Ric is angry when his ex-wife, Lola, joins Holby as the new
registrar. Connie is not amused, either, when Lola takes charge of
the ward.
Zubin fills Lola in on the Dominic Fryer incident and his
relationship with Jess. Lola tries to talk Ric into defending Zubin
at the board meeting, but he refuses to budge.
Meanwhile, Carlos is back and is called to treat a patient with
extensive burns.
Elsewhere, Zubin and Ric operate together and Ric is impressed by
Zubin’s professionalism. Zubin later meets with the board and gives
his evidence, and Ric bursts in at the last minute and gives a
glowing appraisal of Zubin’s character. Connie tells the board tod isregard Ric’s comments, but Michael overrules her. Zubin is told
the board have decided to keep him on. He is overjoyed, but
Connie is furious.When Jess finds out, she thanks Ric – but he tells
her that he has resigned and has decided to go to work in Ghana
with his brother.