It looks like there?s a new romance coming up for Vanessa (Michelle Hardwick) on Emmerdale, as a new woman comes into her life in the form of Suzy, who is played by newcomer Martelle Edinborough.

We first catch a glimpse of Suzy when Vanessa bumps into her while carrying a cake. The next week they met up again at the Woolpack and the conversation soon become flirtatious as an instant attraction develops.

Martelle Edinborough told us that there are immediate sparks between the pair. ?I think Susie is pleasantly surprised with Vanessa, she?s got something about her that Susie likes and she?s not quite sure what as yet. But there is definitely an attraction there. So there is potential for something romantic.?

Martelle says she loves her character. ?Susie is like a whirlwind of fun, she?s very confident and runs her own business,? she says. ?She?s confident and gregarious and fun to be around. She doesn?t take any nonsense at the same time and she likes to get what she wants. She?s a really fun character to play so I?m looking forward to all the different stuff that?s coming up for her.?