Pop relics Kajagoogoo have reformed for their first UK tour in 25 years – so let’s hope there is still someone around who remembers them.

The 80s group are probably best known for hits such as Too Shy and . . . er, that’s about it, actually.

In fact, their music probably made less of an impact at the time than lead singer Limahl’s multi-coloured mullet – arguably one of the top 10 hellish hairdos of all time. But apparently their fans have been clamouring for a reunion tour for some time.

And Limahl – plus original members Nick Beggs, Steve Askew, Jez Strode and Stuart Croxford Neale – could not bear to disappoint them any longer.

So they’re getting back together, a quarter of a century after a bitter split that saw Limahl fired.

But that’s all forgotten now and the 50-year-old singer – real name Christopher Hamill – said: “It’s good to be back. Back then, we didn’t have time to enjoy things. But now we’re older and a bit wiser, so we can enjoy it a lot more.”

Well, Limahl certainly looks wiser without his distressed poodle hairstyle. But it’s good to see bassist Nick has not abandoned the old ways – with his Heidi-style pigtails complementing the chain links he has scrawled on his arms in marker pen.

Nick said: “I get funny looks on the school run. And I think my kids find me a litle bit embarrassing.”

According to Kajagoogoo’s official website, the UK tour so far consists of two dates.

They play an arts centre in Birkenhead on May 23 and follow that up with a free concert in the market square at Aylesbury on August 23.

But Limahl is confident this is really the start of something big. He said: “We’ll go back in the studio and record some new stuff.”

I used to love them, especially Limahl