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    Cool Ryan Connor

    Coronation Street returnee Ryan Connor remains at the forefront of Weatherfield's biggest dramas in the coming days as he causes yet more anxiety for Michelle.

    As reported at the weekend, Ryan breaks into Underworld to steal cash this Sunday (September 2) - but his plan goes horribly wrong when Rob Donovan (Marc Baylis) arrives and goes on the attack - failing to realise who the burglar is.

    Following a trip to the hospital, Ryan vows to get back on the straight and narrow at last - but he soon manages to cause a stir once again by striking up an unlikely romance with Tracy Barlow!

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Sol Heras, who plays Ryan, to hear more about what's ahead for his troubled character in the next few weeks.

    Why does Ryan resort to the desperate measure of stealing from the factory?
    "I think it's because Ryan's at a bit of a loose end in life. Obviously he's got a problem with drugs at the moment, so he needs money to feed that habit whenever he can. For Ryan, I think drugs are a form of escapism - he just wants to get away from his mundane life.

    "Ryan hasn't got much money himself and everyone seems to be against him, so this is his last resort. He knows there's money at Underworld, he knows that he can get it - and he's willing to take it."

    Doesn't Ryan feel guilty about stealing from Michelle's place of work?
    "It's similar to when he faked the injury at the factory not so long ago - he thinks that it's all covered by insurance, so they'll be able to recoup the money as long as he's not caught. For that reason, he doesn't really feel too guilty, because he doesn't think it will directly affect the relationship he has with his family.

    "Ryan has no idea that Rob will catch him red-handed - that's not his intention! He assumes that he'll get away with it and he'll be fine."

    Did the scene where Rob hits Ryan over the head take much preparation to make sure you weren't hurt?
    "Well, they've obviously got all of the professionals to work their way around it, while making sure that it still looks as realistic as possible. There were pads for the head so that Marc could strike me, and they also had practice for Marc beforehand. So that was all taken care of very well!"

    At the hospital, Ryan threatens to report Rob for GBH! Is this a serious threat, or is he just bluffing?
    "I think that's just Ryan being an idiot, like he's been ever since he returned! Ryan has been caught in the act, but with the way his mindset is at the moment, the first thing he thinks of is to go on the offensive and pass the blame.

    "Ryan does say that he wants to talk to the police and threatens Rob with a GBH charge. This is just the way he is at the moment, but he doesn't really want to follow through with charges. He knows in his own mind that he is totally to blame, so trying to get Rob in trouble for it just wouldn't work!"

    Is Ryan becoming addicted to the drugs?
    "Ryan has gone away to university and picked up this little habit - he's used it as a social thing and it's helped his confidence. Now that he's been kicked out of university, he's carrying on with it as it's the lifestyle that he's used to. He's not necessarily an addict, he's just a naïve, stupid boy at the moment."

    Ryan seems ready to change his ways following the factory incident, but should we really believe him?
    "After everything that's happened with the break-in and getting caught, I think there's a part of Ryan that genuinely means it. But I think there's always a chance that he'll slip back into his old ways at some point! I don't think he's 100% apologetic for what he's done - he's just saying what people want to hear at the moment."

    Is that why Ryan gets a job at the kebab shop?
    "Yeah, it's a way for him to carry on making money, but also to keep Michelle and Steve both happy. So he's got a job, it's easy enough and he's got a bit of cash coming in now."

    How does Ryan feel when Tracy Barlow becomes his new co-worker?
    "Well, Tracy Barlow is the Weatherfield psycho! But I think he puts that aside and sees her as an older woman who's very attractive. She's also got a bit of a bad track record, so I think Ryan sees her as a bit of a comrade in his destruction of his home town!

    "The flirtatious aspect of their relationship encourages him to become friends with Tracy and see what happens. He's just out to see what he can get!"

    Who does the chasing as the relationship blossoms?
    "It's definitely Tracy who's going to be doing the chasing, and Ryan's a bit like a fish in a barrel - but he doesn't realise that! He's up for a good time, and that's what he sees it as - he doesn't see any ulterior motives for why she's doing it. He also knows that it's going to annoy his mum, and that's fun for him as well."

    Could Tracy be a bad influence on Ryan?
    "Well, she's not looking for anything solid - she just wants to annoy Michelle and Steve. I don't think she's looking to make Ryan worse than he is, but she does want to manipulate him to get what she wants."

    We've seen a few scenes recently where Michelle has been screaming at Ryan. Is it the same when she finds out about his new romance?
    "Michelle can see what Tracy is up to, and for that reason, she's got more of an issue now with Tracy and what she might be planning. So her main problem is with Tracy, rather than Ryan!"

    How have you found working with Kate Ford, who plays Tracy, on the storyline?
    "With every single day and every single scene we have, there's never a dull moment with Kate! She is an absolutely brilliant person, she's absolutely lovely and wouldn't hurt a fly. But she's also quite a kooky girl who keeps things fun, so that really helps to make sure there's a great atmosphere on set."

    What was your reaction when you found out that Ryan would date an older woman? Were you excited or slightly apprehensive?
    "I think you're always a bit apprehensive when it comes to new relationship scenes, but the most awkward time is always just when the rehearsal starts and you do the first kiss.

    "You wonder if it's going to be awkward, but literally the second after you finish the first rehearsal, it's fine and you can sit there and laugh about it."

    We've heard that you've been filming some scenes with the wider Barlow family - Anne Kirkbride and Bill Roache. How have you found working with such established cast members?
    "Yeah, there are some scenes coming up with me at the Barlow house. Just to be in the same room as Ken and Deirdre, who I've watched all of my life on the show, is incredible. It took me a couple of scenes to relax into it, but you have to calm yourself down and forget about that, so that you can get on with the scene."

    You've been on screen for a month and a half now. Are you getting recognised quite a bit when you're out and about, or is it still early days?
    "It depends where you go, really. If you go to certain places like into the city centre on a busy Friday night, all it takes is for one person to recognise you and then spread that they've seen someone from Corrie! That obviously encourages others to come and spot you as well, but I don't really go into city centres at night very often, so it hasn't been too bad."

    Obviously Ryan is a very troubled character, but are there any ways you can relate to him, or any similarities you both share?
    "I think every person can relate to Ryan in some small way. As you go through high school, college and university, those years develop the rest of your life and you change so much. I can look back at high school when I was maybe trying to find out who I was, and trying to seem confident and cool.

    "You look back and cringe now, but that's what everyone's like and that's how you develop through life. Ryan's obviously taken a bad route and got himself involved in drugs now. I think everyone goes through the stage of trying to become a certain person, but then realising that's not right for you and just being comfortable with yourself."

    Will Ryan and Sophie's friendship be explored more?
    "Yeah, definitely. There'll be more stuff coming up for those two, which is nice. That's been good to play so far, and we're just getting into that more at the moment."

    Are you hoping that Ryan keeps his bad boy ways for a while, or are you keen to show another side to him?
    "Well, I've been filming for about three months now, and it's a lot of fun to be the antagonistic character who causes trouble. But I think it's also nice to show diversity a little bit, and there will hopefully be some stuff coming up where you see that Ryan has got more of a heart.

    "For the time being, though, I'm more than happy to play whatever they give me - it's just an honour to be here!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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