I'm very bored tonight..

Fifty Eight

Danny knocked on the door. Sharon answered it.
"Aren't you meant to be over with Jake?" She said with a frown.
"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to Chrissie. It's important." He answered.
"Oh. Ok, come in." She walked back inside. "How's Jake then?"
Danny followed.
"He's so nervous. I think he was having second thoughts.." He said.
Sharon screwed her face up.
"But-" She stopped.
Chrissie twirled.
"Well? Aren't you going to tell me how I look?" She giggled excitedly.
She was wearing a simple white silk dress with shoe-string straps.
"My god. You look amazing Chrissie. You really do." Sharon gasped.
"Danny. What do you want?" Chrissie asked.
"I need to talk to you. In private." He said, glancing at Sharon.
"Alright. I'm going." She sighed and left.
"Go on then." Chrissie said and continued to apply her make-up.
"Jake doesn't want to marry you." He blurted out.
"Well too bad for him we're getting married." She said sarcastically.
"I mean it. He told me he still hasn't forgiven you for Alfie."
"Why are you trying to mess things up for us? Jake loves me, I know that."
"Don't marry him. You've hurt him enough."
"You can't tell me what to do." She said, almost shouting.
"Good girls do as they're told." He said.
"Get out." She screamed.
"But bad girls.." He paused and laughed. "Bad girls are punished."
She faced him. He smiled and edged closer to her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. She looked down at the sharp blade clamped tightly in his hand and gasped.
"Don't do this Danny." She said weakly and almost in tears.
He walked behind her and tied her wrists together.
"I have a very funny feeling you're not going to get married." He whispered in her ear.

I told you it was something to do with Danny..