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Thread: Gravity-Shannis Script

  1. #1
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    Gravity-Shannis Script

    Hi, this is a shannis script that starts just after Den's death. Please reply, good or bad comments! (Though hopefully good!)
    As Sharon sat in the back of the classic black taxi thoughts built up in her already confused mind. They began to hit her like a rough river, a new wave knocking her down just when she thought she was safe from the last. There was no one to hold her, to keep her upright like before. No Dennis.
    How could how father lie to her like that? She had always known that he was manipulative and good at talking people around to his way, yet he had always promised that he would do what was best for her. As a child he and her mother had took her on as their own, protecting her form the world and its dangers. He had been her knight in shinning armour, her rescuer, and she was his 'Little Princess', the one thing that mattered to him more than anything.
    Yet, he had lied to her and deceived her. Thanks to him she had lost the most important thing to her in the world, more important tan everything else put together. He was her rock in that wild river, stopping her from falling, lifting her out of it in to another world. When they were together it was like nothing else mattered. The only thing that was important to them was the other.
    Now, she didn't know where Dennis was, and he thought that she believed Zoë was pregnant. A single tear began to run down her face, all the pain and anger that she had been trying to disguise and pretend wasn't in her, began to come out, showing that it would never disappear.
    "Sorry for buttin' in mam, but are you all right, your face is like a sheet." The taxi driver had turned around and was looking at Sharon in a concerned matter, though it took a few moments for Sharon to realise that he was talking to her.
    "Yeah, just a bit tired." Sharon replied, putting on a brave voice, hoping her face would match. "Could you take me to the airport as soon as possible please."
    Sharon leant back as far as the seat would allow, hitting her head on the hard head rest as she did. She needed to let Dennis know that she loved him still, and that she knew he hadn't got Zoë pregnant. Slowly, she reached into the pocket of her long black coat and rummaged around for her mobile. She eventually found and pulled it out and turned it on. Trembling, she began to type in the number on the keypad that she could dial in her sleep. She was on the last digit when the phone began to ring. A number that she faintly recognised flashed up on the screen. She was tempted to leave it, but something inside told her to answer it. She pressed yes with one of her long, manicured fingers and held it up to her ear.
    "Hello" She said, in a slightly annoyed tone, since this call was interrupting her talking to Dennis.
    "Is that Miss Watts?" A female voice asked.
    "Yes, it is. You don't mind me asking who this is. I don't seem to remember who you are.
    "This is Walford General hospital. Your brother, Mr Dennis Rickman has been involved in a accident. Could you come to the hospital please?"

    To be continued.
    Next part: What has happened to Dennis? Will he survive? Will Sharon be able to see him?
    This will start to get better. (Hopefully!)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In my brand new house
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    this script is great! poor sharon, i hope dennis is alright. more soon please

  3. #3
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    Thanks, I will post part 2 soon!

  4. #4
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    Gravity - Part two

    Sharon turned the phone off, after telling the nurse that she would be on the way. Her mind felt overloaded before the terrible news that she had just recieved, but know she felt like all the thoughts were going break through her skull, hitting her head, making it unbearable to keep her eyes open.
    Afer all that they had been through to be together, afetr all this fighting, lies and tears she thought that they could finally be together. Yet, for ever step that she took foward it seemed that some force was pushing her back wards a million more.
    What had happened to Dennis? Was he alright? What a stupid question, she thought. Of course he wasn't alright. He was proabably lying on some operation table, being cut up, dying. Going to leave her lie everything and everyone else that she had ever loved. And he was the most important person to her ever.
    And the worst bit of all was that she wasn't there with him. To tell him that everything was going to be alright. To hold his hand in the ambulance and to talk to him to keep him awake. What if he didn't know how much she loved him, and how she had loved him frorm the moment that she had set her eyes on him. She might of not known it was love, she might of denied it, but it was always there between them. She need to tell him this, she needed to let him know.
    Sharon let foward and spoke in a loud squak, her voice going higher than normal form the way she was shaking. "Can you go to the hospital please, as quick as possible, faster infact."
    " OK, i'll step on it." Replied the driver, sensing that something was wrong by the way the woman was speaking and how she looked.
    The journey seemed to take a life time, even though it was probably only a few minutes. Memories of what had been shot pass Sharon. Christamas, the Valentines ball, the holiday. Why had she ever left him? How could she of let him go?
    They arrived at the hospital and Sharon quickly payed te driver, grabbed her bag and sprinted to the hospital. She arrived breathless at the hospital, her hair stuck to her face. She went to the desk and asked where Dnnnis was, and what had happened.
    A nurse came over and took her to one of those waiting rooms, that you see in hposital programs.'Cheerful' colours painted on the walls, a few worn sofas scattered across the large room.
    The nurse was a tall woman in her late twenties, perhaps early thirties. She had a pale, yet rosy complextion and light, ocean blue eyes that pieced into you, not in a horrible way, but grabbed you attention. Not sSharons tjhough, she was trying to keep her nerves under control, but she didn't know how long she would be able to keep it up. All the emotion inside her felt like it was going to burst out of her at any second. The nurse looked her, and spoke in a gentle, quiet comforting tone; "Im afraid Dennis has been in a road accident. He has lost a lot of blood and he's currently in the opperating room."
    "Will he be ok?" Sharon asked frantically, pushing all the tendrils of hair that had slipped from behind her ears while she had been running to get in the hospital back, yet they just fell back agian uslessly. The nurse looked up at her, her eyes looking wide like she was trying to hide something, hide the horrible truth, yet Sharon could see past it.
    "I don't know, i'm sorry, we can only hope for the best." The nurse said sympathetically, putting her long hands behind her back
    She smiled, as if to comfort Sharon, yet it was wasted, her face said all Sharon needed to know. His chances of living were vitually nil.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    In my brand new house
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    NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! dennis cant die! glad you posted more of your script, its great! hope theres more soon

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I'm posting a new script today, I don't like this one very much. Thanks for replying though, it means alot!

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