Tues 8th March
Chrissy keeps quiet about Jackie leaving for New Zealand.
Denise is upset when she finds out theres no evidence linking Graham to the rape.

Wed 9th March
Les warns Graham to stay away from his family
Chloe disappears, and is found at Jackie's house.
Denise has doubts about Graham being her rapist after the voice identification parade.

Thurs 10th March
Chrissy agrees to marry Gary on Easter Sunday.
Denise is stunned when Les suggests that Graham may be innocent.
Tanya is angry when Babs invites John round.

Fri 11th March
Graham is mortified when Denise publicly tells Mel that he raped her.
Babs is pleased that Tanya is seeing John again.

Mon 14th March
Gary and Chrissie warn Mel to stay away from Graham.
Denise is angry when she discovers Gary and Dave havent sacked Graham.
Graham tells Mel he will leave Charnham if everyone thinks he is guilty.
Tanya tells John they should avoid each other outside of work.

Tues 15th March
Adam and Yas return from their Honeymoon.
Denise tells Les that the clinic want her to collect her HIV results - the results are negative.
Gary sacks Graham and throws him out of the flat.
Yas tells Cat that she and Adam will try for children after her treatment.

Wed 16th March
Graham is agressive with Gary, which shocks Mel.
Melanie sees Russ and Drew kissing, leaving her gobsmacked.
Denise promises Graham to make his life hell.
Conrad accidentally shoots himself in the bum with a nail gun! Tanya is on hand to treat him at the hospital!

Thurs 17th March
Pete tries to get Davie to play with more masculine toys instead of dolls.
DS Tate tells Denise that Graham has made a complaint against her for harassment.
Denise finds a fleece in Graham’s car and announces that it’s proof that he raped her. Melanie admits the fleece is hers and Denise breaks down in front of a gathering crowd.

Fri 18th March
Melanie quits her job after Yas's lecture.
Les urges Denise to stop obsessing about Graham.
Graham tells Denise that he did rape her, and that theres nothing she can do to prove it.