Tuesday 9 February
8.00-9.00pm BBC ONE
www.bbc.co.uk/holbycity On the day of Scott's heart transplant, Penny accidentally reveals their secret relationship as the medical drama continues. Penny admits to seeing Scott but denies mishandling the case. Disappointed, Elliot holds Penny back a rotation – Penny must choose between Scott and her career.

Jac is determined to prove to Michael that she is everything she claims to be in her application for the consultant job. But when Oliver lets her down she loses her cool with Penny, blows her opportunity to showcase her teaching skills, and is humiliated when her dalliance with Oliver is revealed to Daisha.

A patient confuses Maria's relationship with new doctor George. The patient implies that George is cheating on Maria with several other women. Maria is angry and confronts George, but later realises that the patient is lying.