Coronation Street has revealed a closer look at Aidan Connor's wedding day turmoil in these brand new pictures.

Aidan (Shayne Ward) takes centre stage in huge episodes all next week, as viewers find out whether he can defy the odds and get a happy ending with his fiancée Eva Price.

Monday night's double bill sees Aidan make a very surprising move by seeking out Eva (Catherine Tyldesley) before their wedding and confessing to his affair with her best friend Maria.

Eva – who's secretly known about Aidan's betrayal for months – then makes a shocking choice of her own by deciding to still go ahead with the wedding.

Maria also has her own major role to play in the day's drama when she storms into the ceremony and denounces it as a sham, having uncovered the truth about Eva's fake pregnancy.

Aidan Connor on his wedding day in Coronation Street

These new pictures show a troubled Aidan having another heart-to-heart with Eva at the wedding venue, as their future together continues to hang in the balance.

Will this emotional moment come after Maria has disrupted the big day? Does Aidan now know the truth about Eva's fake pregnancy? And will the wedding still go ahead?

Digital Spy