IN case you've been living in Rio, Grant and Phil Mitchell came back to EastEnders this week.

"'Ello Mum," Grant said originally, before throwing a man giving her bovver into a bush.

"Why didn't you tell me you was coming?" Peggy asked. She clearly doesn't read the papers or she'd have known weeks ago.

Obviously there was a wide open glaring plot hole - Phil is meant to be in prison - but this was quickly explained by Grant as "one of life's great mysteries".

Anyway, Soapville must confess that we did get goosebumps and feel properly excited when we first saw the Mitchell Brothers back on the Square.

After all, you associate them with the golden days of Enders, back when storylines made sense, were exciting - and before they sacked the entire continuity department. But after five seconds, it was obvious that EE bosses have spent hours watching Coronation Street and have worked out that it's properly funny. So they decided - sigh - to try and do comedy.

Hence the Mitchell Brothers - the two most unlikely laughter merchants - suddenly, totally uncharacteristically, beginning some supposedly hilarious bickering.

It was beyond cringeworthy.

We know Steve McFadden has been in panto for ages, but he didn't have to bring the acting style back to TV with him.

Then they resumed the same old rubbish they got so bored of doing that both actors quit the soap - shouting, arguing over Sharon, shouting at Sharon and talking about - yawn - family.

Oh deary me