Radio times: Sunday
‘Tonight we get a better look at the junior doctors who arrived last night in the first half of this two-parter. Eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed that shy, retiring Yuki seems to have a prime place in the opening titles, which is good, because it looks as if behind those big specs, his still waters might run deep. Loud-mouthed Lenny also looks promising. But it’s Heather who has the kind of first day at work for which the phrase “baptism of fire” was coined. Adam took her with him to rescue the girl trapped in the shopping centre, but that little jaunt went very wrong and now Adam has to turn on the heroics to try and save them both. It’s hard to say which must be more traumatic for Heather: being caught in a life-or-death situation or having Adam call her “kitten” every five minutes. Meanwhile, the wicked business man who caused all the trouble in the first place gets a few nasty surprises, Jeff’s sexism rises to new levels, and Jay gets all serious for a change: it doesn’t suit him.’