Quote Originally Posted by EddyBee View Post
Spoiler from Darren@Eastieoaks ... early to middle of November.

Rebecca's shocked to see Kath on the shopping channel demonstrating a product. She calls Robert for an explanation. She asks him to hand back the shares and leave for good

Bex slaps Robert after finding out about his scheming and refuses him access to his son.

(Not sure which way round these happen.)

Aaron pleads with Rebecca to allow Robert to see his son as it is clear he has changed since becoming a father. (This last one is for late November).
so it sounds like aaron will be the 1 to give Robron another go yeah? so its sounds like its all moving along to a reunion at xmas but we must see Robron having a chat somtime about giving it another go yeah? so will we get DNA test? or we all going to take the word of a slapper whos sleeps with everybody and it could be anybodys baby lol come on ED+IM give us fans some credit and get a DNA test yeah or are determerd to get Robron baby like IM said last year would it good to give Robron baby ? i hope this wasnt it