Okay, I have been working on this for ages now but I dunno if it's any good.
Here are the first few parts. Let me know what you think.


Nobody Said It Was Easy
It had been months since Alfie had left the square, leaving not one but two broken hearts behind. Kat still refused to acknowledge Little Mo as her sister and the whole of the Slater family was in turmoil, Charlie siding with Little Mo and Big Mo backing up Kat.

The day he left was still so vivid in her mind that Kat found it hard to sleep at night, she would see his face directly in front of her but reaching out desperately for her husband, he would disappear. She knew it was time to face the truth, that they would never be together again and deep down she didn’t want to be Mrs Moon anymore. He had made his decision before he left, and he wanted Little Mo.

Every time she saw her sister Kat could feel her stomach twist violently, to think that she had taken away the only man she had ever truly loved. If she thought about it long enough she could still picture them, standing together, holding hands and giggling, just like he used to with her before their marriage crashed and burned.

Neither of them knew where Alfie was, he hadn’t let anyone know, not even his Nana. He just wanted to go and never come back; he had made such a mess of his life in Walford that all he could do was try and forget any of it ever happened. To wipe his memory of Kat, how he crashed her wedding, the times they sat together in bed and giggled over some stupid argument they had had the day before, how he would bring her breakfast in bed and she would sit there in his kimono and feed him toast, their wedding day when he had promised to love her til death…he had to forget it all, but that was easier said than done.

As for forgetting Little Mo, that was easier, there hadn’t been many memories with her, they hadn’t got married or even shared moments in bed just chatting. He had left his wedding ring back in Walford with Nana, it was better that he didn’t have any reminders, when he left he had taken nothing with him, not even a photo of him and his brother, there were too many bad memories. He had left Walford, and Walford had left him.

Kat had desperately wanted to move out of the Slater house but Big Mo wouldn’t let her, and Little Mo wasn’t allowed to leave either. They were hardly ever in the house at the same time, Kat would stay out most nights and stagger back in the early hours of the morning and Little Mo would leave before Kat was up. After everything they had been through together it was odd to think that they never wanted to speak again.

Big Mo would watch the comings and goings in the house; she couldn’t believe that one man had ruined a whole family, a family unit that they had worked so hard to preserve over the years. Big Mo sat there, sipping her drink, wondering what she could to make it all better, but the truth was there was no way of making this better. She had been trying ever since Alfie had left and nothing had worked, she knew that Kat would never ever forgive her sister for what she had done, there was no hope.

The Slater family had fallen, Zoe and Lynne had gone, now Little Mo and Kat were at war, shaking her head Big Mo wiped away her tears ‘Viv…I wish you were here…’ she knew that the girls would listen to their mother, but she wasn’t there anymore, there was no one that could help sort out their mangled wreck.