Source: The Sun 01.11.06

CORRIE ladies’ man Jason Grimshaw gets a surprise Christmas Day gift — a BABY dumped on his doorstep.

He is gobsmacked when the three-month-old tot is abandoned at his home.

But there’s even more of a shock when it turns out to be his secret LOVECHILD from a one-night stand.

The mum admits she can’t cope by herself — and Jason (Ryan Thomas) is left holding the baby.

But this ruins his plans to get back together with girlfriend Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien).

They are on the verge of patching up their shattered relationship after Jason ran out on Sarah at their wedding.

A Corrie insider said: “Jason has no idea this is his baby. It comes as a shock. He is selfish and needs to grow up fast.”

Of course, Jason recruits his mum Eileen (Sue Cleaver) to help out with baby duties.

Sarah already has a daughter, Bethany, so will be a dab hand at changing nappies.

But the source added: “Sarah is immediately concerned that Jason cheated on her.

“It’s a big mess — and could easily make for a not-so-merry Christmas.”

CORRIE bosses have been bombarded with complaints after Monday’s controversial scenes in which Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward) tried to drown David Platt (Jack Shepherd) in the bath.
A Corrie spokeswoman said: “This behaviour was in keeping with Charlie’s character. We didn’t set out to offend.”