My son's school play is on mon and tues night next week,he hasnt a big part and has about 2 lines to read.His footie team have just announced that there last game of the season is on mon night so itl mean missing the play.We have asked him what he'd prefer to do and he has of course opted for footie as means the world to him and he has scored every game his season (hat trick today!)
I dont mind which he chose at all but the school seem to think he has got to be there and we have let them down at the last minute.Is it neccessary for him to be there? It is a after school thing after all so it isnt a requirement is it? They have basically said he cant go to football as he is in the play but what right have they got? He is my son! It is a after school activity ! They have just made me more determined to let him go footie.
What do you guys think?
Also surely they have got back ups in case a child is ill or something ?