stacey's own fear starts to set in and she tries to find a way to get Theo to leave, just as Lily's waters break. When Jean arrives, she and Stacey help Lily to deliver the baby at home as the ambulance is delayed.

    Stacey rushes into the kitchen to get some towels, but she's shocked to see a furious Theo back inside her house when she thought he'd gone.

    Meanwhile, Cindy's attempts to make amends backfire when Gina humiliates her.

    Elsewhere, Freddie confides in Alfie about what happened between him and Anna. Alfie suggests that it's best to keep it secret for Bobby's sake.

    Also today, Ben and Lexi have an emotional day as they prepare for Lexi's first day of secondary school.

    Tuesday 05 September 2023 at 19:30

    Stacey is trapped in the kitchen with Theo.

    Oblivious to what's happening elsewhere in the house, Jean tries to support Lily through labour.

    Meanwhile, Ben wants to drown his sorrows at The Vic, but Callum asks him to come home to help comfort Lexi. Later, Ben insists that he's fine when Callum worries about him.

    Elsewhere, Ricky announces plans to change his surname to Branning.

    Also today, Ian promises to secure Cindy a new business to help impress Gina and Anna. He gets a plan and invites Nish for lunch, hoping to arrange a lucrative investment.

    Wednesday 06 September 2023 at 19:30

    Ian's hopes of securing a business deal with Suki and Nish are scuppered when their lunch doesn't go according to plan.

    Cindy takes matters into her own hands, urging Nish to reconsider his decision.

    Meanwhile, Peter tries to get on good terms with Gina and Anna, clarifying that he didn't know they existed until recently.

    Peter also tries to play peacemaker between Bobby and Anna, but Freddie feels awkward and keeps his distance as he continues to feel guilty for sleeping with Anna.

    Elsewhere, Reiss feels intimidated when he and Sonia head to their first fertility appointment.

    Thursday 07 September 2023 at 19:30

    Ian seizes his second chance to impress Nish by inviting him to the caf? for a taster menu.

    Ian asks for help from Alfie, but when Nish postpones his visit, the two friends end up having a heart-to-heart.

    Alfie tells Ian about Anna's one-night stand with Freddie, but urges him to keep it a secret. Ian causes chaos when he accidentally blurts out the truth at The Vic.

    Meanwhile, Reiss' fertility becomes a topic of conversation around the Square thanks to a run-in between him and Karen. Sonia comforts Reiss after the day's events.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    lizann (29-08-2023)

  5. #4
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    well if theo outed now doubt he is the Christmas death

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