Let me know what you all think about this!

"DENNIS!" Dennis stopped in his tracks. He was heading to the Bookies to pick up the days takings. He recognised the voice but couldn't believe that it was true, that she was back, that she was here, here in Walford. He turned slowly towards where the voice had come from and saw the most amazing sight, a sight he thought he would never see again. There standing in the middle of the square was Sharon, the love of his life.

After a moment or two of stillness Dennis ran towards her and swept Sharon up into his arms and swung her around.
"Oh Sharon, I can't believe you're here. I've missed you so much."
"Me to. I needed time to think and get my head together Dennis before i came back. I didn't even know if you would be here or not, I was just kind of hoping that you would be."
"Sharon my head is all over the place, I really thought I would never see you again. I went looking for you but couldn't find you anywhere."
"Dennis, can we go somewhere to talk? Alot of things have happened since we last saw each other."
"We both know whats happened Sharon, why waste time talking about the past? We should be focusing on the future."
"Because there's something I need to tell you...."