It's not much funny being a member of the Hope family these days, so we can hardly blame Jean for being mightily fed up.

The poor woman is trying desperately to give her grandson TJ a bit of stability as well as coping with the revenge fantasies of her ex-husband Bob, boyfriend Terry and son Jamie.

But as the bitterness between them and the Kings hots up again this week, Jean decides enough really is enough.

With money on the table from a guilty Tom, who wants to pay off the Hopes as compensation for Dawn's tragic death, Jean makes a decision that will shock everyone around her.

And as the men in her life continue to obsess about how to pay Tom back, Jean is planning for a whole new life away from the lot of them.

Can she get away without anyone twigging or is Terry going to get the chance to fight for his son?

One person who'll definitely be wanting to get away from it all soon is Grayson Sinclair.

It's been clear for some time that there's something seriously wrong between him and his gorgeous wife Perdy – and we're about to discover just what might be causing it.

You see the problem is that while Grayson deeply loves his wife, the rich lawyer is actually gay and has been seeking out lovers behind Perdy's back.

But if you think this news will come as some sort of a shock to Perdy or Grayson's mother Rosemary, then think again.

Both women are completely aware of his sexual preferences but while Perdy knows that he's devoted to her in every other way, Rosemary is just keen for him to continue the family line.

And when a horrible incident leaves Grayson is bad shape, his relationship with Perdy will be left in an even worse state than it is now.

Can the marriage survive in the face of such terrible hardship?

Mind you, Rosemary won't have time to be worrying too much about her son's marriage woes.

Instead she'll be busy planning her won nuptials. Rosemary and her fiancé Tom King have already shocked the village by their hasty engagement.

And since he isn't hanging about, Tom decides that a long engagement is pretty pointless too.

So to Rosemary's delight the brash businessman decides that Christmas Day would be the perfect date for them to tie the knot – and prove to their doubters that the union is for life.

Of course, this haste sets off the alarm bells in both their sets of children.

And with everything at stake in their business, the King boys will be damned if they'll let Rosemary sneak in and steal their inheritances from under their noses.

But with Tom hell bent on getting wed, will they actually have a choice?