Don’t know if these are true so do not have a go I got the all from Hollyoaks spoilers

Andrew Hayden Smith

Is set to Join Hollyoaks, after his presenting stint on CBBC Andrew is ready to go bak to acting. (He used to be in Byker Grove!)

Someone knows Andy’s Secret but who?

I read the previews for what is coming up in the new issue of the soap mags in two weeks time, and this was written in soaplife mag, Who Knows Andy's secret...and will he tell?

So guys who do think it might be?

I was reading a soap mag today it it said that a recently married couple are heading for a really rough time time but will the man in question leave his green fingers for the garden or use them for something else.

It was one of the cryptic blacked out pictures but i think it is becca and jake.
But would he hit her